You May Hold Me but I Am Not Your Slave

You May Hold Me, But I Am Not Your Slave

“Good morning sleepyhead!” Olivia cooed when I opened my eyes lazily.

I grumbled and sat up stiff from the back seat, “What time is it?”

“Hon? What time is it?” Olivia asked to whom ever was driving. Nathan and Olivia must have switched places while I was asleep.

“8:15 am, darling.” He answered.

Darling? Hon? Are they together? My eyes danced between the two a little confused, “Are you two…you know? Are slaves aloud to be together?”

Olivia looked down and blushed, “We are, but we’re not supposed to be.”

“Oh.” I turned in my seat and looked out the window, not knowing where the hell we were. We continued driving for the next couple of hours. I kept quiet the whole time, listening to Olivia and Nathans conversations again. Now that I have been with them for a little bit I wasn’t afraid of them. They were actually quit the adorable couple. Perfect for each other. I laughed when they argued about which way to go and who they should take me to when we get to were ever it is where going.

“Um, by the way…you won’t have a lot of choices when we get to the Palace.” Nathan pointed out suddenly.

“Palace? You have got to be kidding me! That is the most overused places for a kidnapping in stories. Anymore stupid obvious surprises? Hm? Are their arranged marriages? Love triangles? Vampires?” I spit out while overdramatically acting out.

“Haha!” Olivia chimed, “The only true thing about that is the very last part!”

“What?” my body went numb, “V-vampires?”

“Yep, Saul is a vampire, and so is anyone else who isn’t a slave or cook. Sorry to burst your sarcastic bubble, but Saul would have done it for me and hurt you at the same time. Ali, you have to watch your attitude around him; I’ve seen him kill girls who disrespected him. We don’t want to see another one go.” Nathan said glumly.

I grabbed my throat, “He’s going to kill me!?!” I screeched.

“Not if you’re on your best behavior. Which guessing from your attitude already it will be hard to do.” He said. I smiled to myself.

“I’m proud of my venom. By the way, where are we?”

“In Canada. About a half hour away from the Palace.” Olivia tucked a lock of hair behind my hair motherly. I inhaled deeply and slumped in my seat, I do not want to be used.

We pulled up to a huge house in the middle of the forest. It was actually a nice Palace. It was absolutely gigantic, but very old. Nathan drove right up to the front doors and stopped at the porch. When Olivia scooted out I felt like dying. I didn’t care which way I went, I just wanted to go. I got out knowing I would never be able to go back now and grabbed Olivia’s arm for balance.

“You ready?” she asked quietly.


“Good, that is what we like to hear.” Nathan said walking up to my side. Olivia started walking me to the grand doors and swung them open. I air sucked in, but it wasn’t gross looking like it is on the outside. The inside looked like a cabin…..a really really really expensive cabin. I didn’t walk in, because I saw more slaves stop in their tracks and stare at me. I gulped and was dragged in. The doors closed with a loud bang and the room fell dark, besides the roaring fire on one side of the room.

“Who gave you instructions to stop!?!” I powerful voice boomed from the staircase ahead. My eyes danced to the man leaning on one of the pillars and the bottom of the staircase. The slaves went back to working right away and he stepped over to me. This must be Saul.

“We would’ve been here sooner, but she was a hassle.” Nathan said bowing in his presence. Olivia followed his move as she jingled down to the floor. Saul never smiled or relaxed his face. It was so strong and serious. He was so much better looking than Nathan though, which would be hard to beat.

“Come Aaliyah, we must get you comfortable.” He held out an arm for me to hold, but I rejected it. He sighed, “Please don’t start.” He grabbed my hand and ushered me out of the front room and up the stairs. His grip grew tighter when I tried to slip my hand out of his. All I knew about him is that he is a monster.

A young girl, around 16, in a blue dress exactly like Olivia’s came bustling up to Saul, “Sir, we are out of calming herbs.”

“Well, do something about it.” Saul responded. He is a jerk! I stopped walking with him and just stared at him, “Is there a problem Aaliyah?” he said coldly.

“You are rude.” I flatly stated while walking ahead of him.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me.” I turned around while walking backwards, “You are rude, did that one come out clearer?”

He stopped and stood straight, “Come here.” He said in a low voice. I continued walking backwards smiling for my braveness. Never show defeat. I sighed when he started walking to me in a fast pace, filled with anger. I turned around and walked forward, but slowly. I know damn well that I’ll never out run him. He caught up and yanked me to face him, “Listen to me,” he started darkly, “You belong to me. You will serve me.” He gathered a bunch of my hair and started walking, dragging me as I tried to stand up straight. My hands flew up to my head in pain, “You will obey me and honor me. You will clean and have a little fun with the men of this Palace.” He stopped down a long dark hallway and in front of a wooden door, “This is your chamber. Make yourself comfortable…and useful.” He swung open the doors and pushed me in, “Your wrap or skirt and shirt is in the closet, put it on and report back to Olivia.”

“Why are their three beds in here?” I asked pointing to the beds while rubbing the tender spot on my head.

“You share a room, is that a problem?”

“Uh no-.”


“I just wanted to know who will be bunking with me.”

“Olivia and Beth.”

“Oh.” I said as he slammed the door. I stood awkwardly in the middle of my new room. It was small and cold, but comfy, which is strange to say. The beds were all twins and looked hard, but I was expecting anything special. I’m a slave, so I will be treated like one. I went to the closet and took out the only two things I needed. I sighed and started to strip to my underwear and bra. I laid the new clothes on the floor and started tearing up. I don’t want to be a slave. I sat on my bed and just stared at the damned to hell clothing. I wiped a tear away and looked up to the sky. I prayed silently in my head. I never believed in God before, so I guess now is a good time for something to lean on.

“Get up.” The door swung open crashing against the wall. Saul walked in and I followed his directions. I stood folding my hands by my belly button. He gazed over at me and closed the door quietly. We stood away from each other until he closed the space. He picked up the clothes off the floor and pushed me on my back onto the bed.

“No!” I screamed. I am not letting this man rape me today.

“Stay still!” he hollered. He grabbed my ankle and slipped something cold onto it. After it was securely on his hands to a journey along my shaped legs. My skin crawled and I wanted to gag. He took my hands gently and pulled me back up. I stood still, not daring to do anything bold. He put my shirt on and undid my bra while I was covered. Odd, you would have thought he would have liked to see my breasts. There were already cups in the shirt so I didn’t need a bra. He left my underwear on, thank god and slipped on the skirt. I flipped my hair out of my shirt as he backed away from me. He looked me over and finally, after several minutes, looked at my face. “You have a very nice body.”

“Choke on something will you?”

He chuckled and ruffled my hair, “Oh, you are an interesting one. Keep it up and you’ll never see daylight again.”

“Don’t touch me!”

“I will do as I please.”

“Not with me you creep!”



“Is that not the name you go by?”

“You will never call me that!”

“Behave my girl.”

“I am not your girl! I am not your sex toy! And I am not your slave!!!” I screamed on the top of my lungs.

His nostrils flared while his hand raised and came back down against my face. The slap was so intense that I fell to the floor and blood trickled out of my mouth. He bent down next to me and whispered, “Child.”