You May Hold Me but I Am Not Your Slave

You May Hold Me But I Am Not Your Slave

“You really enjoy swimming in your own blood, don’t you?” Daniel stood up from his “throne” and crossed his arms smirking.

I stepped off the staircase and watched his demons warily, “I came to make a deal.”

“Oh?” he whistled and his minions stopped coming near me.

“Yes, my life for Beth’s.” my voice didn’t tremble. I made my way across the cobblestoned floor to him. Beth was standing at his hip, forced by his hand from running to me.

He rubbed his chin, “That sounds appetizing.”

“Then take it.”

“Mmm, what good are you to me?”

I pulled my hair back and tied a rubber band from my wrist around it, “Better than Beth will ever be.”

“You speak so coldly of this young child, why?”

“I speak of the truth, you’d have to wait years for the correct satisfaction from her,” I closed the space between us and draped my arms over his shoulders, lacing my fingers, “You can have me tonight rather than in 14 years.”

I listened to my surroundings while watching him lick his lips, “Again, sounds appetizing, but I’m not stupid. Saul! You really are a joke! Who are you trying to kid? Hm! Just come out from your childish hiding place and fight me rather than sending your girl out here!”

I dropped my arms to around his waist, “He isn’t here.” I cooed. Inside I was gagging, but where the fuck is Saul? Hello! I’m distracting him now!

“Haha, funny. I know what you two are up to. There is no way you could have gotten into this realm without Saul.”

“No, Ashley sent me here.”

“Aw, did you and Saul have a big fight?” he asked sarcastically shoving me to the side and walking away.

“Actually we did!” I bent down to Beth and whispered into her ear, “Go upstairs, Saul is waiting for you.”

“And what happened? He cheated on you with Kirra? Or perhaps he still calls her Death?”

I raced after him and took hold of his hand lazily, “Nope, we just have,” my hand tickled his neck giving him goose bumps as it slid down from there to his chest, “Different political opinions.”

“You really would sell yourself to me for that child’s life?”


“Why can’t I have you both?”

“That isn’t an option and that isn’t the deal.”

“Well then, you got yourself a deal, my pretty bird.”

I stuck out my hand to shake on it, but he had a slightly different way of handling things. His lips pressed down on mine hard. My first and most human reaction was to slap and pull away, but this needed to be realistic. I followed his lead but kept my eyes open looking for Saul. He was at the top of the staircase looking down on my act. His face was full of hatred and sorrow, and I wanted to rip away from Daniel and up to Saul; just so I can feel safe and dry off the bloody water from my body. Saul’s eyes caught onto mine, but I darted them away silently telling him to get away until the time is right for me to leave.

“You have the sweetest kiss.” Daniel mumbled breaking away.

“You don’t say?” I snapped back my arm and thrust it forward making it crash hard against his face in a deafening punch.

He fell against the floor holding his face.

“How about my punch you bastard!” I kicked his side. “Was that as sweet as my kiss?”

“You bitch!” he hollered trying to stand up.

I grabbed onto his shoulders and pushed him down while kneeing his face, “And what about that, Daniel? How did that feel against your lips!?!”

I stood back watching him stand up straight, and waited for his attack. But he didn’t nothing but smile and snicker. He made a sweeping motion in my direction and bowed backing up, “Kirra.” My head turned to see what was standing behind me, and a drop dead beautiful girl with short, curly, auburn hair stood before me. This can’t be Death. No, I remember Death being slimy and black…no mass.

“Aaliyah.” Her voice echoed in the air like shrills of laughter, “It isn’t nice to toy with the supernatural. If you are supposed to die, then you will die.” She flung herself at me with razor sharp claws and a huge black hole as a mouth. I screamed and ducked, although I knew that wasn’t going to help at all. I’m going to die. Her hands snatched me up and carried me through the air, but she dropped me screaming in pain. “You! You are blessed!”

I crawled back a few feet towards the staircase, why isn’t Saul down here? I’m done being the bait dammit! His voice stopped any demonic chants and chirps that were filling the silence, “She’s blessed. You can’t touch her.” I looked up beside me and there he was. Tense and ready to kill.

“What do you mean!?!” Kirra demanded.

“Exactly that.”

“She can’t be blessed, a Fallen cannot be blessed! You have broken the rules Saul!” Daniel lunged at Saul, and I couldn’t believe Saul’s reaction…nothing. He stood perfectly still, and when Daniel’s body hit Saul’s it fell to the ground as if it hit a wall.

“And you thought I was weak.” Saul growled lifting Daniel into the air and slamming him down against his knee. Loud crunching and a snap added to the screeching alarms from the demons around us. Daniel didn’t move, he couldn’t move…he’s paralyzed, Saul twisted his back in such a way. “And you Kirra! I’m so fucking sick and tired of you! Aaliyah is blessed, she’s my girl, and I’m not going to let you have her.”

“You went against Nature.” She swiftly flew up to his face, “You went against me.”

“I had no choice, I wasn’t going to let you take her away from me. And you are a hypocritical bitch!” he slapped Kirra, but she retreated and slammed him against a wall. “You partnered up with Daniel, when he was going against nature too!”

“That doesn’t matter!”

“Yes it does!” Saul kicked her stomach and fell from her push. He stumbled over to me and half picked me up and half dragged me up the stairs. I caught up with him and ran up to a screaming Beth. “Take her and hide.” He pushed me away and turned back closing the doors to the cobblestone floored room.

It was silent.


Demons lurked within the shadows.

But I ran.

Beth was cradled in my arms, and tears streamed down both our faces. Saul. Kirra. Blessed? What the hell does that mean? Why couldn’t Kirra touch me? This makes no sense at all. A black shadow leaped out at me and my scream followed its movement.

“In here.” The male mumbled. He pulled me in and closed the door tightly.

“Get me out of here.” I pleaded.

“I can’t without Saul, he needs to be with you. You can’t leave here without him, that would kill him.”

The male walked into the candlelight, “Who are you?” I asked looking over his round face and grey hair. He was still young…maybe mid-twenties, but why did he have grey hair?

“You should already know me, by the way…I don’t appreciate being left in the car while you and Saul entered this realm.”

It finally dawned on me, “Botis? You’re human?”

“I’m Botis, nice to meet you too. And no, I’m not human. I’m a Creature of The Night, a.k.a. I can take any form of a mythical creature.”

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but a kitten isn’t mythical.”

He sat down on a couch, and so did I. Beth never let go of my neck, but that was fine…I didn’t want her to let go. “I was cursed by the rulers of Shayelinday; I was a rebel when I was younger. That’s how Saul and I know each other. We are practically brothers. When Saul and Daniel became enemies, I was the one fighting on Saul’s side.”


“So, you are Blessed, eh?” he asked.

“I guess that’s what Saul said. Will he be okay?”

“I hope so; this is his war…its best we don’t interfere.”

“So what does Blessed mean?”

He bit his lip and ran a hand through his hair, “You’re an Angel. You can never die, ad you are under the protection of Saul, still. That necklace Saul gave you,” he pointed to my neck. I never did take it off, “That was Saul’s way of purifying you. As long as you wear that you can never be harmed, because all of his power is in that Ruby.”

My jaw dropped. So, first I was The Fallen and now I’m an Angel. First, I was wanted and now I am all things good. This is seriously giving me a head ache. “So, Saul could have let me go?”


“But he didn’t.”



“I have no idea.”

Why would he keep me in the shadows of what I am and always making me feel sick with this pressure of always thinking I could die at any moment! Is he really that deranged? The screams coming from down the halls are here to prove my point. I was a prop.
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