You May Hold Me but I Am Not Your Slave

You May Hold Me, But I Am Not Your Slave

My legs are numb. My butt is sore. My fingertips look like raisons. Yes, these are the affects of mopping the ballroom floor for 4 hours straight. Saul put me straight to work after I was dressed and thankfully this is all I have to do today. Tomorrow is when blood will seep out of my skin from all the hard labor.

“You can stop now.” a voice came from behind me. I turned around and saw Olivia.

“Olivia!” I screeched and jumped up running to her. I slammed into her and hugged the air out of her.

“Calm down, Saul wanted to know if you would like to come with him to pick up somebody.”

“Huh? Why would he want me to do that?”

“I don’t know. But I would go, just because you’re getting out of work.”

I shuffled me feet and thought about it, “No.” I turned and started walking back to my bucket and rag, “I don’t want to go anywhere with him.”

“If you say so, but I’m promising you don’t have a choice.” She left the ballroom for a few minutes. I waited for her return but she never came, so I got back to work. About 10 minutes past when I heard a throat clear. I stopped and got up, knowing exactly who it was.

“You will bow to me.” I face Saul now.

“No I won’t.”

He chuckled, “Yes, you will, Aaliyah.”

“Why should I? You don’t deserve any respect from me after what you did earlier.”

“That is what I do. Now come with me.”


“So you’re saying you’d rather stay in this hellhole of a place with slaves screaming from behind doors?”

“Well no, bu-.”

He held up a finger pausing me, “So you don’t want to go outside and see the world for one last time before you’re locked away.”

“That’s not what I sa-.”

“Oh my girl, wouldn’t you want to see me pick up another slave without me hurting her?”

“If it’s a slave pick-up then I’m really not going.”

“It isn’t a choice now my girl. You are coming with me whether you like it or not.”

I huffed and sat down folding my arms, “I’m am not going.”

“Okay so you don’t want to help a little girl from getting hit by me. I get it, you have an even colder heart than I do. Oh well, you can mend her when I bring her back black and blue.”

My face turned serious and stern as I got up slowly, “You wouldn’t hit a child.” I whispered harshly.

He leaned from where he was standing and also whispered, “Watch me.” He turned around quick and hastily walked away. My instincts took over my senses and I ran after him, only hearing the bells on my foot.

“No!” I pushed him, “You never hit a child! How dare you!”

He turned to face me, “So you’re coming.” It wasn’t a question, more of a fact I would say.

He bent down and grabbed onto me, lifting me up and slinging me over his shoulder, “Put me down!”

“My girl, you really need to shut that mouth of yours before you get hurt.”

We were just now reaching the end of the forest. I saw a small town off in the distance; well I saw a lot of things. Just because Saul’s eyes found my face every 5 seconds doesn’t mean I have to look at his perfectly structured face. If he were ugly I would spit on him now, but if I did anyways I would be lying. Besides, I was pretty pissed off at him right now. Yes, I am still angry about the slave thing, but when he threw me, yes threw me, into the car he purposely knocked my head onto the car door frame. That was just mean, whatever he knows will hurt me he will do it, even if it is the smallest thing. A couple more hours went by and we were now in a town. We’ve been driving for six hours and I really needed to walk around. I was beginning to grow tired, so I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 10:56 pm. I’ve had a long two days…full of shitty stuff. But id didn’t dare close my eyes; I have no clue what he would do to me. We pulled down and street full of really shabby apartments…also known as the ghetto. I stared out my window fascinated with how much culture really lives in the streets. I hate it when people who don’t live here think that no talent or anything good comes from it. Pride and glory come from this part of town, even if their parents haven’t leaded the best life for their kids. Saul sided a curb and unbuckled his seat belt really fast and got out. He rounded the front of the car and came to my door. He opened it for me, wow…so he can be nice. I got out slowly and looked at the house. The windows were dancing behind a flashing blue light, someone must be watching the tube.

“Are we here?”

“Yeah.” He breathed. He looked at me and then bounded up the concrete steps. He didn’t even knock; he just walked right in as if he owned the place.

“Saul! What the hell!” I whispered following him.

“Ha-ha, what?”

I rolled my eyes and looked around. This place was a complete disaster. Newspaper was scattered everywhere, chairs were knocked over, fuzz from the couch was poking out, glasses were half full and little razors and a needle was lying on the floor next to a couple beer bottles. “Um, why are we here.”

“What time is it?”

“I don’t know, you’re the one who has the watch.”

He walked a little ahead of me slowly, “It doesn’t work.” He mumbled.

“Then why wear it?” I said more to myself. He didn’t answer, just walked around. I heard light footsteps come down the stairs to my left. A woman in her late twenties emerged from the shadow staircase and sat lazily on the floor. I gasped and started to walk to the door. Why didn’t she scream at us? We are intruders.

“She can’t see us Aaliyah,” Saul pointed out. I looked back at him; he was sitting in the armchair right next to the woman. He stared down at her, waiting, for what? “No one can.” Saul looked up at me sadly.


“C’mon Aaliyah. I have to be with Beth when she wakes up.” He got up and started for the stairs, “It’s almost time.”

“Almost time for what?” I questioned as I bounded up the stairs after him. He never looked back or said anything. He just turned down a hallway and disappeared into a bedroom. I followed him in but couldn’t see a thing; I had to let my eyes adjust. When they did I saw a bed and something small laying in it. Saul was crouched down beside it with his hand on its face, gently rubbing its cheek with his thumb. I came closer to him wanting to make out what he was touching. A small girl lied in the bed. She had short black curly hair and a very sharp angelic face. She reminded me of a porcelain doll.

“This is Beth.” Saul said quietly, “The woman downstairs is her mother.”

“Your not taking Beth away from her mom.”

“No, I’m not the one taking her away. Her mom’s drugs are already doing that. It should be any second now…”

“Any second what?”

“Just wait, when Beth wakes up she will be able to see us.”

“What are you talking abo-.” A gunshot interrupted my sentence. My body froze, knowing exactly what her mother did.

“Hello Beth.” I heard Saul welcome.

“Are you here to help mama?” she asked so quietly that I could barely make out what she was saying.

“No Beth, I’m here to help you. My name is Saul. Can you say my name?”

“Saul.” Beth whispered.

“Very good,” he said getting up. He walked towards me and held my hand, tugging me closer to the bed, “And this is Ali. We are here to take you to a better place, okay?”

“Mhmm.” Beth nodded and wrapped her small arms around Saul’s broad shoulders and let him carry her down the stairs. I followed and watched her fall back to sleep in his arms. How can he lie to her? A better place? Bullshit! We came into the front room again and I saw a swarm of people from the streets. They must’ve heard the shot.

“Can they see Beth?”

“No.” Saul replied. We walked outside and to the car without anyone noticing us, “Take her in the back with you.”

“Okay.” He slid her off of him and into my arms. He opened the door for me and closed it when I was securely in.

2 hours went by fast. No one spoke in the car, only the hum of the engine broke the silence. I had so many questions. Why was Saul so nice? And why couldn’t they see us? I was growing fond of Beth. She was such and innocent child, pretty much being taken to Hell now. I promised myself earlier that I will be Beth’s mother now. She needs someone in her life, now that her mother killed herself.

“How long has she been asleep?” Saul asked mumbling.

“Since we left.”

“When we get back take her straight to your room, she’ll be staying with you. Is that clear?”

“Yeah. Why couldn’t they see us?”

“What’s it to you?”

“Well it isn’t normal for people not to see one another, so I was just wondering why all of the sudden I’m not normal.”

He sighed, “Did Olivia or Nathan tell you that I’m a Vampire?”


“Okay, I’m only half. My other half is complicated. I am a guardian.”

“You mean of the night or something?”

“No, more of the fallen.”

“Like death?”

“It relates to death. I guard those who are supposed to be dead. When a human is born he or she is either normal, traded, or sold to the devil. Every one of my slaves has been sold to the devil. So your parents sold you. But once your parents are both dead then you will also be killed. So I’m protecting you. I’m keeping you alive.”

I listened intently but was beyond confused, “But why are we your slaves then? Why did you kill those girls that Beth and I are replacing? Why do you rape us when you are supposed to be helping us?”

“Why do you ask so many questions?”

“Why are you avoiding them?”

“Again with the questions.”

“Just tell me.”

“Why is it such a big deal?”

“Oh look who’s asking questions now.”



“Go to sleep.”
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