You May Hold Me but I Am Not Your Slave

You May Hold Me, But I Am Not Your Slave

“Gosh dang it!” I hollered after slicing my thumb open. I’ve taken up some work in the kitchen, lately after being saved from Saul 4 nights ago, I’ve been really hungry. So I just decided to help cook. But right now, all that was on my mind was to find the nearest faucet and band-aid.

“Here, it happens to me all the time.” Nathan stuck out a band-aid. I took it and smiled.


“No problem, if you ever need anymore they are in the cupboard above the stove.” He said pointing behind me to the oven.

“Oh okay.” I slipped on the band-aid and turned around; to finish cutting the tomatoes.

Nathan jumped up and sat on the counter beside me, “So how’s the life of a slave been treating you?”

Rolling my eyes I replied, “Peachy, nothing like getting hit and raped.”

“You were raped!?!” his voice sounded alarmed.

“Well, almost. He got my clothes off.”

“Wait, it wasn’t Saul was it?”

“No, no he actually saved me. It was some guy named Max.”

“What a bastard. I know him, he’s the guy who forced himself onto Olivia.” He clenched his fists and breathed deeply and whispered, “When we loose this war I’m taking Olivia far away form here. Just me and her. I’m so tired of hiding our relationship from everyone. I want to be able to kiss her in front of my friends, hold her hand, and tell her I love her without getting killed.”

“Aw, that is the sweetest thing I’ve heard, but…how do you know we will loose this war?”

He looked at me as if I were stupid, “Saul and Daniel used to be best friends. Daniel was and will always be better than Saul. He always beats him at everything, even if it is just getting the prettiest girl to dance with them and the Summer Solstice Ball. Daniel will always win. Saul was never jealous though; they were both very poor boys living on fish bones and watermelon spines. They thought they had everything. It wasn’t until Saul was changed into a vampire and had his future lain out before him. Daniel became so angry and envious that he drank Saul’s blood after a fight. Then Daniel became immortal. Ever since then Daniel has always hated him, and even more now because Saul has been protecting us by making us slaves. Daniel thinks that is the worst way to handle us. Daniel just wants us to die.”

“So this is all happening to see which one is stronger?”

He shook his head, “Some of it is, but even Saul knows he will fall. That’s why he’s been so busy lately; he’s been trying to come up with moves and different attacks. He’s pushing himself. The sad part is, is that Saul doesn’t want to kill his old friend.”

“Would it bring back too many memories?”

“No, Saul just has that big of a heart.” He jumped down off the counter and strode out of the room.

I laid in bed thinking about what I learned about Saul today. I wanted him to tell me, but I haven’t seen him in 4 days. I wonder what he has been up to. I know war stuff, but still, he hasn’t even been in the “military headquarters”. No one has been crying, screaming, are silently cursing him under their breath. Come to think of it, the slaves and I are starting to get a little lazy. Well, I’m already like that, but still! I know it’s weird to want to talk to him, and I know I probably shouldn’t, but he has the answers I want to hear. Oh well, it’s not like I’ll never talk to him again. I just don’t have the patients to wait this long. I want my answers now!

“Aaliyah? Are you awake?” someone whispered from the doorway. I opened my eyes and peered over to where Saul was leaning on the doorframe lazily. Wow, that was fast.


“C’mon, I need some help.”

“With what?” I mumbled pissed off that I had to go work at 2 in the morning.

He turned around and started to leave, “Fine, don’t help.”

“Whoa, I never said I wouldn’t, geez.” I said catching up to him, “Now, what do you need help with?”

He turned the corner into the front room, “Loading ammo.”

My chest turned cold and my breathing became heavier, “A-ammo? L-like bullets?”

“Well, yeah. This is a war.” He grinned and walked outside. I stood back a little bit and thought about Nathan fighting. Would he hold his own? “C’mon.” he said a little irritated.

“Don’t rush me.”

“Well, I would like to get this finished so I can go to bed.”

“Oh, and you just had to pull out someone that was already sleeping! You hypocrite!”

“How am I being a hypocrite my girl?”

“I’m not your girl. And you’re a hypocrite because you want to go to bed but you have to finish this job, so to help you go to sleep faster you took someone who was peacefully sleeping and put them to work!”

“I can call you anything I want…my girl. And you were not sleeping. When I asked you if were awake you said yes!”

“Actually I said yeah.”

“So you admit it?”

“Admit what?”

“That you weren’t asleep.”

I didn’t respond. He had caught me in my own game, and that was slightly embarrassing. I just walked ahead of him to the truck with the covered tailgate. “Is this it?”

He looked at me smirking, knowing that he had won, “Yes. Just start transferring these weapons to the truck over there.” He pointed to the armed hummer looking thing.

“Okay.” We set straight to work not talking. It was kind of nice being with him but not talking. We seemed to argue a lot, and I liked the thought of him knowing I hate his guts, I mean, he killed Sam; my best friend! Well, actually Nathan did, but it was under Saul’s command. And he did hit me the first day I was here. So I had every right to hate him, and he had every right to know, “I hate you.”


“You heard me. I hate you.”

He chuckled, “That’s great to know.”

“Why the hell do you find my hatred towards you funny?” I asked throwing a belt of bullets into the trunk of the hummer.

“Because, I saved you, and you hate me for it.”

“Just because you saved me from getting raped doesn’t mean I have to like you.”

“It would be nice if you did, and you’re forgetting one more thing that I saved you from.” He smirked standing up straight.

I put my hand on my waist, “What would that be?”


Gosh Dammit, he beat me at my game again! “Why do you keep doing that!?!”

“Doing what?”

“You know exactly what!”

“Keep your voice down,” he whispered, “And know, I have no clue of what you’re talking about.”

“Oh bullshit! Don’t lie to me Saul!”

“Why are you getting so worked up over me being as much of a smart ass you are?” he raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. Oh, his arms looked too good right now.

“So you do know what is going on. You know why I am mad at you and annoyed with you. That’s just great. Thanks for lying to me Saul! I’ve had enough of you for one night, so I am going to bed. Have a fantastic evening, goodnight.” I threw in the last of the ammo and guns into the hummer and stalked off to the Palace.

He slammed the trunk door loudly, “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

I kept walking, “Did I not just say I am going to bed?”

“Whatever, bye.” He said bye to me as if he were leaving forever. I turned around to see him get in the drivers seat and rev the engine.

“Wait!” I yelled above the roar and ran to his side of the car, “Where are you going?”

He kept the door open to talk to me. “Daniel’s.” he peered out over the millions of acres his Palace was hidden within; “I have to discuss the deals for the Summer Solstice Ball.”

“You’re inviting him?” I asked shocked.

“I have to; if I don’t how do you think that will make my coven look like?”

I thought for a minute, he was right, “Well, how long will you be gone?”

“Aw, are you going to miss me?” he ruffled my hair playfully but I pulled away from him.

“No,” I leaned in like a child, “I just want to know how much time I have to destroy your Palace.”

“Very funny.” He laughed.

“No I’m serious.” I said stopping his laughter. He glared at me and shut the door. Backing away from the car while he drove off I glanced at the review mirror in his car and could have sworn I saw him smile. I’ve never seen him actually smile, like a normal person. No, I can’t swear…I’m strictly saying he flashed a beautiful full smile.
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comments are welcomed! ^.^