You May Hold Me but I Am Not Your Slave

You May Hold Me, But I Am Not Your Slave

Bang. Clatter. Crash. Shatter. What the hell? I flashed open my eyes to the commotion coming from down the hallway. I got up lazily and sluggishly strolled over the pile of clothes sitting in a heap on the floor. I bent down and started getting dressed. I knew this was going to be a very long day….stupid Summer Solstice Ball. But at least I get to dance, I don’t enjoy it as much as I used to, but if I have a nice looking guy slow dance with me I know I’ll be glowing. I opened my bedroom door and entered the hallway. The moment the new air hit me I was in bliss. Wonderful food filled my nostrils. I followed the scent all the way to the kitchen, where cooks of all sizes bustled around every square inch of the room. I made my way through-what seemed like a mosh pit- the cooks and into the dining room. I hoped to see the room all decorated and such, but it was bare, no chairs circled the long table and there weren’t any placemats on the table. The only thing making this room seem more alive was the man sitting on the edge of the table, casually sipping something from a black opaque glass.

“Are you following me or something?” Saul asked.

I shook my head.

“Then why do we always end up in the same place alone?”

I shrugged.

“Are you not going to talk?”

I smirked and walked over to him.

“So, are you excited for tonight?”

I shrugged again.

He sighed and drank some more. I watched him as he put the glass down and leaned over to my temple. He whispered, “What? Vampire got your tongue?”

I shook my head.

“What do you think about the dress?”

I nodded in approval. I don’t know why I wasn’t talking. Just right when I saw him a lump grew in my throat, and I felt as if whatever I said would never compare to how amazing he looked right now.

“Good, because that dress was expensive.”

I looked up at him confused: did he buy that dress for me?

“But it was worth it, I’ve never seen anyone so…ravishing….delicate…or…delicious before.” He licked his lips playfully and took another sip from his drink.

I rolled my eyes and took his glass from him. I brought it to my lips.

He touched the cup bringing it away from my lips, “You won’t like it.” He grinned and spoke in a tone which I’ never heard before. It sounded like he was going to laugh.

I smiled and quickly let the liquid fill my mouth, but I stopped abruptly. I shoved the cup into Saul’s chest and spit the beverage out it front of me. I started gagging and breathing heavily.

“I told you that you wouldn’t like it.”

“Why didn’t you tell me it was blood!?!”

He put his hands up in defense, “You’re the one who rudely drank someone else’s beverage without asking. The way I see it: you kind of deserved it.”

“I did not!”

“Ha-ha! Would you stop yelling?”

“Why should I?” I wiped my mouth a saw the red covering my thumb, “I just drank blood! I’m freaking out!”

“Then can you freak out quietly?”


He shrugged, “Well, at least it got you to talk. Now go get ready.”

“Why? It’s like, 11:00.”

“Fine, you be the one taking a cold shower after all the other girls are done getting ready.” He smirked and circled me.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk forward, “Damn vampire.” I mumbled.


“OW!” I screamed in pain as my body fell against the bottom of the bathtub. Great, ever since I started showering here I’ve fallen every single time. I gave up from trying to regain my balance and stepped out of the shower as carefully as a butterfly dodging nets. I grabbed the towel from off the counter and wrapped it securely around me. I picked up my clothes and made my way out of the bathroom. The cold air from the hallway stuck to my body and gave me goose bumps. I looked around to see if anyone was around and then sprinted to my room. I closed the door and sighed in relief; no one saw me, thanks goodness. I walked to my bed and threw my dirty clothes on the floor. I dried myself off and slipped on a clean pair of underwear and a strapless bra. I gazed over to the Crimson dress I will be wearing tonight. It was gorgeous, but why did Saul want me to wear it?

“Can I do your make-up?” I looked over at Olivia who was just coming into the room with a towel around herself.

“Sure, if you let me do your hair.” I compromised.

“Deal.” She got out her dress and a smaller one for Beth, “So I heard about your little meeting with Saul a couple days ago.”

“What meeting?’ I asked rubbing Moonlight Path lotion all over myself.

“You know, when he came in when we were looking for dresses.”

“Yeah what about it? He gave me a dress, big whoop.”

She peered over at me questionably, “Wait, so…you guys didn’t do anything?”


“Did he touch you?”

Why was she asking all of these questions? “He helped me lace up my dress, because it’s like a corset and I couldn’t do it myself.”

“He was with you when you changed!?!” her eyes were wide with fear.

“No! I made him turn around! Geez, I’m not that type of girl.

“But, still…nothing happened right?”

“No, we didn’t do anything. We just talked.” My voice became softer as my skin became smoother. “Why?”

“Just, nothing is secret in this place. Everybody knows everything. I just wanted to know the truth from the source.”

“Oh, well now you know.”

“Yeah.” She smiled in relief, “Now, let’s see that dress on you.”


The sun began to set, filling the room in a shadow. I put in my Diamond and Ruby earrings and slipped on my Diamond cuff. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I’ve never seen myself this pretty before. My skin was fair and soft splashed with Poison. My hair was piled into a soft wavy bun, with a Diamond strip above the roll. It lay elegantly just above the back of my neck. My eyes were light, but masked beautifully. My lips were a soft rose color, to compliment the Crimson, but not over do it. I was a goddess in my own vision.

“Are you ready Ali?” Olivia came in with Beth and her Hip. I smiled when I saw Beth in knee length, poufy, yellow and white dress. Her curly black hair was pulled back into a formal ponytail, while loose curls framed her face. She smiled with her cute little dimples and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Well hello beautiful.” I held my arms open for Beth. She came running to me and jumped in my arms.

“Yew looked pretay.” She giggled in my ear.

“Aw thank you!” I planted a kiss on her cheek and let her go back to Olivia. She was in a silk, midnight blue, floor length, empire cut gown. And she was positively gorgeous.

“C’mon Ali, we gotta go, the Ballroom is already filled up.”

“Oh, okay.” I lifted up the front of my dress and walked with them down the hallway.

The hallways were dark, only lit by candlelight. Our heels clicked against the wood floors. We heard a joyful tune in the distance, but for now it was just the clatter of shoes. We walked in silence up until we came to the doors. They were massive and serious looking.

“Beth.” a deep voice came from the doorway next to me, “Olivia.” They both left and left me standing alone, with the voice of Saul in another room. I walked closer to the door, unsure if it really came from in there. “Aaliyah.” He mumbled grabbing onto my wrist. He yanked me into the room and shut the door quickly.

“What the hell Sa-!” he pressed a hand against my mouth, shutting me up.


He hesitated before bringing his hand back down to is side. “Ugh, what do you want Saul?” I whispered.

“I wanted to give you something.” It was silently eerie in the room. I tried to adjust my eyes to the darkness, but I just couldn’t.

“Where are you?” I asked.

“I’m right here,” he mumbled from behind me, “Don’t worry.”

I was about to tell him that I wasn’t worrying, but something cold and smooth stopped me in my tracks. It slid along my chest and wrapped around my neck. I felt his fingertips brush against my skin on the base of my neck. When he left my neck a necklace was hanging down in replace. My hand flew up to it and I felt large stones and a scattered woven design, with what seemed to be made out of crystals. My hand was taken and put in Saul’s. He turned me around as if he were twirling me. He pulled me into him slightly and lightly brushed my jaw line with the tip of his thumb. “Can you see me?” I asked without thinking. Of course he can’t! It’s completely pitch black in here!


What? “How? I can’t see you.”

“I know. I’m a vampire. Made to hunt by night, remember?”

I hung my head, “Oh yeah.”

He chuckled darkly and lifted up my face to, I think, his. “I don’t want to go alone.” He whispered.

“Go where? To the Ball? Why not? It is yours.”

“I know,” he cupped the side of my face where my temple met my jaw, “To be honest: I’m a little frightened.”

“Ha-ha!” I giggled, “You afraid? This can’t be true. Yeah, sure I’ll go in with you. But let me just enjoy this rare moment.”

He scoffed and weaved my arm through his, “C’mon, little Miss Sarcasm.”

We walked together into the ballroom and were greeted with two things: a thousand pair of eyes and a huge grand staircase that I have to walk down, in this dress, and in these heels. Oh god. “Looks like we are both afraid of something.” He led me to the stair case and held onto me tightly. He knew I was nervous about walking down, and I knew he wouldn’t let me fall.

“Try not to look down as much. Don’t worry, I got you.” Those words swarmed in my head; I got you, why? Don’t ask me. All I know is that those simple three words gave me comfort and safety. We finally made it to the dance floor and were immediately surrounded by tons of creatures. Saul dropped his arm from mine, so I had no choice but to let my arms flail at my side. I stood there smiling awkwardly for about 5 minutes. I saw blue girls, men with wings, women with wings, red men, and pure white people with jet black eyes. I had no clue what these creatures were, but, they were beautiful. I looked around for Olivia or Nathan, and when my eyes finally found both of them I took a step away from Saul, but he grabbed my hand casually. I was brought back to his side. He was laughing one the fakest laughs I’ve ever heard before. I peered up at him curiously: why would he put on an act? He turned his head and smiled at me, I smiled at him going on with this little play of ours. He let go of my hand and pressed his fingers on the small of my back, pushing my lightly to walk away. His fingers never left my back. This small gesture was to show everyone that Saul had a girl. Ha! Nice acting Saul. He was directing me over to Olivia, so I quickened my pace. I was almost standing next to her when two girls came up to us. One had big, black, translucent wings and the other had puca shells hanging down from her hair.

“Saul!” the one with the black wings chimed.

“Ah, Ashley.” He gave her a quick hug, “And Sam.” He gave the girl with the puca shells one too.

“This must be Aaliyah.” Sam guessed circling me. Her eyes looked like a hawks, literally, they were the same color, and had the same sharp movements. Ashley’s eyes were the palest powder blue, almost white, and her skin was dark along with her blue tinted hair. They were both beautiful, but a little on the creepy side.

“Yes, this is Aaliyah.” Saul’s arm wrapped around my waist protectively.

“Well geez Saul!” Ashley scolded, “You failed to tell us that she was this beautiful!” I shifted a little wanting to go over to Olivia, “I mean, you told us she was ravishing, but damn! You should be more specific about her looks.”

My eyebrows furrowed as I looked up at Saul. His cheeks were speckled with a tint of pink, “Ladies, please.” He mumbled.

“Aw! See what you did Ashley!” Sam pointed to Saul’s face, “You made him blush!”

He bowed his head in my direction and gazed at me through his eyelashes, “Aaliyah, take Sam and Ashley with you to Olivia. You girls can talk, I have some people to talk to myself.” he turned his back to them and faced me. He whispered into me ear, “Thank you for coming in with me.” I nodded and watched him walk away.

“So, Ali…can I call you Ali?” Ashley asked slipping her arm in mine. Sam did the same to my other side. I led us to Olivia and sat down. Ashley turned to me and gave me a brilliant smile, “Tell me what you think of Saul.”


I laughed along with Olivia, Sam, and Ashley. These two girls were so damn funny! For the past 2 hours we’ve talked and gotten to know each other. We made fun of the dancers and the young boys who tried so hard to flirt with other girls. I wiped my tears before they fell and looked up to see a tall built man holding his hand out to me. He bowed and smiled politely. “Would you care to share this dance with me?”

I blinked dumbstruck, “Sure.” I said a little uneasy. This guy was handsome, but he gave off a creepy vibe. I took his hand and let him lead me onto the dance floor.

“So, does someone as pretty as you have a name?” he asked adjusting his hand on my waist while putting mine on his shoulder.

“Yes, I’m Aaliyah.”

We swayed to the tune before he said anything, “Such an odd name. Doesn’t that mean going up in Hebrew?”

I shrugged my shoulders not really caring, “I guess.”

“Hmm, well it should mean something else. Like precious flower.” He smiled down out me and I felt my skin crawl.

“Are you hitting on me?”

“Is it working?” his smiled turned into a gross grin, and I wanted to desperately get away from him, but I didn’t want to be rude.

“Sir, I don’t really-.”


“Sorry, Daniel, I don’t really like…wait what?” am I dancing with the enemy?

“What?” he questioned confused.

I stopped dancing and looked at him, “What did you say your name was?”

“Come now sweetie, let’s finish the dance.”

“No, tell me your name. And don’t you ever call me sweetie!”

“Shut up,” he whispered harshly, “My name is Daniel, what’s it to you?”

“I think we are done dancing, Daniel.” I swallowed hard and looked out to the swarm of people visiting each other around the dance floor. I searched for a familiar face to give me comfort while Daniel held me to him, forcing me to finish this dance.

“Not yet.” He growled. “Tell me what it is like with Saul. Does he hurt you? Force himself onto you?”

I didn’t want to answer him. Instead I found Saul’s face. He was talking to a red man and seemed to be in a deep conversation. I stared at him wanting him desperately to catch my silent signal. His eyes flashed to mine in a heartbeat. His eyes were soft at first but then they looked like he was ready to kill. He nodded his head very slightly and patted the red mans arm without looking at him, and made his way over to us. “I don’t want to continue this dance, I’m sorry.”

“Tell me what he’s like.” He growled squeezing me hand until it turned purple.

I tried my best not to scream in pain, the best I could do was do the girliest thing ever: I stomped on his foot and kicked his shin. “No! He’s never touched me or hurt me in any manner! And he’s never forced himself on me. So get your hands off of me and go use your worthless pick up lines on someone else!”

“You little witch.” He snarled.

“May I cut in?” both our heads turned to see Saul standing behind me.

“Yes.” I said without wasting any time.

“Saul,” Daniel said bowing a little, “Aaliyah, it’s been delightful.”

“Can’t say the same from my experience.” I shot back when he turned his back. I looked over at Saul who raised his right eyebrow.

“Better be careful about what you say to him.”

I looked back at Daniel, but couldn’t see him. “Well, thank you Saul for getting him away from me.” I began walking back to the table where Ashley, Sam, and Olivia were sitting, but was taken by my hand.

“A new song is playing, and I was granted permission to dance with you.” He weaved his fingers through mine and placed his hand on my hip: bringing my body closer to his. I put my hand on his shoulder gently, but he shook his head, “For this dance you place your hand in the middle of my elbow and my shoulder.” I nodded and slid my hand down. His arms were so developed and defined. I felt every curve of his biceps and they sent shivers down my spine.


“Why did you dance with him?” he asked mumbling. He started to sway us with the sad violins.

“I didn’t know who he was until we already started dancing.”

He nodded his head and we spun in silence. I was grateful he stopped talking, because now I could fully observe him. He was a good head higher then me. He looked very nice tonight. He was in a full black tux with his hair slicked back showing off his high cheek bones and full jaw line. His eyes were clean silver, almost as if two silver fish scales were placed in his eyes. His nose was straight and was complimented with a small scar on his top lip. His lips were a soft rose color, and they looked soft and smooth. His neck had a soft slope to it and it was greeted by a strong pair of arms.

“Fire!” somebody yelled at the top of their lungs. I turned my head automatically towards where the voice was. It was a young boy coming from where Saul and I entered at. Black smoke poured in from the doorway. Screams of panic rang trough the air as creatures started pouring out of the palace and into the front yard. An urge to scream built up in my throat, but I kept it in.

“Get out of here!” Saul hollered above the noise. I heard parts of the palace start falling as flames started pouring into the ballroom, “Aaliyah get out of here!”

I looked around frantically: not knowing exactly what to do. I’ve never been in a burning building before, so I have no idea what to do, but freak out. I felt my hand twisting in different directions and my arm was being tugged in one direction. Saul was pulling me to the outside when the flames started catching onto the curtains around the room. Smoke began to fill in my lungs and I choked out coughs. Before I knew it I was mumbling words that I couldn’t control, “Don’t leave me Saul.” The whole room was glowing red and tears from the smoke streamed down my face. He looked back at me fast before finally bringing me to the edge of the forest surrounding. I didn’t like the look in his eyes. He seemed furious, sad, and dangerous. A part of me wanted to run away from him and defend myself no matter what, but the other half wanted to stay by his side and comfort him. But I highly doubt he is in the mood for comforting.

“Stay here.” He demanded. I followed his directions and sat down. I was in the middle of total mayhem. Fire was bursting through windows, smoke was choking the creatures, and dresses were blackened. It sucked. I looked down at mine, and it made me look like I was floating in a giant red puddle. I didn’t have any ash or burns, which was good because this is a drop dead gorgeous dress. I listened to the screams and watched the panic take over calm faces, but there was one scream I didn’t hear, and that made an abrupt pain grow in my chest. Where is Beth?

“Beth!” I screamed standing up, “Beth! Beth, where are you!” my screams were blood curdling. I walked around but it slowly turned into a run. I searched for Olivia: she was the last one I saw Beth with. I found her standing next to Ashley, Sam, and Nathan, but with no Beth. “Where is my Beth?” I screamed panic stricken. They looked at me with their eyes widened, “Where is she!”

“I-I don’t know.” Nathan stammered.

“Oh my gosh,” Olivia started, “I put her to bed. She’s in the room!”

That was the last thing I heard. I started running towards the house full speed, not caring about the thought of breaking my ankle in these heels. I wanted Beth safe and unharmed. I reached the burning building and entered through the ballroom, but I never stopped. I ran up the stairs, gathering my dress in the front, and still didn’t stop. Even when I heard my name, “Aaliyah! Stop!” yep, it was Saul.

I didn’t turn around or slow down; I just made my way to the room. I got into the hallway with our room on the left. I slowed to a walk due to the flames flying towards me. I inhaled smoke and exhaled the same. I am going to die if I don’t get out quick.

My forearm was grabbed and I was taken aback, “Are you suicidal, Aaliyah? Get out of here now!”

I ripped my arm from his grip, “No!”

“Get out!”


“What is your problem!?!”

“Leave me alone!”

He tried to grab me again as I coughed up a storm, “You’re going to die if you don’t get out right now, let’s go!”

“I’m not leaving without Beth! Let me get her!”

He didn’t respond, but his eyes widened and he shot forward to my door. He kicked the door down and Beth’s muffled screams now rang in the air. “I’m coming, Beth. Don’t worry.” He walked into the room, but turned and faced me, “Stay out.” then he got back to saving Beth. He soothed her by talking to her as he made his way over; I stood watching, anxious to have her safe in my arms. The ceiling began caving in when he took her in his arms, and that’s when I really started crying from shock and fear. He sprinted out the door taking hold of my hand, and together we made it out of the burning palace, which I used to call home. Once we were hit by the fresh oxygen of the outside he brought us to a patch of grass. I was choking and struggling from a panic attack. I couldn’t breathe. The smoke wouldn’t leave my lungs and the corset wasn’t helping much. He half threw me and half laid me down with Beth beside me. He collapsed next me breathing hard and turned to face me. He laid an arm over my torso and coughed, “Don’t ever do something that stupid again. You scared me.”

“I’m sorry, but Beth was in her room.”

He put a finger up to lips and inhaled sharply, “You were beautiful tonight.”
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comments are welcomed!