Status: slow posting.

Ever After You

Chapter Three

Chapter Three
Monday September 16th

There was something about Edward Cullen that absolutely infuriated Jane.
He was so…cocky when they first met. And he stole her book!

She survived through her mundane history lesson and couldn’t help but catch the eye of Edward’s adopted brother during gym. He smiled at her as if he knew something she didn’t. It made her feel uncomfortable. She passed her classes ignored by others until Mythology, when she yet again met the gaze of a Cullen.

Walking into English on Friday, she had intended to demand that he return her book. But he wasn’t in his seat and he didn’t show up to class.

She assumed he was out sick. Jane could not lie and say she was disappointed.
During study hall, she was able to get the library’s copy of Sense and Sensibility so she could read from where she left off.

Jane passed the day, unbothered by her peers. She was glad to get out of school for the weekend, especially since her father wasn’t home. He wouldn’t be home until next Friday. For this, she was glad.

She passed the weekend peacefully and not once did her thoughts stray to a certain pale boy who held one of her beloved books captive.

Jane was determined throughout the rainy Monday that followed her calm weekend that she would get her book back.

During English, however, they had to do an in-class essay on one of their summer reading books: Their Eyes were Watching God. They were supposed to write about what they believed Janie’s greatest accomplishment was. English being her best class, Jane had no problem with the essay.

Edward was out the door as soon as the bell rang. He hadn’t so much as looked at her the entire class.

Jane saw him as soon as she entered the library. He was sitting at the same table that they’d conversed at on Thursday. His head was down as he flipped through the pages of a book—her book she noted. Jane noticed a precocious smile was upon his face.

She opened her mouth to speak as she sat down across from him but he beat her to it.

“What do you think was Janie’s greatest accomplishment?”

Stunned, she replied, “That she was ultimately content with the person she is. At the end of the novel, she has discovered her own identity; she achieved that from her three marriages. Each marriage helped her discover who she was and who she wasn’t. Janie was finally able to hold her horizon because she found out who she was and what she wanted.” He was watching her over the top of her book.

She didn’t particularly care what he’d written for the essay. “Can I have my book back?”

Ignoring her question, he fired back with another of his own, “Did anyone ever tell you that you shouldn’t write in books?” he asked with that damn smile upon his face.

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you that you shouldn’t steal things?”

The smile remained on his face. “I was reading some of the comments you wrote in the margins.”

“I don’t see why, they’re just comments about the characters.” she mumbled uncomfortably. She often wrote among their pages how she connected to the books she read. She felt naked; she felt as if he was able to read her mind by reading her comments.

“Hm,” He mused, “And they are very intelligent comments too. Like here,” He said holding up the book in front of her. “In this particular passage, you underlined Willoughby’s name and wrote ‘asshole’ in the margins.”

“Well,” Jane shrugged. “He is.”

Edward laughed, it was the first time she’d heard him laugh. “Yes, he is.”

“Look, can you just give me my book back?”


“Why not?”

“I haven’t finished it yet.”

“Cullen,” she hissed, “Give me my book back.”

He only smiled at her as the bell rang. “Goodbye Jane.”
She would not let him leave with her book. As fast as she could, she followed him out of the library, through the halls and out to the student parking lot.

“Cullen!” She yelled as she approached the boy who was unlocking his car door.

He smiled up at her. “Jane.”

“Give me my book back.” She demanded with her arms crossed in front of her.
He shook his head. She made a grab for the book but he pulled it away. She tried again; this time she caught the edge of the book. While the book fell, she managed to stumble into Edward who caught her, rather than the book that tumbled to the ground and landed in a puddle.