In the Shadows

Chapter Two

July 21, 2006 – 9:50 A.M.
The City of London Police Department

“Reed, I need to see you in my office.” Captain Winter called as he leaned against the threshold.

Quickly, she made her way into his office and sat down in one of his plush chairs.

“Reed,” he sighed as he sat in the chair behind his desk. “You’re off the Alley case.”

“What?” She hissed. “I’m the most knowledgeable about this case, Captain! True, we have not made much headway but—”

“It’s not just you. The entire department is off the case. An agent from SOCA is taking over.” He looked away from her and straightened a pile of papers on his desk. “He has requested that the detective in charge meet him at the latest crime scene to discuss the case at ten, which is in ten minutes.”

The captain fixed her with a stern gaze. “I know you’re unhappy about this but we need to encourage a good relationship between our department and SOCA, we might need their help on a future case.”

“I understand, sir.” She replied with a displeased look clear on her face.

Captain Winter nodded. “Get to the scene.” He said, jerking his head toward the door and dismissing the young detective.

July 21, 2006 – 10:00 A.M.
7th Crime Scene

“Typical.” She muttered under her breath. Audrey had arrived at the scene exactly at ten o’clock but the SOCA agent was not present. Muttering under her breath about the indecency of some people, she watched as men in odd uniforms scoured the crime scene where the seventh body was dumped.

“Detective Audrey Reed?” With a sigh, Audrey turned around to face the SOCA agent and was first met with the sight of his badge.

“Yes, and you are…?” She said, sticking out her hand and looking into the face of the agent who would take over her case.

“SOCA Agent Harry Potter.” The man replied.

Audrey scoffed and while shaking the man’s hand, she glanced over her shoulder at the men standing in the crime scene. She noted their robes and the sticks they seemed to be waving all over the place.

“Nice to meet you, Agent Potter.” She replied with as much cordiality as possible. “I’ve been informed that you want the details on our case.” She said as she left go of his hand and turned to face the dump site of the seventh victim.

The man nodded and moved to stand next to her.

“We don’t know much. This victim was the seventh in a string of Jane Doe murders. There has been no forensic evidence—”
“—That your people could recover—”

Gritting her teeth together, she muttered, “Yes.”

Glaring at the pushy agent at her side, she continued on. “As of yet, no forensic evidence has been recovered. Being Jane Does, we’ve found no connection between the women other than the way that they were murdered.

“Each woman was found stripped, raped, and tortured. Body temperature at the time of discovery shows that the women all died within two to three hours of being discovered. We know that the unsub tortured each woman over a period of time, accordingly we’ve deduced that the unsub must’ve taken them and held them somewhere.”

Agent Potter nodded. “I’ll be needing all of your files on the cases. I trust you can handle dropping them off at my office. Will you need directions—”

“No.” She replied coldly. “I know how to get there.”

July 21, 2006 – 12:28 P.M.
The Ministry of Magic

Entering the code into the payphone, stating her name and purpose in visiting the Ministry, she exited the lift with her pass in hand and proceeded to make her way to Level 2. It was on Level 2 that she would find the Auror Office, where Harry Potter was sure to be.

With a soft thud, she dropped the light box of files on Harry’s desk.

“Here.” She said. “The files you wanted, Agent Potter.”

“Thank you.” He said as if they could ignore the elephant in the room.

“No problem.” She said sarcastically as she turned to leave sharply, causing her hair to fly up in the air about her.

“Wait a moment, Detective.” He called to her retreating back before she could even take more than five steps. “Have a seat.” He gestured to the empty chair next to him.

Slowly, she eased herself into the chair and then pushed it back a little, finding herself in a too close of a proximity to the man.

“Yes?” She asked impatiently.

“What will I find in the box?” He asked. Audrey stared at him incredulously. She couldn’t believe that he was still going on with the charade.

“Crime scene photos and autopsy reports.” She replied. “We don’t have much to give you. Our department doesn’t have as many resources as the Serious Organized Crime Agency.”

The corners of the Auror’s lips lifted slightly at her comment.

“Anything else you need?” She asked, wanting nothing more than to leave. She was torn between relief that he had mentioned anything and happiness that she got to escape that conversation.

“Yes, actually.” Harry said, leaning forward slightly. “I need someone from your department who knows the case through and through. I’ve already cleared it with your captain. As far as he knows you’re working with the SOCA for this case.”

Audrey nodded, glad to still be able to help catch the bastard who did this.

“So,” she said leaning forward to match his stance. “How did you ever pass yourself off as a SOCA agent?” She asked with a chuckle.
♠ ♠ ♠
Realistically, don't expect updates until the summer. I have no time for anything.

This story will get darker as it progresses so be aware.

What do you think is the relationship between Audrey and Harry?