The Living Ghost at Hogwarts


Harper Collins.

Harper never knew her parents. Her father had died when she was a baby; she didn’t even know who her mother was. Not that she minded. Harper didn’t want to know who her parents were. She didn’t want to know what they were like. She didn’t care. Harper didn’t care about a lot of things.

She didn’t care about the people she lived with in the stead of her parents. Being her guardians was an obligation, not a task they chose for themselves. It certainly wasn’t one they enjoyed.

Harper didn’t care for friends, or people, for that matter. No one ever really cares. Harper despised a lot of things. But one of the most prominent was relationships. She hated them. Of course, she’d never been in one. Her heart was locked away, guarded by her misanthropic views.

She found her escape in alternate realities; fiction that captured her attention. Harper lived in books, fiction to be exact. She lived for the heartbreak of the story. That one moment that destroys everything, because she knows that's the closest to reality these storybook tales will ever get. She hated reality and yet she lived for the single point that was as close to reality as it would get.

She wasn’t a know-it-all. She kept her intelligence to herself. Harper's cynical attitude spoke for itself; even when she didn’t speak at all. People stayed away.

Harper Collins was different. She didn't need anyone. She was like a ghost, she knew almost everything about everyone in the school, but no one knew anything about her. No one noticed her.

Harry Potter.

Everyone knew him. Everyone knew everything about him. Harry had no blood family, except the Dursleys…but they didn't really count for much. But he had the Weasleys; they were the best family that could ever be wanted. He had the best friends anyone could want. Though…as for girls Harry didn’t have the best luck. But Harry could love, could care; that was what was so important about him.

Harper knew all about Harry. But he had no clue about her. She seemed to appear out of nowhere one autumn afternoon.