The Living Ghost at Hogwarts


Harry Potter was being forced to go to the library. Hermione refused to help with his paper, saying that it would do him good to do his own work. And so he was forced to live among the stacks of the school library for an entire autumn afternoon researching for his Charms paper. Hermione had, annoyingly, pointed out that if Harry had simply paid attention in class, he wouldn’t have to research.

Harry soon found himself in the very back, most deserted part of the library. Given the amount of dust, he believed people rarely ventured back there. He had grabbed two books off a shelf to start and went to find a table.

He had seen Seamus and Neville sitting at a table on his way in but knew that he didn’t really want to be around people at the moment. He decided to keep to the back of the library and dropped his books on a table nearby the shelf that he would need to revisit often. As he began to read, he soon found himself extremely distracted.

Harry had never seen her before, not any time that he could recall, at least. But now, he wished he had seen her many times before.

The girl was sitting at the table next to his, reading a book. Her long brown hair fell, probably purposely, into her face. Harry found himself desperately wanting to see her eyes.

She wasn’t wearing a uniform, though neither was he given that it was a Saturday, so he couldn’t tell what House she was in but he guessed that she was at least a fourth year. Working was no longer an option. She had captured his attention by just sitting there.

Suddenly, his view of her was blocked.

“Hey Harry.” Ron mumbled from his seat across from Harry.

“Hermione won’t help you either?” Harry asked.

Ron shook his head and looked peculiarly at Harry while his friend kept trying to see around Ron by moving from side to side.

“Alright, Harry?” Ron asked, wondering about what was wrong with his friend.

“I’m just trying to see…” Then he saw the empty seat she’d been in. Somehow she’d managed to leave without him seeing her go.

“…Nothing.” He sighed, feeling suddenly deflated.
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Realistically, don't expect updates until the summer. I have no time for anything.

This is short, yes. This is just a quick little update where Harry sees Harper for the first time.