The Story of My Life

Why I Am the Way I Am

“No, I won’t do it.” Andi stated.
“Come on Andi! We’ve been dating for almost a year and a half! Don’t you love me?” Max asked.
“I do love you. And if you really loved me, you wouldn’t force me to do something I don’t want to do.”
“Wow Andrea. I can’t believe you pulled that one. That’s bull shit. I’m done with you.” Max said.
“No! I still love you. I’m just not ready!” Andi cried.
“Well, that’s just too bad now isn’t it?” Max said.
“What do you mean? Max, please, I love you. Please, just let me leave.” Andi said slowly backing away.
“You brought this upon yourself Andi.” Max smiled as he stalked towards her.
Andi ran out Max’s front door crying and shivering. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. She hadn’t believed her friends when they said he would do this to her. She had taken his side and lost her friends. Now, she was without those friends, and without the guy she gave them up for. As she got home, she went straight to her room, pulled out her cell phone, and called the only person she trusted, Holly. She hoped she would answer.
♫I want you to want me! I need you to need me! I’d love you to love me! I’m begging you to beg me! Shine up your old dance shoes, and put on a brand new shirt! I’d give up the whole world, if you say that you love me. Didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I see ya crying? Oooooh didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I see ya crying?”♫
Holly paused the movie and jumped up to grab her phone. She recognized the ringtone and knew it was Andi calling.
“Hey Andi! What’s up?” Holly asked as she picked up the phone. She didn’t hear an answer. All she heard was muffled crying and short hiccup like sobs.
“Andi? What’s wrong? Are you ok?” Holly asked, growing worried…still no answer. “Andi What’s going on?!” Silence. “I’m coming over. I’ll be there in 10 minutes. Please call me if anything happens. I love you.” Holly hung up, hurried out of the house, and jumped in her car. When she pulled into the drive way, no lights were on and no cars were there. That worried her. She ran to the side door and turned the knob hoping it was unlocked.
“Andi?” She yelled as she shut the door behind her. “Andi?” She ran up the stairs to Andi’s room and found her curled up in the fetal position on her bed, sobbing.
“Andi, what happened to you?!” Holly shouted. Andi’s face was black and blue. Because of the short shorts and tank top she wore, Holly could see bruises and cuts all over her body.
“Andi, what happened? Are you ok?” Holly went over to the bed and touched her friends shoulder. She whimpered and pulled away. “Andi, please tell me what happened. I’m really worried.” Andi just turned her head and kept her head down looking ashamed.
“Everything hurts Holly, every muscle, every bone. I can’t move my entire right arm.” Andi cried, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Andi, I’m taking you to the hospital now. But you have to tell me what happened.” Holly took Andi’s left hand and helped her off the bed. Andi explained that Max had beaten her up refusing to look at her friend, only staring straight ahead.
“Andi, why did he hit you? Why did he do this to you?” Holly asked.
“I wouldn’t give him what he wanted.” Andi turned to look Holly in the eyes for the first time that night. Without even saying it, Holly understood what Andi was saying.
"Andi, I’m taking you to the hospital right now. I’m calling your mom and dad and we’re going to tell them what happened.” Holly told her.
“No. Please don’t tell them. They won’t understand.” Andi begged. “Dad won’t care, and mom will blame me for this. She will say I brought it upon myself. She thinks I'm a slut anyways. Please Holly, just get me out of here. I can’t stand much more." Andi begged. Holly helped her to the car and drove her to the ER. They got her taken care of. They put a full cast up to her elbow, cleaned all her cuts, and put an ACE bandage on her left knee. They told her she broke her right arm and may have torn a ligament in her knee. Once they left the hospital, Holly took Andi to Heidi’s house to talk with her. Heidi, Holly’s older sister, was like a big sister to Andi as well.
“Andi! Oh honey, what happened to you?!” Heidi exclaimed as she opened the door.
“Max beat her up.” Holly said. They went and sat on the couch and Holly told Heidi everything Andi had told her.
“Honey, I know it’s awful that he did that, but something else happened didn’t it? I can see it in your eyes.” Heidi said. Holly agreed.
“No. That’s all, he just hit me and kicked me and threw me into the walls.” Andi told them. Her eyes had widened in horror when they had suggested other things.
“Andi, did he do anything else at all?” Heidi asked.
“No. He just got angry. Nothing else!” Andi insisted.
“Andi, I can tell when you lie to me remember? You’re lying to me now. What did he do? I could tell it in your eyes earlier. You wouldn't give him what he wanted.” Holly asked.
“I can’t Holly.”
“You can’t what Andi? Honey, if he did something to you, it’s not your fault. No one blames you for this.” Holly explained.
“He…he…I can’t. I just can’t say it.” Andi was crying now.
“Andi, I don’t think you have to. I know. I can just tell.” Heidi told her. Andi nodded.
“Honey I’m so sorry.” Heidi wrapped her arms gently around Andi.
“I said no. I told him no over and over but he didn’t listen. And when I tried to get away he just threw me to the ground and kicked me until I couldn’t fight anymore. I feel so...horrible. I didn’t know what to do other then to call you, Holly. You’ve been here for me through everything else I’ve been through and I knew you would be here now. I knew if I didn’t call you…well, I don’t know but I wouldn’t have been ok.” Andi bawled.
“Honey, I’m proud of you for not keeping this to yourself. It’s good that you told us. Now we can help you through it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
thats what ive got so far. im working on more now! comments please!!!