It All Started With a Kiss

Chapter Two

People starring, people laughing, people everywhere made me nervous. Their hands fidgeting and their shoes tapping the white tiled floor made me want to scream. The close proximity of people made me want to squirm. I wanted to get away.

“Aquira could you come up here for a second?” The crazy eyed teacher beckoned from the front of the classroom. Her hands were drawing furiously over a blank sheet of parchment paper. I got up and walked to the front, watching for feet in the isles, and listening to the snickering behind me.

“Yeah.” One word, one sign for her to go ahead and talk. I kept my head down and my blue eyes on the floor.

“You came just in time for projects. And Ben doesn’t have a partner. You can be his. Ben raise your hand so Aquira can come sit with you. And by the way, I’m Mrs. Sharer.”
I raised my head to see the red haired boy sitting at the very middle of the classroom raising his hand. His clothes were color coordinated and his shoes were laced tightly. He was smiling. I sighed and turned around, walking to the very back, grabbing my things and walking back up to the middle to sit with Ben.

His long thimble fingers tapped the brown fake wood desk while his white tennis shoe hit the floor lightly. I looked at him, grabbing his pale hand and holding it in place, “Could you stop doing that?” I whispered, hoping no one heard.

He looked at me, his hazel green eyes showed no emotion, “Stop doing what exactly?” His voice whispered smoothly, his foot still tapping.

“Stop tapping you hand and your foot. Please.” My voice cracked on the please. My eyes traveled to the floor once more.

“Makes you nervous, doesn’t it?” His voice changed to cocky when I looked back at him, he smirked.

My hand slid from his, “No. It’s just annoying.” My eyes found the floor again. I could tell we were going to be good buddies. I faced forward.

“You could just tell me the truth and then I wouldn’t do it anymore. But since it’s annoying you, never mind.” His hand tapped the desk again; his foot inched closer to mine and tapped loudly onto the floor.

My eyes stayed forward and my milky skin bunched in concentration while my shaking hands clenched in frustration.

Mrs. Sharer pushed back her chair swiftly, hitting it off of the wall. The rest jumped while I sat there watching her, “All right then class. I already put you into partners now I will give you a picture to portray and you will have to re create that. First off someone from each of the groups come and get a piece of paper.”

Ben stood up and walked to the front. He shoved his hand into a box and pulled out a long yellow strip of paper. He opened it up and smiled and walked back to me hurriedly.

“Wanna know what the project is?” Ben said immediately after he sat. He turned towards me with a smile.