It All Started With a Kiss

Chapter Four

“So what do you like to do Aquira?” The big beefy red haired boy said, Kyle was his name.

I looked at him, his hands still shoveling food into his mouth, “Um, I like to stay to myself mostly.” I smiled, as if to lighten the mood.

The guys around him laughed, food spilling from his thin lips, “This isn’t the place then sweetie.”

Nathan put a hand to my shoulder; I looked at him, his lips forming a smile, “Don’t listen to him. But we are your friends Aquira.”

I shook my head and looked to Ben. His lips formed a scowl, “I think we have to go Aquira.” He stood up, grabbing my arm as he did.

“Ow Ben, I can walk by myself.” I shoved his hand off, my lips going into a scowl as well.

People from different tables looked up, laughed, and looked back down. Great, now they’re laughing at me.

Ben walked on, I ran to catch up to him, “What was that about? And where do we have to go. We are at school.”

He turned around, his jaw set and his eyes fierce, “He was flirting with you. My brother, Nathan. I talked to you first.” He whispered while trying to yell.

“And we all can’t be friends?” I yelled. My hands set on my hips.

“No, no we can’t. I only introduced you guys because he’s my brother.” Ben paced back and forth,
“I didn’t think he would even talk to you.”

“Oh, well thanks.” I turned and walked back into the lunch room. Nathan and his friends were still sitting there. I walked and sat back down.

“Every thing okay?” Nathan asked.

“Yeah. Are you and your brother okay?"