It All Started With a Kiss

Chapter Six

As the day went on Ben and Nathan only got worse. Sizing each other, pushing each other, I couldn’t take it anymore. “Ben you need to stop this, this thing with your brother. You’re my friend.”

Ben wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked from that torture chamber, “Yeah, whatever. You still coming over to work on that project?”

“If you don’t take that arm off of me I’m not.” I whispered, giving him a deadly glare.

“Sorry.” He muttered, slipping his arm from around me.

Another arm replaced that one, “Hey Aqua. A little birdie told me you were coming over for awhile.”

I smiled up at him, “Yeah. But just to work on the project we have to do.”

“Hey you let him put his arm around you but not me!” Ben screeched, pushing Nathan’s arm from my shoulder.

“She likes me better, don’t you?” Nathan said while shoving his arm back onto my shoulder.

“Wel-“ Was all I got to say before Ben interrupted me.

“She met me first. Therefore she likes me better.” He said it in a matter of fact tone.

Nathan dropped his arm and took my hand instead. His hand was the opposite of mine; warm, large, calloused, and soft at the same time.

Ben took my other hand in his; they were the same.

“Guys I don’t need to hold your hands. I’m not gonna get lost.”
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I'm unbanned. :)