These Eyes Have Seen Everything... And Nothing

What These Eyes Have Seen, You Dream You Don't.


" watched someone die?" The response I get everytime. Introductions aren't necessary but ok whatever. Here I go: My name is Caden Armas, last name meaning weapons. I love weapons and I speak fluent Spanish so why not make a stage name? Long jet black/vibrant red hair/hint of neon Green extending to a little below my shoulders. I almost always have it up in a bit of a messy bun or a ponytail on a rare occasion. My eyes are hazel, I enjoy swimming, fighting, videogames, writing, drawing and torturing. Me in a longshot. I have/had a sister named Julia and a brother named Chris. I haven't seen them in 3 years, as my parents fought over custody and my father (I tore out my gag reflex so I wouldn't abuse it with a single 3-letter word that is dead to me) moved me out to New York. I'm usually bored like Hell all the time, hence me signing up for this covert spy agency type thing. We basically try to prevent crime. With my skills, crime rates in countless states (ignore my rhyming! >.<) have dramatically decreased. People think criminals are losing interest. Pfft. Fuck no! I'm the one out there putting my neck and life in danger. I do a lot to keep myself in shape (a lot of running, fighting and strategy is used in my job) mainly by doing 50 crunches a day, lifting weights, dancing (I only dance to Michael Jackson), using my exercise bike- all in all I work out 4 hours a day. I do a lot of fucking shit to save people I don't even care about all that much, if at all.

"CADEN!!!!!!!!!!" Oh attention span is the size of an ant. "I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes! Are you ok?" No, sherlock. "I'm fine, sir. Just thinking about my last victim I killed. Not much, no more & no less. Oh and my attention span is the size of a pile of my sister's brains." The look on the psychologist's face is a mix of the following: O_O with a 'What the Hell?!' look on her face. "Ok Caden. That's all we have for today." Huh? We have a half-hour left. "Um Doc we have half an hour left..." She took the clock and secretly adjusted it. "Nope. Bye!" She rushes me out of the office, muttering German curse words under her breath. Her assistant, incredible on the eyes by the way..., walks up and hands me a paper. "Volunteer work? At a HOSPITAL? Dude are you shitting me? Ai dios mio de puta!" Yeah I speak a bit of 6 languages. My specialties are German, Spanish, Italian and English (obviously).

"Calm yourself, you fucking feral animal! You're doing-" No time to talk, I punch her jaw and fling her through the glass door. Yeah glass doors plus homicidal slight criminal? Not a fucking good combination. For the victim, at least...before anyone can catch me I run the Hell out of that ratshit office and back home with my roomate Alex. "Didn't go to well, did it?" He probably knows the answer, but I nod my head no anyways. "I fucking hate people, Alex. I really do! Well except you and if you point out my triple rhyme, you'll never have sex again. Not that you could before anyways. =)" He looks a bit hurt and his eyes shine unshed tears. "Na I'm joking! Besides you shouldn't be talking, Mr I Love To Fuck But Haven't in 4 Months." I walk past growling, punching him in the chest and proceed to gather my clothes for after my shower and for my trip to the fucking hospital. I'm going to hate this so much.

~*FF to after shower*~

After I finished drying my hair and putting it in a fucked-up bun, I change into my clothes and leave the old ones in the laundry hamper thingy. "Alex will you drive me somewhere?" I still don't have my license which fucking sucks major donkey ass. Wait...aren't donkeys technically asses? Whatever. So is my sister, yet you don't see me comparing/contrasting. "I will. Come on!" I put all my shit into my Flyleaf messenger bag (hand-made!). My wallet, phone, black/silver striped video ipod I got from Alex for my birthday last year, my black nail polish just for the Hell of it- yeah I don't own much. Neither does Alex, yet we try to do everything for each other. We're fucking cool like that! Hahaha!

"Why you goin' to this hospital?" Ok good mood shifted to my homicidal rage. "Stupid fucking whore-y assistant, who called me a feral animal and I flung her through a glass door haha" He turns and looks starstruck for a second. "Dude. Feral anger, rage, me? Phoenix? Agent?" He nods in understanding, looking back towards the road. "Now I have to help out in a nursing room or something. Don't come pick me up. I'll ride the bus home. In fact I need the ride. Haha." Before I know it 25 minutes have passed and I'm taking out my seatbelt. Wicked. Catch my sarcasm..."Good luck, Cade!" I'll need it. Haha! "Thanks, Alex. Get home. =)" I close/lock my door after picking up my bag and watch Alex speed away back to our apartment. Did I mention he has a daughter? No? She's 3. She adores me, a killer. Ha. Haha. Ha-FUCKING-ha. "Hello sir. May I help you?" She looks about 21-24 and way too nice to be working at this rathole hospital. I've been here plenty of times, trust me. I know the in/outs, secret routes-EVERYTHING about this place. "Appointment for service under Caden Ventura." I like my last name, but I like making random names for myself more. My full name is Caden Armas Ventura. But I make names for myself for the fuck of it. "Ah yes, Caden. Follow me please!" The sound of my name sends the whole waiting room twirling into deadly silence.

"Isn't that the guy who killed someone that looked at him wrong?" "Damn he's hot! Shame he's a murderer though." "Omg the kid that killed your boyfriend!" Ok the last one was a bit disturbing. I only killed two people. First one was out of self defense and I sent an X-acto knife flying into his chest. I don't even know where it came from. It's like it FLEW out of nowhere and whacked the guy there and then! Alex had jokingly claimed it was a supernatural thing...I'm not putting that thought past my situation. "This is the room, Caden. Please wait out here." I sit down against the wall after adjusting my studded belt and adjusting my wristband. There are two people here. One: Doctor Frank evidently. Two: Someone who has to monitor me or some shit. "Frankie? Someone's here to see you." She taps my shoulder and I put my music-everything-into my bag, going in the room and sitting in the waiting chair or whatever the fuck that thing is called. "Hello. I'm Frankie."

"Yes?" Wow I'm working in a room with a girl in the patient role. Sweet. Catch my sarcasm. "Someone's here to see you."
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My character is based on who I WISH I was. >xD Sara's got the next one. =) I'm really liking this....=D My writing is influenced by none other than Gabby C! =D I still fucking suck Miley's ugly little ass @ writing! >xD But I liked this storyline! =D Oh and the part where my character loves to **** is NOT ME OR WHAT I WISH TO BE! I just thought that would make an interesting twist. =) I hate the thought of fucking random people every week/weekend. It's disgusting. So anyone who does it I hope you catch lupus! Not naming celebrity names here. =D I had no idea how Caden was supposed to meet Frankie so I made him do service at a hospital as punishment for attempted murder...sorry meine kind! >xD