

The next morning, the school was pretty quiet. Not much gossip except that Jimmy Barlow was busted for drugs; again.
I sat in first class, thinking back to that strange boy. Maybe I can guess his name. Stupid. That's his name.
..his name is Tavin..
Where had that come from? I thought I blocked out the ribbons. Tavin? That's a weird name. I think the real question is whether or not the ribbons are correct. Is that really that strange boy's name? Before I could dwell any further on the subject, the bell had rung, announcing that this period was over for the day. One class down, only six more to go and then it'll be the weekend.
The weekend always has more action packed nights for me and I live for that adrenaline rush I get. I anxiously awaited the end of classes. Lunch between third and fourth class seemed to drag on for too long as Elise gushed over inconsequential things like clothes, make-up, and school dances. I knew when to nod and say 'uh-huh' at just the right moments so she didn't think I was totally ignoring her, even though I was.
By the end of seventh class, I was warmed up and ready to take one any evil-doers that crossed my path. I was like a black cat; thus, the black ribbon. As I was undressing out of my ugly uniform, Elise strolled in carrying two dresses.
"What's with the dresses?" I asked. I don't remember there being any formal event being planned.
"I told you at lunch about the Headmistress' Débutante Ball at lunch," Elise looked confused for a moment. "I swear, you're so forgetful."
"Oh right, the uh.. Débutante Ball thingy. Well I hope you have fun," I replied. Maybe I should listen to her rambles more often. "So.. why two dresses? Can't decide?"
"One's for you silly," Elise giggled and held up a knee-length, dark red dress. It looked beautiful and perfect for me since it would go nicely with my hair.
"I'm sorry but I can't go. I have business to do, plus I don't even have a date," I apologized.
"What're you talking about? At lunch, you said you would double date with me," Elise whimpered and showed me her puppy-dog face, which was really hard to resist. Funny, I don't remember agreeing to double da-
Double date?! With who?!
"Who am I double dating with?" I asked cautiously.
"Well.. Kyle's best friend Greg asked me out and I said yes because I thought it would get me closer to Kyle and then Greg asked me to get you to go with Kyle and I thought that maybe you would try to push Kyle over to me during the Ball," Elise explained, all in one breath I might add.
"Ok, me saying yes to Kyle is only going to make him think that I am finally 'being won over' which I'm totally not," I contradicted. See? I told you Elise wasn't the smartest tool in the shed.
"Well, I thought that you could say that you were going to give him 'one shot' and then in the middle of the night, you say it's not working for you and then I'll be there to fix his broken heart," Elise said, swooning at the end of her sentence.
"You make it really hard to say no, you know that?" I sighed. Elise squealed and then grabbed me in a big hug, screaming 'thankyouthankyouthankyou' over and over again, until I told her I couldn't breathe.
Elise and I quickly got ready, and by quickly, I mean 2 hours of excruciating torture and pain. Though I must say, the final outcome looked amazing. I felt like a princess and grabbed one of my black ribbons out of the air and wrapped it around my neck, making it a choker of a sort.
"Where did you get the ribbon from? It looks really pretty," Elise commented before the doorbell rang, so I didn't have to answer.
I groaned because I knew on the other side of the door was Kyle and Greg. They just ruined my good mood.
Elise aquealed in delight and ran straight over to the door and then stopped to straighten out her dress and make sure her hair was in order. She took a deep breathe and then opened the door. Kyle and Greg stood there in tuxedos, looking pretty sharp, apart from the shocked expression on their faces.
"I didn't think it was possible," Greg gasped.
"Me neither," Kyle also gasped. I finally walked over and stood beside Elise.
"What are you two noobs talking about?" I asked.
"You actually got her into a dress Elise. How were you able to do it?" Greg asked Elise, totally ignoring me.
"Lots of persuasion," she giggled and took his arm, although I saw her eyes shift over to Kyle, who's eyes were of course on me. Great, what a perfect start to the evening.
"Well, what're you waiting for? An invitation?" I snapped. "Let's just get this over with."
"Oh.. right," Kyle stammered and followed closely behind me. A little too close for my taste. I glared at him and he took a giant step back and I nodded in approval.
I knew I was being kind of a bitch, but this is what I normally acted like around him and maybe now he'll see that I have no intention of being with him and then he'll give Elise a chance.
We reached the dining hall which had been transformed into an extravagant dance floor. No cheesy streamers hanging from the cieling or balloon arches. There was only diamond chandaliers and fancy appetizers, like a chocolate fondue fountain that was just calling my name.
Everyone was arranged at certain tables and luckily, I was at the same table with Elise. She must've set it up this way. Our names were written in delicate calligraphy on a name plate. I was stuck between Greg and Kyle, while Elise was on the other side of Greg. I could tell she was a little peeved because each table had 6 people each, so she was stuck between another girl we didn't know that well.
Other young couples were dancing to slow, classical music and Kyle asked me a couple times to dance but I shot him down. Greg asked Elise to dance and she agreed. When she stood up and walked past Kyle, I saw her purposefully drop her ring on the floor and then bend down in a seductive manner right in front of Kyle. Kyle's face burned red and I saw him look straight down the front of her dress! Little perv.. When Elise finally left, Kyle looked back to me and had a guilty expression on his face.
"Did you see something you like?" I asked him, faking innocence.
"Uh.." he said, drifting off.
"That's what I thought," I said and then added, "I only agreed to go with you because Elise wanted her and I to switch dates."
"Elise likes me?" Kyle exclaimed.
"I said nothing," I smiled mischieviously.
"Greg likes you," Kyle blurted out.
"What do you mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, Greg's had a crush on you since the first day you've been here. He kind of told me to do the same thing Elise wants you to do now," Kyle replied awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.
"So why would you say all those cheesy pick-up lines all the time?" I asked.
"Well.." he started to say but a large crash had cut him off and everyone turned to look at where the destructive noise was coming from.
I saw a large figure crawling up the side of the wall, creating long claw marks as it moved. I got up to run over to it, Kyle was screaming for me to come back but I wasn't going to listen. Because the figure was an uremon.


Uremon are dangerous creatures with the ability to use the ribbons to their advantage. They often wrap the ribbons completely around their body, making them look mummified in a way. Their animal-like bodies also equivilate to strong reflexes and agility.

I gasped. I only saw one of these things before and almost died from it...

* * *

I was only eleven and had only first started gaining control and being able to comprehend the powers each different ribbon had. The uremon was chasing after me, and even though the yellow ribbon was making me quick, the uremon was faster and catching up.
I grabbed ribbons by ribbons and flung them back at the uremon, hoping it'd hit him. He seemed to be able to dodge them all and I was growing weak. My knees were aching and my breathing was heavy.
I started to slow down. My heart was caving in on itself and my lungs were on fire. I looked back and saw the uremon's canines coming closer and closer as my eyes grew wider and wider. Before it's teeth could chomp down on my, something - someone - had pushed it away.
A boy about the same age with raven black hair was holding a sword and had stuck it into the uremon's mouth, making it unable to close.
"Hurry! Run," the boy had called out to me as I just stood there and stared at him. I looked into his pleading eyes and then into the eyes of the uremon. As much as I wanted to stay and fight, I knew I was too afraid and ran away.

* * *

I remember how I thought that if I ever met that boy again, we would get married and be truly in love. Now, I don't even know if the boy was real or not.
The uremon's eyes locked on with mine and I saw recognition flash in them and then I knew. This was the exact same uremon from all those years ago. That means...
He killed the boy. The one who desperately came to my rescue. The one I thought I was in love with at that age.
My hands clenched into fists and I could feel the anger emenating from my skin. The uremon must've sensed this and now he was preparing to attack. By now, everyone had ran out of the room, screaming in terror. Wimps.
I grabbed and ribbon and smiled after I saw the color.