Sequel: It's No Surprise

The High School from Hell


Look how crazy this school has made me and I've only been here three days. Less than three days actually. I've been up, down, happy, sad, angry, annoyed. Then repeated over and over. Shiza, I feel so bipolar. If it weren't for Rexy, Nathan, and Macen I'd kill someone, -cough- BEKKA -cough-. That chick is getting on my nerves.

For real.

I'm just going to pretend you never said that. This school is crazier than I am. Or my old school, which is saying something I might add. Take Rexy, Nathan and Macen for example. Rexy and Nathan are brother and sister, but Nathan and Macen are seniors and Rexy and I are juniors. Nathan has been best friends with Macen since they were teenyboppers. All three have been "hanging out" since Rexy started highschool. Rexy and Mace are madly in love. They just either don't know it or are too embarrassed to say anything about it. Nathan sits back with his girl of the week and laughs. Oh. My. God. Not to mention Bekka and her gang. This school is faaaaar too complicated. My old school wasn't even this bad. We were petty, not complicated.---MOTHER SON OF A BITCH!


I stood up nursing my skinned knee, stupid me for wearing jeans with holes in the knees, and hopped around to glare at an innocent looking Matt Silent, with a smirk on his face. You. Have. GOT. To be KIDDING ME! Tripping me? HOW FOURTH GRADE IS THAT?!

"Addy, ya coming?" Mace looked around at me, confused.

"Yeah, coming." I jogged to catch up. I followed Nathan and Mace down the hall until---

"Where are you going Addy?" I turned around. Oh yeah, damn. We have gym next. I followed Rexy down to the gymnasium. See in this school, gym is by grade and boys and girls have gym together. But the girls who wear jeans, yay me, don't have to wear uniforms. Which, needless to say, I'm grateful for. Gym is actually becoming one of my least favorite classes, besides math of course. Coach Keiler has a VENDETTA against me. No freakin' joke. So I called him a fat bastard with bladder problems to his face. It's the truth! So, as what has become my usual for P.E., I'm running laps while everyone else is split into teams and are playing basketball. Not that I'm fantastic at basketball either, I'd just rather do that than run laps. Screw it. I'm walking.

"Oooooh. If Keiler catches you walking you are in sooooo much trouble." I smirked.

"Whatever Nathan. It's not like he can hate me anymore. What are you doing here anyway?" I retorted as he began walking beside me.

"Actually I'm suppose to give Keiler a message from the vice."

"Haha, loser."

"You'd better start running Keiler's coming over."

"Oh shizat." I mumbled started jogging away. OOF. Okay this is just STUPID.

"You should watch where you're going Blondie." An annoyingly familiar voice drawled above me. I BEG YOUR PARDON?! HE DID NOT JUST CALL ME BLONDIE.

Oh. I think he did. I say we kick his ass.

I quite agree with you. With an evil grin I thrust my fist into his gut and jogged away.

"Damn, for a small little thing, you sure pack a punch." He said catching up to me easily, as I was now walking.

"You're lucky I didn't break your nose." I mumbled under my breath.

"Sorry? Didn't catch that." He said in a mock pleasant tone, though it was quite clear he knew exactly what I said.

"I said that you're lucky I didn't break your nose." I said pointedly. He glanced down at me and grinned, but before he could say something as equally dimwitted as his last remark---

"ROSCH! WHY ARE YOU WALKING?! FIVE MORE LAPS!" Keiler shouted from across the track.

"WHAT THE HELL?! MORON OVER HERE IS WALKING TOO!" I screamed back, stopped in my tracks.





"HAHA TAKE THAT SUCKAH!" I yelled and raced through the doors.


Slip. Fall. On my ass. OOF! Sitting were I had slipped on my butt and someones gigantic bag hit my in the head. BEKKA. I'm going to effing drop kick that bitch in the face. Her ass is SO fired. Mumbling under my breath I stood, only to get knocked on my face. Sweet Jebesus that hurt.

"FUZKIT." I cursed loudly as someone stepped on my back. STAY CALM. DO NOT COMMIT MASS MURDER. DO. NOT. COMMIT. MASS. MURDER.

Oh dear lord.

FUCK THIS, THAT BITCH IS GOING TO DIE. I sprang to my feet to find Bekka nowhere in sight.

"Damn.." I mumbled disappointed.

If I ever decide to choose painting over an essay ever again I give you permission to fire my ass. SO. MANY. SCENES... Did I do something in a past life? What in heaven's name made me decide to do this?

The alternatives.

You. I blame you.

What for?!

Because I can. That's what for.

And you call me stupid?

Call you stupid? No. But yes, you are, now that you mention it.

There is something wrong with your brain.

Yes. I know. You.

...I hope you die...

Funny, I was thinking the same thing. Only opposite.


HOLY EFFING SHIT WHAT THE MOTHER FUCKER?! OH HELL NO. SOMEBODY DID NOT JUST DUMP A CAN OF PAINT ON ME! I wipped paint from my eyes. Handsome face. Innocent grin. Laughing, malicious, turquisish sea green eyes.

"Sorry, Blondie, didn't see you there."

Is it just me or did our vision just go red?