What It Could Have Been...

Maddie Austin

A lantern came swinging to Harry and by its light he saw the prominent chin and severe haircut of Professor Grubby-Plank, the witch who had taken Hagrid’s Care of Magical Creatures lesson for a while the previous year.
‘Where’s Hagrid?’ he said out loud
‘I don’t know,’ said Ginny, ‘but we’d better get out of the way, we’re blocking the door.’
‘Oh, yeah …’
Harry and Ginny became separated as they moved off along the platform and out through the station. Cheering Crookshanks Ginny made her way through the crowd of students when a nasty voice said behind her:
‘Does Granger pay you to look after her filthy cat?’
Ginny turned around and so a pug-faced girl wearing a Slyderin uniform.
‘How nice of you to greet me Pansy, though I’d have preferred the Giant Squid, and I think you’d need the money more than I do, you know, to fix your face.’
Pansy tend to rise her hand to her face as to check if something’s wrong but stopped half way and gave Ginny a dreadful look.
‘I would be more careful if I were you. You shouldn’t mess with a Perfect; in fact, I think you have to learn to keep your mouth shut so my first act as a Perfect would be to give you a punishment. How about-‘
However, she didn’t get to finish her phrase because of a whisper that came from the crowd that said ‘Silencio!’. Pansy looked behind her with her eyes almost shut searching for the person that did that spell; her eyes fell on Ginny and she opened her mouth but no sound came out. She looked as she was convinced that the red head girl did it and was looking at her with hatred.
‘Pansy, are you coming?’ Draco and his friends were a few feet away so Pansy gave Ginny a last threatening look and left.
Just then a girl came near Ginny; she had shoulder length golden brown hair and was about the same height as Ginny.
‘I thought she’d never shut up.’ Ginny knew immediately that the girl put the spell on Pansy and said ‘Thank you.’
The girl smiled ‘I’m Maddie, Maddie Austin.’
‘Ginny Weasley.’ She looked closely at the girl and added ‘I never saw you before around here.’
‘Oh, I’m new. I begin my fourth year.’
‘But how come that you-‘
‘Miss Austin please come this way.’ said Professor McGonagall who was standing near a carriage.
‘I have to go, bye.’ Maddie said quickly to Ginny and hurried to Professor McGonagall. The two of them got into the carriage, which went to the castle grounds before all the other carriages.
Ginny made her way back to the others and gave Crookshanks back to Hermione.
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this is like a prologue, the next chapter will be bigger i promise