
How it started.

Beep. Beep. Beep. I don't know how long the alarm clock was going off, but I knew it was time to get up and go to school.
I hated school with a passion. What's the point? You learn just about everything in Elementary. Writing, reading. What else? I guess it's just all part of life. I hated life. I turned over to shut off the alarm clock. I still lay there trying to continue a dream that I was having. Why do the best dreams happen before you wake up? I tossed and turned thinking if I should go to school or not. It was only five weeks in school and I was doing good so far. I was way behind my credits. I had no choice but to do my work and go. Unless I wanted to be a dumb ass and get my G.E.D. I didn't think that would be such a good idea. I'm in the eleventh grade and probably the stupidest one in all of the junior classes. I finally got up after ten minutes of thinking. I'm already close to snap out of it. I got up and went picked out my clothes and took a shower.
I guess I took too long because my brother was pounding on the door, yelling, telling me to hurry the hell up. I hurried up and got dressed.

"You're a fucking old lady." He shoved me out of the way.

"Shut up. That's why you should fucking wake up before me, you lazy fuck." He just groaned.
I looked at the time and it was 7:45 A.M. "Aw fuck."
We lived five miles from school. Our section has five blocks and two corners. We lived around the first corner. It was a run down block with drug dealers and drunks on just about every block. It was pretty ghetto if you ask me.
I did the usual - make up, hair, etcetera - and went outside to smoke a cigarette. I called Leslie to come get me, since she lived on the other side.

"I'll be right over." She said before we hung up. She was one of the first girls I started hanging around with since I moved here in the fifth grade. Her family was just as fucked up as mine. Who's life is perfect anyway?

"What happened to you last Friday?" She asked me as I got in the car.

"Oh. I got caught up with you know who." She just rolled her eyes at me.

"Jojo, I don't know why you just don't leave him." I didn't answer her.
As soon as we got to the school I told her I was going to see someone who had my work. I lied. I went to my locker. I haven't really been hanging out with my friends lately. I just wanted to be alone. I went to use the bathroom before I went to class.
When I came out of the girl's room I bumped into someone I never seen before. "Oops, sorry." We both said at the same time. She was wearing skinny jeans with old torn down converse shoes with a black Tokio Hotel shirt. Almost the same as mine, but I had a purple shirt. She was as tall as me and maybe just a little skinnier than me. She had medium length dark wavy hair. Mine was dark and thick, but longer. We smiled at each other.

"I'm late." I told her and walked off to my class.
I did most of my work that hour with help from who ever was sitting next to me. The next period I had was math which I absolutely hate. I wasn't in a hurry to get to that class so I wandered the halls by myself. I went to the library to sit in the computer lab. "Hey, miss Joanna, you're not in here this hour." Some teacher says to me. I didn't know who she is. Probably because I barely went to school in the last two years. I just got up and walked to my class and was twenty minutes late. When I walked in I received an ear beating for being late.
Your class is just too hard." I complained.

"That's why you're supposed to be here on time everyday and listen!" Well, she got me there. I just shut up and walked to my seat. As I was walking, I seen the girl I bumped into before first hour. She was sitting by herself. Which is where I sit. I sat on the other side of the table, a seat over from her. She looked at me and smiled. "My names Joanna, but people call me Jo or Jojo. Sorry about this morning. I was lost in my own little world." I said with a smile. She chuckled a little and cleared her throat.

"I'm Jasmine. I just transfered here from Wahpeton, North Dakota." I didn't know if I should shake her hand. To be honest this was my first time introducing myself to anyone. They usually just take one look at me and ignore me or walk away.
Math went by pretty fast and Jasmine was the first one to get her work done.
I sighed and asked her to help me.
She was really cool.
School went by fast today and I asked Jasmine for her number so I can call her sometime.