
First Time.

I was looking at this guy and thought he was hot and I told Joanna. She just looked over to where I pointed.
I thought about having a cigarette, so I asked Jo. "Joaaanna! Do you got a cigarette?" I was probably drunk enough.
She looked at me a bit wierd.

"Since when did you start smoking cigarettes?" She looked at me and I got all cheesy.

"Since now! I just want to try it." Her mouth dropped. I really did want to try it. She does it... So why not? I'm already being a stupid idiot.

"First time for everything right?"

"We only live once, right?" Everyone laughed.

"Yeah, I guess." She dug in her pant pocket and handed me a cigarette from her pack.
"Do you know how to smoke?" She asked, laughing.

"Exhale, Inhale?...I mean Inhale,exhale."

"Yeah just make sure you don-" Choke? Yeah, I hope I don't choke either. I'd make myself look like a noob.

I lit the cigarette and took my first drag, inhaling, then blowing it out.
I almost choked on the smoke on my second drag because I was messing around with the cigarette.


When I was finished talking to a group of people, this guy came over and asked me the usual.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Jasmine. Yours?"

"Jeff." He paused for a bit. "Do you, um, wanna go talk somewhere quieter?"

I just nodded and he grabbed my hand and led me to a room.

We sat on the bed saying nothing for a short two minutes.

"Didn't you just move here?" He asked, breaking the silence. I just nodded.

He leaned over and grabbed my chin, and kissed me softly on my lips.

We were in a deep kiss and he leaned me back on the bed and slowly made his way on top of me. He kisseed my neck, his hand reaching up my shirt, then somehow pulling it off, and throwing it on the side. He unclipped my bra and he put his hand on my breast and softly massaged it while he made a trail of warm kisses down my belly and he unbuttoned my pants, unzipping them and slowly pulling them off.

It was probably a good thing I didn't wear any underwear.

He made his way back up to me, helping me remove his shirt and then onto his pants, which was very difficult because we struggled with his belt and his button.

We were completely naked and he grabbed his condom from his pant pocket that was laying on the floor. "Ready?" He asked, I nodded again and he went in, slowly, in and then back out. I let out a low moan.

My first time and I'm gonna regret it when I'm sober. I've promised myself I wouldn't have sex before marriage and I've lost it while I was being a stupid drunk.

His thrusts became faster and faster, and I was trying to be quiet, but I kept failing and I was moaning as loud as he was.


I woke up laying next to Jasmine, the room spinning, and I had this wicked headache.

I don't think I'm gonna be going home today.

I poked at Joanna's side until she woke up.

"How do you feel?" She asked me.

How do I feel? "I got a headache, the room is spinning, my mouth has this ishy taste, and I feel dead."

She just laughed at me. "What did you all do lastnight?"

"I remeber smoking, talking to Jeff, something happened in the bedroom with us, and that's all I remember."

"Something happened? Like what?"



I just nodded and slowly went back to sleep.
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This chapter was fun to write :}
Because I got to bring back the day I first started smoking.... minus the choking and coughing.

I couldn't continue because I had to do my chore for the day. :}