
Forget you!

As soon as we got to J'R's. I went to look for some drinks, no dout. On my way to the kitchen I bumped into Leslie.

"Oh My Gaawd! You made it!" Leslie shrieked. She looked drunk off her ass, but knew what she was doing.

"Yea, I got a ride with Latika, and Jason." I looked beside me and Jasmine wasn't there, or Latika and Jason. I thought Jasmine would follow me. Where ever she's at in this house, I just hope she's making more friends. The house was blaring with the song 'Alcohol' By Brad Paisley. Evertime I drink an hear a country song. It makes me feel like I'm my Granpa, sitting aroud with his friends drinking Whinser. Only we're drinking beer, and other hard stuff. The house was swirming with people. I cought a glimpse of Jason, J.R's Dad leaving the house. I guess he doesn't feel like drinking tonight.

"To the keg we go!" Leslie blurted and pulled me to the kitchen. "It's time for you to get cought up." We each guzzled down a cup of beer. I got made do a kaystand by J.R. After about ten minutes of saying I didn't want to, I finally did. J.R and Leslie held up my feet, as I had my hands on the key. They counted almost a fifty seconds, and finally I droped myself. When I got off, I felt myself swurve, everyone laughed. "Come on let's go make a mix." We went back in the kitchen. We had a dumb pointless argument over what kind of mix we wanted.

"Ugh, okay let's just make a mix out of this." I grab a different bottle. It was Becardi Dragon Barry, we mixed it with red punch. It tasted fruity. She wanted a mix of Taaka, and I wanted a mix of Captain.

"Hey, your girls let's go outside and smoke up." J.R budged us. We made our way outside, and I was starting to feel a light buz. On my way to the back door, I tried looking around for Jasmine. The place was so crowded, I couldn't find her anywhere. There were already some guys outside. We all went stood in a circle, and J.R lit up a blunt. After we smoked, I felt more high, then I did with any alcohol in my system. Just, Leslie and I drank the big fat mix she had made. It was a long cup that said: 'Drink responisbly' Which reminded me of Jasmine, I hope she's doing okay. Steve, one of J.R's friend, started some-what flirting with me. He didn't look to bad, he didn't look too drunk.

"Remember me?" He asked.

"Steve." I laughed.

"Yea, and your Joanna right?" I nodded, and took a drag.

"You make smoking look good." I laughed.

"Doesn't it look good no matter who's hand it's in?" I asked.

"Well, not a bum's hands. No it wouldn't" I rolled my eyes.

"Are you still with Justin." I knew were he was trying to go with this.

"Yea, I'm" I lied.

"No, she's not with that scuze anymore." I pinched Leslie as she said that.

"First lie, well that isn't good. I wouldn't treat you like I hear the way he treats you." My mouth dropped.

"How the fuck do you know about us?" I asked. "And first lie?"

"Well I'm sure it's pretty obvious that I'm trying to get with you."

"But...would if I don't wanna get with you." I said in a bitchy tone.

"Oh." I heard a few guys say.

"Shut up." He mumbled. "Well would if I'm trying to do more then just get with you."
I grabbed Leslie.

"Let's go get another drink." I told her.

"You didn't answer me!" He yelled.

"Kiss my ass." I said as we walked back to the door.

"Sure love to." I heard him and another guy say. I rolled my eyes. Then it just clicked. Steve hangs out with Justin, or at least I think it was him over there. Justin is all big on playing guitar, I honestly don't know what's up with us now. Steve is all big on playing drums. We made another drink, this time we stayed in the kitchen with Latika, and Jason. Then started bullshiting around. After a few mixes in there, we headed back outside. I was starting to feel drunk. We sat around in a routation again, and J.R lit up another blunt. Steve came by again. This time he tried putting his arm around me.

"This is my girl now." He blurted, and everyone laughed as I pushed his arm off. I started to feel tipsy, and Leslie and I were in a deep conversation about a party that went on at her house, and it happened a few years ago. I realized I really needed to pee, and I told Leslie I'll be right back. The back door was locked, how stupid. I had to run all the way to the front. I bumped into Jasmine. She yelled my name, then I told her I needed to pee. As I went into the bathroom, I tried yelling for her to wait, but I needed to go so badly, I didn't really shut the door all the way, and I ripped off my pants and sat down on the tiolet really fast. Some one walked by the door, and I busted out laughing.

"Could you close it for me?" I yelled. A girl turned around and laughed as she shut the door. It felt like I pissed for almost a minute. It wouldn't stop. I washed my hands, and fixed up my hair a little, after I was done. I went back out to go look for Jasmine, but there no sight of her. "Shit" I muttered. Leslie, and the guys were up in front of the house now, making there way inside. "Did you see Jasmine?" I asked Leslie.

"Uh...yea. I think I seen her." She looked confused.

"She took off with Jeff." I heard J.R say. "There probably going get it on." I rolled my eyes, as J.R and his friends laughed. We all went back inside, and the party kept going. A fight broke out, and J.R told them they had to leave. The party was starting to get more wilder and wilder as a hour passes on. J.R got mad, and told everyone, who we didn't know. Had to leave. J.R and most of his friends helped him rush people out of the house saying. "Cops are coming. RUN." Every little while. No one wasn't really listening, so one of the guys went to turn off the music.

"ONE TIME..NIGGA ONE TIME!" Jason yelled. Latika's boyfriend. Right then everyone scattered out of the house. We all laughed as we just stood there while everyone left. It just left Leslie, Latika, and I with Jason, J.R, Steve, and George, and Charlie, with Mickey. We brought all the alcohol downstairs. and started drinking amonst ourselfs.
I realized it was four in the morning. We were all back upstairs, blasting the music. "Who's that?" I asked, as I looked outside. A car pulled up, it looked like a silver Toyota. four people jumped out and I couldn't reconize who it was. J.R went out there, and started talking with them. I went sat down on the couch, next to Steve.

"Are you going to brush me off alnight?" He asked.

"Maybe." I laughed. He leaned in a little closer.

"Oh,come on. I seen you look at me with those naughty eyes." I laughed.

"Naughty eyes?"

"Your eyes are like....evil. It's sexy." I laughed even harder.

"Just shut up, your talking outta your ass right now." He chuckled and sat back. I heard voices, and they all came inside.

"Look who dicided to join us." J.R said as they walked in. ugh. Justin, Ryan, and Clem, and some girl walked in. I took one look at Justin, and looked away. Leslie looked like she was about to fall alseep on the couch. Steve tightened up, and move a couple inches over. For a full twenty minutes, Justin didn't bother talking to me. So, I thought it was offically over. J.R wanted to go back downstairs, and we all did. Leaving Leslie passed out on the couch. The girl they brought over, was all over Ryan. I liked the way her hair and make up was. It looks like she spends hours on it. It almost, prefect.

"Jo." I heard Justin mutter, and I went and gave J.R a cigarette. Ignored him, and walked back to the couch were Steve was. I started talking to him, trying my hardest to ignore him, then he walked up to us.

"What's up Steve?" He said as he sat down on the other couch. I rolled my eyes at him a scoffed.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked.


"How am I a problem?"

"Don't play stupid. So it that your new girl?" I asked.

"Who?" He said looking around. "There's no other girl here, but.." He looked over to Latika, and Ryan's girl.

"The girl you were walking hand in hand with, whenever that was."

"Who told you about that."

"Never mind." I grabbed Steve's hand. "Let's go."

"Where the hell you guys going?" Justin asked.

"Some where away from you. I should of left you the first time." I spat.

"You aint going no where with me girl." Justin said to Steve. They were like friends, and now I totally felt awkward.

"Justin, I'm not your girl. Any more at least." I looked at Steve. "And don't be mad, because I'm going out with your friend now." I kissed Steve on lips, and I didn't think he would kiss back, but he did. I pulled away and looked at Justin. He had anger in his eyes.

"Hey bro, calm down." Steve said. "You don't treat her well anyways."

"You nothing but a asshole." I yelled at him, and pulled Steve's hand and we walked outside.

"Wait." He said. He ran back inside, and came back out. "Almost forgot my bottle." I laughed.

"Should we got to my house?" I asked him. "I'm starting to get tired."

"Sure he said." We walked a few housed down, to his anty's house to get his car, then we headed off to my house.

- -
I woke up to pouding on my door. "Joanna! Open this fucking door." My brother yelled. Before we went to sleep, I put like ten locks on the door. I didn't want my Mom and Dad finding out, I brought a boy over. It wouldn't be the first time I did. Justin use to sneak over everynight.

"Hold on! I'll be right out there" I covered Steve up more, and made my way to the door, and unlocked, and opened it.

"Who's in there?" Calvin asked.

"Never mind, what?" I asked.

"Mom said..." He thought. "Shit I forgot." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going back to bed." I closed the door, and locked it.

"She said you have to do dishes, and clean up." I scoffed. How could he space out the daily chores?

"Do you feel sick?" Steve asked as he sat up and looked at me.

"No...I don't feel anything, but tiredness."

"Should we go to my house, and maybe you could get away with cleaning." I laughed as he said that.

"Let's go." We snuck out my window, and headed to his car. Then off to his house. I didn't know that his house was just a few blocks over from J.R's. We could of just went to his house lastnight. I know we didn't do anything lastnight, because I remembered everything lastnight. On our way over, we seen Justin, and all the other guys outside of J.R's house. It looked like his Dad was back home, and Latika's car was still over there. When we got the Steve's house. It was quiet. His brother pops out behind the refridgerater with only hias boxer.

"Jo Jo." He said. "Don't look there." He teased pointing at the hole in front of his boxers, my dumb ass looks.

"Tell you boxers it's rude to point." I laughed, and Steve did also.

"I was just thought that." We went into his room, and it was full of posters.

"Dang, you have more posters on your wall then I do." I looked along the walls, and a bunch of scary looking posters. I really liked it.

"Yea, well they added up over the year." He pulled out a big box, inside it looked like abunch of pictures. "I been wanting to show you these." He grabbed a big stack and handed them to me. I looked at them, and there was many pictures of all of our friends. Justin and I, jst old pictures, from when everyone use to hang out all the damn time. They reminded me of when, Justin and I were in love. The happy look on his face. Now it's different. He's a big drugy, and an asshole. Steve and I spent almost the whole day together. When he was giving me a ride home, he asked if, I was serious about lastnight. I told him if he was really serious, then I would give it a try. He said he was, so, now I guess we're going on. I'll be honest. My second boyfriend, but I had a lot of mess ups, between Justin. I always went running back to him, because I knew he would always take me back no matter what. But now that I'm dating one of his friends. I dout he would ever want me back.
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Yes,, Is it long?, you have no idea how long I been waiting, just to write it!
Lastnight, It would of been short. Because I was almost done, and I had my bbynephew, and I had to put him to sleep. My asshole dad turned off the computer without even saving it. So yea! I payed him back by being an asshole this morning and I just laid there until he left me alone. so NO SCHOOL XD again....=| F T 4th T t W