

I woke up feeling disgusting so I got up leaving Jeff in my room and got in the shower.

When I got done in the shower I sat in my bed staring at him sleeping peacefully, hoping my parents went out for work so I could sneak him out later.

"How long are you gonna sit there and stare?" He asked with his eyes still closed.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"Since you got off the bed," he said, smiling.

I smiled back at him and got off the bed to look out my window to see if my parents were gone and I couldn't see if my mom's car was still home so I had to walk all the way downstairs to look in the living room window and her and my father's car were gone.

I wondered where Joanna went after I left last night and how much of a stupid idiot I am for drinking... And smoking!

I didn't give a damn when I was totally wasted and hungover. I just wanted it to be over already.

I'd probably get addicted and do it again anyway.

"Did you still wanna come over?" He asked.

I nodded. "When did you wanna leave?"

He looked at my alarm clock and shrugged. "Now?"

I just nodded and got off the bed.

Before we left the house I left a note for my parents telling them that I went out with some friends and that I left my cell phone in my room, charging, and that I wouldn't be back for a couple hours.

When we got to his house we went straight to his room.

He had a couple posters here and there of basketball players, Scarface and a Tupac poster above his bed, an Xbox by the T.V and a couple clothes on the floor.

Before he sat on his bed he locked his door and turned on his Xbox and the T.V and gave me a controller.

"Wanna 1v1?"

"What's that?"

He chuckled. "Me against you."

I nodded. "Sure."

We played Call Of Duty, he let me win, and we smoked a joint with his brother David and his sister Sarah.

His sister was cool. We talked about her first time drinking and smoking when they moved here. She even asked me if me and Jeff had sex yet. I lied and told her we didn't.

Which reminds me... I gotta call Jo.

When he took me home my mom was loaded with questions, asking me why I didn't take my phone, who I was with, where I went... And so on.

I didn't tell her who I was with and where I was, but other than that I told her everything.

I ain't gonna tell her about me having a boyfriend because she'll sit him in the living room and ask him a million questions with my dad staring at him like he wants to kill him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to my mom for the names, David and Sarah. Ha ha.

Please don't rush me, Billie =D

I hit you >_>
he he.