

When Calvin tried waking me up for school the next morning, I decided to just skip school. I always hated Monday's. I slept until noon, and laid around most of the afternoon. I didn't bother getting ready until about two-thirty. Leslie called and said that she heard all about it, and Justin is pretty pissed about it. I know it's only going to bring more drama. Once after talking to Leslie, Steve happened to call.

"Hey what's up Jo?" He said as I answered. He wasn't really the attractive type, I guess that's what other people say.

"Nothing much. Just bored." I said, as I walked in my room.

"You didn't go to school I take it." Oh, yea. I forgot to mention he's out of school, since two years ago. Does that make him old?

"No, I didn't feel like it. What are you doing today?" I asked.

"Going hang out with the guys, you want to come chill?" I thought for a second.

"No, probably just hang out around here." We talked for a bit longer, then I felt like getting off the phone, my ear was starting to get hot. When my Mom got off work, she ordered me to clean the house and cook. The one thing I complained about was of course the dishes.

It started to get dark out, and I was in Calvin's room playing his Xbox since he was gone untill very late, I guess. I was about a half hour into a story on Kung Fu Panda, I thought it was retarded. I had nothing else to do, I heard my phone rang and I ran to go answer it. Looking at the caller ID it was Jasmine.

"Yo, What's up?" I said right away.

"Dude!" She let out a chuckle. "Nothing, um..."

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to leave?" I said cutting her off, remembering that she totally left.

"You left me." She said quickly.

"No I didn't, I thought you were right behind me." I added.

"Oh." She laughed. "Well...my bad?" I laughed.

"So what's up with you and umm...Jeff?" I asked.

"We're..going out?" I smiled quickly as she said it.

"You sound unsure."

"Well we are."

"That's totally awesome! So are you down again next weekend?" I asked her.

"Maybe..." We talked for almost an hour, she told me all about the guy and I told her what all happened, and of course I told her everything about him. We planed a double date, I think it seriously sounds corny but Jasmine says it doesn't. Who does that? Well I didn't really care, I been needing to go watch a movie or something. I could an unexpected beep, I told Jasmine to hold on. When I clicked over it was Latika.

"Hey you got any cash?" She asked after telling each other what we were doing.

"No, but I could get some? why?"

"Jason and I are looking for someone to match up with." She said and it sounded like he was yelling at his brother, or someone. I told I'd call her back because I had Jasmine on the other line, she asked me to bring her with. When I clicked over I told Jasmine who it was and what they wanted, I asked her if she had any money to match them up. She said yea, then I told her I'll call her when we're on our way over. I went and asked my Dad for ten dollars knowing he wouldn't give me no more then that, I called Latika back and she came got me, then we went picked up Leslie and J.R I guess it's going to be a big session. I called Jasmine and asked for directions and we went picked her up. We headed over to the drug dealers, and we got two twenty bags then we went to her house.

Jasmine and I stayed with them until almost midnight, I had fun and it looked like Jasmine did too. As it fell into complete night, Latika's room was filled with laughter and jokes. When I got home, I found a bitchy Mom asking me why I went out. I guess I was grounded for not going to school, but that wouldn't ever stop me and she knows that. I went into my room and watched TV. Steve called again around twelve-thirty, and asked to come over. When he did I snuck him threw the window and stayed up until almost three, talking and laughing about a few years ago.
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I realized I was writing long chapter's while Tiffany gets to write short ones.

No more long chapters!
And Whoa! am I updating today.

The rest of my chapters well be as short as this one maybe a bit longer.