

After I went home, from being with Jo, my parents scared the crap out of me by sitting in the dark on the living room couch.
I flipped the light switch on on the lamp by the door. "Oh, Holy Jesus! You scared the crap out of me."
"Where the hell have you been? And why are you coming in so late?!" My mom asked, yelling like I've murdered someone.
"I've been out with friends doing homework." I lied, hanging up my hoodie.

When I went to my room my mom followed me, asking fifty questions. It got so annoying I had to tell her what she needed to know. "Mom, please, shh." I said trying not to laugh. "If I tell you will you just... be quiet?" She nodded and I continued. "Mother," I hesitated, "I have a boyfriend." I think after about 2 seconds of registering that in her thick skull, her mouth literally dropped to the floor.
"Since when?" She asked. a hint of anger in her voice.
I told her when I met him and lied about how I met him and she, of course, wanted to know if we did it yet. I lied and said no and started talking to be about safe sex. I said my 'yeses' and 'nos' to every question she asked.
Before she left she asked me if I could tell my dad and I nodded just to get her out of my room whilst I tripped out on my post.


I woke up to the sound of my ring tone.
I answered it. "Hello?"
"Jazz?" I smiled at the sound of his voice.
"The one and only."
"Did I wake you?"
"No. Not really."
"Oh, 'cause it sounds like you just woke up."
"I did."
He chuckled. "Do you want to," he hesitated, "hang out later?"
"Yessssssss, I do." I said, a little too happy
"'Kay, I'll, like, pick you up at, um, well, half hour?"
I looked at the clock and it was noon. "Why so early, early bird?"
"I don't wanna be out too late." I heard the smile in his voice, which made me smile.
"'Kay, half hour." I whispered to myself. "Call me back then, because I need to get ready."

I got ready as fast as I could because it usually takes me more than a half hour to get ready.
I went to my parents' room and told her where I was going and that I was in a hurry so she wouldn't ask me a million questions.


Jeff took me to the park somewhere near my house and later showed me around the city.
He asked if I could take him to meet my parents and vice versa, but I told him we should go eat because I was hungry, so we went to Subway.

"Let's go." He said.
"Your house."
I shook my head saying no and he asked why. "Do you want to be answering fifty million questions?"
He nodded staring at the road in front of us. "I don't mind."

When we got to my house I hesitated at the door and tried to make him go home, but he was eager to meet my parents.

He was surrounded by questions and I was surrounded by embarrassment.
"Ohhkaayyy, mother, father. Could you, like, be quiet, for, like, ever? Please? We're going to my room for awhile." I grabbed him by the hand and led him to my room.

"Your parent's aren't that bad. They're just lookin' out for you." He said, sitting on my bed.
I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, please, Jeff. They're horrible." I said sarcastically.

I pushed him down on the bed and laid on top of him."Am I heavy?" I asked. He shook his head and I kissed his neck.

"Oops." I said, getting off of him.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Oh, yeah, I just gave you a hickey." I said.
He got up and looked in my mirror. "Oh, shit. Damn you gotta big ass mouth." He said, laughing.

When we went to his house his parents weren't home and we stayed in his room and just talked.

Most of the night I wondered why he hasn't mentioned the night we did it.
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I know -.-''