

The day at school was the usual. Meet a new friend in the hall, go to my classes, listen to my teacher give me kudo's for being the smartest kid in the class and doing freshman college work. I got sick of listen to my teachers say that I'm the good kid in school when I got in the sixth grade.
I wish I had a car so I didn't have to walk back and forth to school, home, or the store. When I walked in the door, my mom called me in the kitchen. "Jazz, can you help me unpack these dishes?" I nodded with a smile and walked over to help her put the dishes away. When I walked over to the cupboard I noticed we finally have a damn dishwasher.
"Finally?" I asked, pointing to the dishwasher.
"Yeah, it came with the house." No shit sherlock.
"Cool." I sighed, putting the cups on the shelf of the cupboard. "Mom, can I get a couple hundred dollars?"
She looked at me like I was crazy. "For what?"
"A concert. I was thinking about getting front row seats." She was still starring at me so I turned around. "And maybe backstage passes." I tried to say it too fast for her to understand what I said. I failed.
"You're not getting backstage passes, Jasmine!"
"Fine, I'll go ask dad." I'm a daddy's girl if you didn't know. I was his first and hopefully the last.
Just when I was getting to my dad's work room my phone rang.
"Hey. It's Joanna. I was wondering if you wanted hang out."
I wasn't doing anything today, but beg my dad to get me the tickets.
"Yeah, sure. Meet me at the mall, later. I'm kind of busy right now, but I'll call or text you what time to meet me."
"Okay. Bye." I hung up and walked in the room without knocking and sat on the chair by his desk.
"Dad, I need five hundred dollars. And the keys" He grabbed his wallet, gave me the money, the keys and he shooed me out of the room.
I went to my room to re-do my eyeliner and change my pants. I grabbed my phone and texted Joanna.
If you want me to pick you up, call me.

After she called me to give me directions to her house I ran down the stairs.
"Love you mom. Bye." I called out to her before I left the house.
"Jazz, wait." I stopped by the door and listened to what she had to say. "Money doesn't grow on trees." Well technicly it does. A check is a piece of paper, and paper is from trees, right?
"I know, mom. Bye. Love you."
"Love you, too." I walked out of the door to my dad's car to pick up Joanna.
She only lived a mile away from my house. I picked her up from walking on the sidewalk - or what was left of it.
"Hi." I said when she got in. "Oh, dude, you smell like Marijuana."
"Do I?" She said sniffing her sweater. I just nodded my head and put in my C.D. "Did you want some?" She asked me. I gave her the same look my mom gave me when I asked her for money. "No, I don't smoke."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't wanna grow up stupid."
She didn't say anything after that so I just turned up the volume on the radio.
Why the hell would someone go out and get high or drunk and waiste their damn lives?
My life was like Miley Cyrus, but more goth and bisexual and not Christian.
Which reminds me, I have to call Gabriella and Angel, my best friends from my hometown.
I'm gonna miss taking them girls to random concerts of bands and singers that we did or did not know unless I run away after high school, but I want to see how mine and Joanna's friendship turns out.

I drug her into Hot-Topic, literally drooling over the fact that they sold more stuff here than they did back in Grand Forks.
"Heilige Scheiße, Joanna! Schau wie viel Zeug das sie hab hier sind!" She looked at me with a confused look on her face.
"In English. Please!"
I giggled. "Sorry, when I get excited or scared I speak German. I said: 'Holy shit! Look at how much stuff they have got here!'"
"That's cool, how long've you been speaking German?"
"All my life." I told her picking up a C.D and a shirt that I've set on the counter.
I nodded my head. "Yup. My dad is from Germany and he always spoke it around the house. And I also speak a little Spanish from my mom."
"You so gotta teach me." She said, waiting for me to pay for my stuff. "Spanish, I mean."
"Yeah I will." If she can't listen in school then how is she gonna listen to me when I teach her how to speak a different language?

Next stop, Victoria's Secret.
♠ ♠ ♠
Badly written, I know.
I have writer's block. Boooo.
I'm gonna update everytime Billie does.
I'm tired.
Maybe when I write this all out on a piece of paper my chapters will probably get better and longer.
Everytime I type out a chapter on WordPad or NoteBook I always get Writer's Block.
I've never been to any other Hot Topic stores beside's the one in
Grand Forks, North Dakota so I don't know how big, larger cities are.
Which sucks because the Hot Topic I go to is just a tiny cramped up little store.