
My new friend

Can i get your number, so i can call you sometime?" I asked Jasmine before we left math class. It turns out we only have that hour together. I was happy, she can help me with my work. Besides that she seemed pretty cool to hang out with. I put her number in my contacts.

"See you later." After that i headed off to my next class. I kind of liked school, we only had four periods, but they were long as hell. I met up with a few of my friends, they were talking about a party on Friday, i thought about going. At lunch time i seen Jasmine and we headed out to the Gas station across the road. The next two periods weren't bad, i had credit recovery and English 11th, which i looked forward to everyday.

"Can i ride with you?" I caught up to Leslie after school. I don't think she heard me.

"Leslie!" I yelled.

"Oh, hey i just looking for you. Need a ride?" We kept walking through the crowd of kids.

"Yes, i do can i get one?"

"I don't know, can you?" I rolled my eyes at her playful sarcasm.

"I didn't see you all day? How was it?" She asked as she unlocked the doors. She is a grade higher then me, well all my friends were. Except Samantha and Tesha, they got sent off to a boarding school. I guess i was a bad influence on them. Their parents hated me.

"Oh, i was fully focused on school." We jumped into the car.

"Where did you go at lunch?"

"I walked with the new girl to that station." I lit a cigarette. When i got home i went into my house.

The first thing i heard was: "What the fuck, couldn't let me get a ride with you?" Here goes Calvin, my asshole brother that stresses me the fuck out.

"Dude, you never asked me to catch a ride with you!, why couldn't you walk, or catch a ride with the transit like i always had to?"

"You know how embarr-" I cut him off.

"Well do you know how embarrassed I was?, Fucking grow out of your fuckin underwear and get a life. Your always trashing on me about some bullshit" I walked in my room and slammed the door. I took a deep sigh. He gives me so much hell, it isn't even my problem. He shouldn't even be living with us, my life was just perfect until he moved in. He isn't my full brother. We have different Dads, he had asked Mom if he can stay with us, because theres too many kids were he lives. Not enough room. So where does that leave him. Moving in with me and my Parents. I don't know why we don't get along. It's always been this way since we met, how sad is that. The only time we get along is when we're getting high or hanging out with a group of friends. Or talking about him and his stupid basketball games, or him playing the guitar which i really liked. I pulled out my weed and started rolling up. I thought about Jasmine. I called and asked her to hang out, she said she'll meet me at the mall. After i was done with my first joint. I went and asked my Dad for money since he was the bank of this house.

"Hey Dad think i could get some money, i want to go to the mall." He just sighed.

"You better not go get drunk or spend it on something useless like you always do. Here" He handed me fifty dollars.

"Dad!" He looked at me with a evil eyes.

"Not after what happened last time." I just walked away so i wouldn't hear him bitch about couple weekends ago when i was suppose to go to the movies. I went and spent that money on some liquor. Fifty stinking dollars, what can i buy with that. Well i did want some CDs, maybe thats what I'll go get. I fixed myself up and went in my room to smoke another joint, when i went in there Calvin was standing there.

"Hold fucking out!" I sighed.

"I suppose you ol bum." I got a text message from Jasmine. If you want me to pick you up, call me. After i got done smoking.

I called her and gave her directions. When she pulled up, i went outside and got in the car.

"Dude, you smell like marijuana." Oh shit forgot to spray.

"Do I?" I sniffed my sweater. She nodded, and put in a CD.

"Did you want some?" I asked with a smirk. She gave me this look like i was crazy.

"No, I don't smoke."

"Why not?"

"Because i don't wanna grow stupid" She spat. Wow, She has to be like the first person I've known who doesn't smoke weed. I didn't even know if i should even whip out a cigarette and smoke it. I didn't, when we got to the mall. The first thing she wanted to do was go to Hot Topic. One of the best stores in the whole mall. I was disappointed that i only had fifty dollars.
As soon as we walked into the store she start going off in German, and the only thing i made out was my name.

"In English, Please!?" She laughed

"Sorry, when I get excited or scared I speak German. I said: 'Holy shit! Look at how much stuff they have got here!'"
I asked her how long she has known German. I was very surprised.

"All my life." She told me as she picked out a CD.
I started looking at some. "Seriously?"
She nodded "Yup. My dad is from Germany and he always spoke it around the house. And I also speak a little Spanish from my mom."

"You so gotta teach me." I said with joy. "Spanish, I mean. I always wanted to learn some other language"

"Yeah I will." I'm not sure if i can get it tho, i mean learning a something new is hard. After that we went to Victoria's Secret. I went and looked at the perfume and trued some out, i was thinking about getting some, but then i just remembered i really wanted the new Underground CD. Before we left the mall i went to F.Y.E to go buy the CD. When i went in there i seen some old friends i met from a few party's in the summer. "Jojo, how have you been?" "Hey whats up Latika?" We got so deep in convo, i sort of forgot i was with Jasmine. Latika wanted to me to go to her house and hangout and do some lines. i haven't did any since last summer. I looked over to Jasmine who was looking at posters with alot of bags from stores she went into.

"Hey Jasmine?, This is Latika,Latika this is Jasmine" Latika shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you"

"Do you think i could catch up with you later?" I asked Jasmine.

"Like at school or something, I kind of wanted to go do something with Latika." Jasmine looked like she didn't know what to say or do. I would of invited her along, but she might not like what I'm about to do. Then she just shrugged.

"Yeah okay, I'll see you later." She grabbed her cart and headed into the next store. I bought my CD and Latika and I left the store.

Outside we met up with her boyfriend Jason and his friend. I had forty dollars left from the fifty. "Jo, let me hit up your CD" I handed it to her. I was sitting in the back seat next to Tommy. Who was an old friend. We haven't spoken since 9th grade. I tell her i want a twenty and she goes Jason goes runs into a drug house i haven't been to. When he comes out he hands me, Tommy, two little white pebbles in clear baggys. When we get to Latika's we go to her basement. She lived with her older brother and she was already finished with school.

"So you been going to school, i hear" I layed out my stuff on a mirror and lined it up, as Tommy and Jason did the same. Why Am i always hanging with older people. They weren't even in High School anymore.

"Yeah, i been doing my best and putting my heart to it."

"Thats a good thing, I'm glad i made it."

"No shit" Jason says. I started doing my lines, i had 3 made out. I sniffed one in each nostril. Then i halved up the rest. The nice breezy cool feeling you always get. We sat around for a few hours and drank a party pack. Then i realized it was almost Ten, I'm suppose to be home around this time. "Can someone give me a ride?"I asked as i got up.

"I well i have to run to Riley's" Latika got up. Her house was just a few blocks over from my house.

"You guys have to wait because theres a few people coming with her." I guess this means there having a party. I go home and Me and Calvin coral about something pointless as always. Now i wish i would of stayed over Latika's. My dad yells at me about where i was and what i did and who i was with and ask how much money i have. I told him the truth, and it made him mad because i didn't explain where the other twenty dollars went. I lied, and he knows i was. I ignored him and said i needed to go to sleep for school. Right then he dropped the subject and i walked off.

It Isn't like I'm addictive to all the shit i do, i do it when i feel like it. I wouldn't say I'm dependent on drugs and alcohol. I didn't know what to think of that. Part of me has a good side, and the other is full of stress and all this 'bad' shit i do. I don't really see anything bad about it. I'm just living my life and having fun. I'm not a bad person. I never stole money for drugs. I never became a complete drugy. I know my limits. Does that make me a bad person? I fell asleep thinking of all the things i gone trough.
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Um, I have writters block when i write on paper. So some of it might be bad.
What can i say?. Tiff i really think our story might head in a differn't direction.

I'am a beginner. So that means i still need practice, and more learning. I'am kind of spaced out. If you know what i mean.