
Nothing new.

"Jo, are you going to school?" Calvin opens my door. He's actually awake?. I looked over to see it was 7:30 A.M.

"Oh man" I layed there and he came sat next to me and holds up a pipe.

"Here" He flicks the liter and I pushed it away.

"You better have some, this is yours." I shot up from the bed and grabbed the pipe.

"What the fuck you, sav" I knew he had to get it from my underwear drawer.

"I was kidding, now take a fucking hit." I got out of bed and we smoked three bowls. Then i went to go wash my face and brush my teeth. I didn't have time to shower which sucked. I fixed my hair, and did my makeup. Then waited for Leslie to come. She came around about 7:53 AM. At school, i went ate breakfast then went to Heath class. On my way i seen Jasmine, she was talking on her phone, so i waved at her knowing I'll see her second hour.

"Is she the new girl?" Leslie asks.

"I have her in my fourth hour." Kina says. Kina is in the same grade as Leslie, but she had to re-take a few classes she had last year, which i had to do, too.

"Yeah, i have her in my second hour. She seems cool" I walked off to my class and them girls went walking the other way. I liked and dis-liked heath class. I liked it because she barley gives us a load of work and she showed alot of videos and movies about drugs and alcohol, heath stuff. I dis-liked it because of all the effects and all this sad / bad stuff that had happened to these people. In math class i had told Jasmine about my night before, she looked like she wasn't all that interested. She seems like a goody good. I'm jealous of her, I thought about if i had gotten her into all the shit i do. Would they move away? Would she end up going to a different school like my other friends? I thought maybe i shouldn't get her into anything. After school, Leslie and I had took off to our block. I sighed with relief knowing that i was home before Calvin. That was just until thirty minutes later. He comes barging in the door, the look on his face was shocked, scared, and mad. All at the same time. My heart start pounding.

"Jo, a little boy got shot at the bunny park, my heart is pounding and i think I'm going to die." My heart was racing. Bunny park was where they had a basketball court and a park for kids, near by it. It wasn't to far from Golden high.

"Who...Was...It?" He sat down and held his heart.
"Fucking Calvin, I'm freaking out."

"We were starting our game, and then we heard a gun shot over by the slides. We all just got scared and ran to the car."

"Well..WHO was it?"

"I don't know Joanna., It had to be a little boy. Thats all there is, is little kids over there."
I went to take my anxiety pills. I get Anxiety every time something bad happens. When i was twelve, i always had these dreams about someone getting hurt, or shot. Or me getting shot, or me killing some one. Then one day I was high, and watching a Running scared, and it involves alot of murder. When they got to the scene were they started killing each other, i couldn't take it my heart start racing and i tried to calm myself down, when i layed down it felt like i was going to freeze up and die. Ever since I've had Anxiety. The room was silent, Calvin was trying to breathe right. Shit like this always happens around here, well every where. Some crazy bastard would go fucking physco.

"Cal, you alright?" He shook his head and grabbed his phone, probably to call Mom, he was such a mommas boy.

"Hey Mom." Then they started talking about whatever happened at the park. My mom was a teacher for Elementary school. My Dad was an electrician. He usually wasn't home till Five. My mom comes home ten minutes after him.

"The boy is your little cousin Calvin, It was Noland."
Noland was Six years old. I never met him, I only seen him once when he was about three or four.

"Oh My..." My face was just blank. I didn't know if i should cry for Cal, or for anyone. I couldn't cry. I never cried when someone died. Yeah i mean i felt bad and everything, and maybe had a few tears. But i never cried, bawling, sniffing, headache, couldn't breathe type of crying.
Calvin just got up and walked to his room. Calvin had one aunt, and it was her son. I thought about going fire up the rest of my stuff with him, but i knew i should give him some time.
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"Sav" was used in the story because we're natives and its just a thing we call each other, just in case anyone is thinking i'm racest,,,i'm not(:for billie:
i didn't know what you meant by adding other things...
dude you really gotta explain things to my dumbass.