

I sat in the living room for almost a hour, starring at nothing. I wondered if Joanna knew the kid. I hated when my dreams become true. It's like, I have a dream that's very bad, and then.. BOOM! It happens without warning. I got up and ran up the stairs and into my room, thinking if I should call her.

I did.

I picked up my phone and found her number and pressed the green button.
I let it ring a couple times and she answered with a quick 'hello'.
"Hey, Jo. Wanna, like... I dunno... Come with me to get a piercing?" I hesitated at first.
I thought she hung up the phone until she said yes.

I walked to the mall because I didn't want my parents knowing that I was out. Especially out getting more holes than normal in my body. We walked into the tattoo shop without saying a word.
I walked up to the person standing behind the counter and asked if I could get a couple piercings. He was about six feet tall, had a bunch of tattoo's and piercings. His name tag said he was scary... I mean... Joe.

He took us in the back, getting the stuff we needed for our piercings.
"What are you girls getting?" He asked with a deep accent.
"I want a conch, industrial, rook, a daith, and my tongue."
He looked at me like I was crazy and raised an eyebrow.
"And you?" He looked at Joanna, like she wasn't crazy.
"Snake bites, my tongue, and my eyebrow."
Then he had that look on his face again.
"Alright then, who's going first?" He looked back and forth at Jo and I.
"I will." I stood forward.
"Sit here," he pointed to the chair I had to sit in.
"What do you wanna do first?"
I thought for awhile. "Which hurts less?"
"Okay then. Tongue first."

He grabbed the tools he needed for it and put it on my tongue. He picked up the needle and he kept asking me if I was ready and Joanna told him to hurry the fuck up. He told me to take a deep breath and it was in after I let it out.
I didn't hurt. It felt like a little pinch in the arm.
I took a deep breath. "Do them all. I don't care which."
He just nodded and grabbed a couple earrings from the counter and asked which one's I wanted. I just pointed to a random one.
After a couple of deep breaths and feeling little pinches on my ear, he was doing the industrial piercing. He told me it would hurt a little more than the rook. I was thinking about the time when I first got my ears pierced when I was 7. It hurted. Thinking about it now made it better for me to consentrate on what Joe was doing because before I knew it he was done with the industrial.
He gave me a mirror and I looked at it. My mouth dropped. It looked cool. I liked it.

Next it was Joanna's turn.
"What's first?" He looked at her like he wanted to jump on her and start raping her.

Wow that would be totally not cool.

"First I want my snake bites, then my eyebrow, and my tongue." She had that same look on her face.

She nodded her head and he stuck the needle through the back of her lip and did the same with the other. I seen a tear coming out of Joanna's eye and I giggled. She gave me a death glare which made me leave the room and laugh somemore.

When I entered the room he was done with her piercings and he told us to follow him in the other room.
When he told us the price for each of our piercings, Joanna was digging out her money.
"I'll pay for it!" I told her.
I handed him a hundred from the work I did before we came to New York.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't go into much detail and it's short.
So kill me.
I was trying to think of how it went when I got my tongue and my lip pierced.
I failed.
It'll be 3 years for me since I got my tongue pierced ((on December 31st)) :D

Conch, Industrial, Rook, and a Daith, would be found here and you probably already know what a tongue piercing is... -__-;;

I have Writer's Block and Billie knows it.