

I waited for almost an hour, then I went knocked on Calvin's door.
He was playing his guitar, which I really liked. I smiled at him. "Hey"
He looked up from the strings. He just smiled at me. I always thought these were awkward moments. When I'd come into his room, I barley ever went in there. All he has is his bed, and medals he won from tournaments. TV with the Xbox, and bass shit. "Wanna smoke this?" I held up my nickel I had left. He just waved me over. I went sat down and packed a bowl, took a hit and passed it to him. "Any new songs lately?"

"Yeah i been working on KISS, Wanna hear a one?" I nodded my head.
"See if you can guess it." He took a hit and passed it.
He started hitting the strings, I couldn't figure it out at first, but then i knew it was to be 'Rock n roll all night'

"Rock N roll all night" He smiled at me, and shook his head. The expression he gets when hes doing a cover on a song. I wonder why we never get along, when we're not doing this stuff. Smoking together,talking about basketball and music. It was like we never did Coral when we had these moments, then after thats all done. Its just there. I told him to play 'The man who sold the world' By Nirvana. I really like that song, It gives me so much memories. That one day I had a few friends over, and we were sitting outside his window. Waiting for something, I forgot, and Calvin was playing his guitar, I had told him to play that song. After the intro was over he would tell me to sing it. I would, but i would forget the lyrics. As he was playing it now, I just thought of all the times I'd woken up hungover or still drunk. Or just drugged out. It just reminds me of the feeling I had, like the song is a drug to me. The nickel only put four bowls, he kept playing all these weird solos, and rhythms.

"Sorry about Noland, Cal" He just nodded.

"He was a good kid, Into all the right stuff, I know he would of been a good kid all his life. All he ever talked about was sports." I just looked down. Remembering the day Cal was showing him some moves on the court, and how the game works. Noland enjoyed sports, he was talking sports when he was three years old. Sigh.

After we were done I got up and walked to my room. When I walked in there, Jasmine called. I answered it, and I think I only let it ring once. "Hello" I said really fast. I felt like I wanted to bust into laughter, but I didn't. "Hey..Jo.. Wanna like get a piercing." My mouth flew open, I checked in my purse to see if I had any money, I had forty. "Yes" I blurted out. I told her I would meet her at the mall, I brushed my teeth and tongue, because I wanted to get it pierced then I went told my mom I was going with Jasmine, She was there before I'd gotten there, waiting by the entrance. On the way over I was thinking between a Barbell. I knew I wanted snake bites, I always wanted my tongue. I changed my mind about the barbell and I wanted a eyebrow. We walked into the tattoo shop in silence. I was walking behind her, shyly and scared. The only piercing I have are four holes in my ear.

"What are you girls getting?" The big tall man asked. I found his tattoo fascinating, and his piercing. Jasmine told him what she wanted, and so did I. She went first, because I didn't want to, I was kind of scared.
She did her tongue first, Joe, the tattoo, piercing dude. Was looking at her like she was crazy, when he was about To do the industrial why did she want these piercing all at once anyways. He was taking long and I was starting to lose my patience. After she was done, she looked at it, and looked like she liked it. It really did look cool.
I went sat in the black hospital looking chair. "What's first?" He looked at me in a creepy way, I wanted to take of running, but i just smiled and said."First I want my snake bites, then my eyebrow, and my tongue." He grabbed some tools, and opened new needles. "Ready?" He asked, I wanted to say hurry the fuck up! But i just nodded, he grabbed the my lip and pierced it from the back. I was thinking of when I got my ears pierced, It helped a little, When he did the other side tears came out my eyes. I heard Jasmine Giggled, and I glared at her. Right after that she walked out of the room, I wanted to tell her to stay in there but I couldn't talk. He just got done with my tongue when Jasmine came walking back in. We followed him to the other room and he told us how much the piercing were, As I was digging in my purse Jasmine blurted out that she would pay for them. I wanted to tell her so badly that I would pay for my own, but I couldn't let a word out. I was kind of pain. First thing I thought is I want to get some pills. After we left the shop and I started texting Trudy, she's a pill head and I knew she would have some pills. I told her to meet me at the mall. I mouthed to Jasmine that I wanted to pay her back for getting the piercing, but she just shook her head. I didn't have enough money, but I knew I had to pay her back some how. I told her I was waiting for some one to come by. We waited outside the mall, and Trudy had pulled up ten minutes later. I told Jasmine I'll be right back. I went sat in Trudy's car and made a deal.

"No wonder you want some pills" She was looking at my face. I stuck out my tongue.

"Do you have Vik tens?" She reached in her purse and pulled some out.

"Four pills for twenty" I pulled out twenty.

"Do you have Kpz too?" She dug in her purse again.

"Since you helped me out last month I'll hook it up. You can get four for eight dollars. And I'll just give two for free." It was only two bucks
for a pill, well depending what color, but I usually get the yellow. Blue ones went for five bucks a pill. Or was it four?
I handed her Eight dollars and grab the pills.

"Thanks" We both said, and I jumped back out of the car. I walked up to Jasmine, she was on her phone. I told her we should go to her place, Or mine. I was in pain, and I wanted to do these right away. I thought about splitting them with Jaz, but would she take some? I had four Viks, and six Kpz. I would save two viks and 3 Kpz. for tomorrow. She didn't want to go to her house, so we caught a bus and went to mine. We went straight to my room and I pulled them out.