

Joanna asked me if I wanted to go to her house after she went talked to her friend. I said yes and we caught a bus to her house.
When we got to her house she took me to her room and pulled out some pills and I just stood there looking like I had my finger up my ass.

"Do you want some?" she asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders and whispered, "Yeah, sure." I really didn't want to, but why not? I've never, ever in my life had snorted or popped a pill. I still think it's stupid, but I still want to give it a try.
She crushed the pills and lined them up. I told her she could do it first before I tried.

When she did her row, she turned to face me and pointed down at the straight lines and I impatiently made my way over. I knelt over the stand and did one.

Once I did it, I quickly shot up from the floor and sneezed. "It burned" I told her and she just laughed at me and told me those were Vicoden's.
I sat on her bed and ignored the burning in my nose and finished some with her.

I was done doing the pills as soon as the little pain from my tongue and my ear started to drift away, but I had this feeling I wanted to finish it all with her.... If that 's what she's planning on doing.

I put my head back on her pillow and stared at the ceiling.
"Do one more with me." She told me. I sat there thinking for awhile.

I wonder if my mom would know about it.
I don't even want to go home.

"If I finish this with you, can I sleep here tonight? Because I totally don't want to go home right now."
She nodded and said, "Sure."

Now, I just gotta tell my parents I'm staying here tonight.
I don't think my parents ever wanted me to be in the ghetto parts of New York. I'd have to convince them.

I rolled on my side and helped myself with the new lines. This time it went up a little cooler.
Right now I felt alot better than I did when I got here.

I just hope it doesn't become an addiction for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter made no sense...

Eins Grund warum es ist kurz:
Ich konnte nicht herausfinden, wie man ein verdammte schreiben Handlung für dieses Kapitel und sie weiß ich kann nicht schreiben ein Kapitel wenn sie Pillen einnehmen !!