Status: This is the 3rd time I'm re-writing this story. Let's hope it's the last, lol.


xx.o1 : A Life For A Life.

“No, please, stop!” The girl screamed as the vampire sniffed her neck.

“Such a feisty young thing…” It muttered seductively as it ran it’s cold hand along her back. “Such a shame I have to kill you.”

The girl’s tears stained her face. “Why are you doing this?”

It ignored her. “Unless… how’d you like to join my forever, little human?”

“No!” The girl struggled, but the vampire clenched it’s claws, keeping her in place.

“Yes… I think you’ll do perfect as my mate, for all eternity.” It’s mouth was right at her ear, “Time to become a vampire.”

“That’s what you think.” The girl’s voice was calm now. The vampire pulled back and looked at her. She smiled, her eyes full of wild hatred. “Now!”

“What are you…” The vampire was cut off as something smashed into the side of it’s face, knocking it off balance. The girl jumped to her feet, pulling a blade out from her coat.

The vampire jumped to it’s feet, but it was too late. Someone grabbed it from behind and threw it back onto it’s back. The girl jumped on top of the creature and barred her teeth. “See you in hell, fucker.”

And then she sliced it’s head off.

☼ ☼ ☼

The two girls sat by the fire.

“You did really good tonight, Hayley.”

“Ha, it was all acting. You’re the one who got that sucker on the ground, Kendra.”

The pair laughed. Hayley turned her attention back to the fire. The vampire’s corpse lay under it, slowly burning into ash. She smiled.

“So what do we do now?” Kendra asked, pulling leaves from her brown hair.

“I don’t know. I guess we could look for other vampires here in Washington. I mean, that vampire couldn’t have been alone, right?” Hayley replied. The fire danced off her dyed-orange hair. Her hair looked like the end of a match.

Kendra stood up. “I need to take a piss.”

Hayley winced. “Too much info.”

Kendra laughed and walked into the forest. “Be careful!” Hayley hollered and continued to watch the fire. The night was peaceful, quiet. The stars shone bright, and the moon was full. The flames lit up the forest in an eerie way that made Hayley feel at peace.

And then she heard the scream.

She was moving in an instant, her blades pulled out and in full swing. She crashed into the forest just in time to see Kendra on the ground. She looked up to see a blood-soaked blonde vampire, smiling, holding Kendra’s head in it’s hand.

“Poor human never saw it coming…“ The vampire hissed, it’s smiling growing. “That’s for killing Nate. A life for a life.” It ran into the darkness, it’s laugh echoing off the trees.

Hayley began to run after it, but stopped when she caught another glimpse Kendra laying on the ground. She dropped to her knees. The vampire could still come back for her, and she realized that, but she didn’t care. Kendra was dead.

And it was all her fault. She had let Kendra walk off into the woods. What was she thinking? It was her idea that there were there were more vampires in the area, how could she have been so careless in letting Kendra wander off?

Hayley shook off her coat and slipped it over her partner, her friend. After that, she stood, pushing away all her emotions. She refused to cry.

She knew she should call the other hunters and alert them about Kendra, but that would mean they’d come and get to the vampire before her.

No, it was Hayley’s job to kill the vampire. A life for a life, the creature had said. Now it was going to be it’s for Kendra’s.

Hayley turned, and took off into the darkness. She would get the vampire if it was the last thing she did.