Forbidden: A modern-day retelling of 'The Little Mermaid'

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Muse: Three Days Grace

As the days came and went my present pile kept growing. From Diamond I received another piece of jewelry, several circular bracelets--pure gold.
They were beautiful of course but I was beginning to get the feeling that my sisters hadn’t a clue about me.

From Opal I received a gorgeous bow for my hair; when I pulled my hair up with it, it framed my face nicely but I just wasn’t all that happy with it. Was I greedy? Or was I just disappointed? These gifts probably cost much and I felt guilty for not liking them, but I can’t entirely help what I feel. Emotions are uncontrollable whether we want to admit it or not. And I think that really gets some merman; you control your wealth, power—to an extent--, speech, and many other aspects of your life but you cannot control emotions.

Even dear Amethyst’s gift disappointed me; a jade jewel she gifted me with. These gifts were all so materialistic and I was anything but that. I wanted something that you could not put a price-tag on, something special. Sapphire and Ruby, gave me jewels too; making me feel even more disappointed.

The day of my birthday, I was barely able to contain my excitement. Oh, how long had I waited to go above the surface and see the land-walkers? Now I could and I was going enjoy every second above the water.

“Happy eighteenth birthday, my dear,” My Grandmother chimed.

I smiled back and said my thanks.

“My mother and I shall allow you to see the land as your birthday gift.” My father told me formally. My smile was so large on my face, my cheeks and jaw hurt. I nodded my head quickly, and nudged for him to continue.

He babbled on about the rules and restrictions, but I didn’t hear a word that left his lips; I had heard these words half a dozen times and I just couldn’t focus on my father’s ramblings. I imagined myself high above, in the sun, feeling the warmth on my hair. I saw the purples, pinks, yellows, and oranges of the sunset and pictured myself lying atop a rock admiring its beauty. I felt as if I was already there, under the brightly lit moon, my pale skin glowing. I would see ships and boats pass, but they wouldn’t see me. It was father’s rule—don’t let them see you.

And for some reason that upset me.
Why should I hide? Why do I need to stay in the shadows as if there was something wrong with me? What was wrong with letting the humans know I exist? Nothing.

“…Are you ready to go to the surface?” I slowly nodded my head, because I was excited and nervous all at once.

How would you feel if you were trapped below others? How would you feel if you knew of a completely different world but not allowed to see it? Curiosity is too much for me to handle, but somehow I managed to wait my eighteen years—just like the others.

“Yes.” My voice came out a whimper.

“Very well, I permit you six hours above the surface. Then return home—you and your sisters can go above tomorrow.”

“Enjoy.” My grandmother whispered.

I smile a sad smile and rise to the surface, my stomach gaining more knots as I got closer and closer. Finally, I felt my hair and face, followed by the rest of my body being surrounded by cold air.

It felt extremely odd, I felt… wrinkly and dry.

I looked high above me, and saw a large blue object, with puffy little white balls in it. Was this the sky my sisters had been telling me about?

A bright light, the sun, was towards the bottom of the sky. It hurt to stare, but I was far too entranced to look away.

I saw one single ship in the distance, but no land. Large rocks poked out of the surface but no sign of land.

I swam to the smoothest rock and laid my body atop of it. For nearly an hour I rested upon that slate, grey rock. My hair dried and its texture felt horrible, all knotted together and wild like medusa’s snakes. Unable to stand the horrible feeling, I dipped my head beneath the water and swam in the direction of the white birds I saw.

They were so pretty, and had wings. Looking at them made me long to fly, or even walk. I bet they could swim, and I saw them walking on a rock, and obviously they could fly. What could they not do? They had no limits when it came to getting places. They could interact with mermen, human, animals; they were lucky. The only creatures that could love me were fish and people with fish-tails.
I swam for a long time, until finally the sun set. The colors were marvelous, just as I had imagined. But…. just like every good thing, it had to come to an end.

I was left with the large white moon in front of my flabbergasted, self. It was undoubtedly the most majestic time of the day. The onyx sky, the shimmering stars, and the practically glowing moon, they were all so amazing.

I laid on a rock on my back, my hair fanning behind me in the water. I nearly fell asleep had it not been for the large white ship distracting me.

Colors exploded everywhere, in no particular order. Green like the sea leaves, blue like the water, white like the angel fish, and gold; I had nothing to compare to this brilliant gold that amazed me so easily.

Letters appeared in the sky. Human letters; Grandmother had tried to teach us, but even she was not very good at translating the writing. In the color red, it read—and as I said, I’m not too good at reading—‘Hah-pa-pa-e Ba-er-ta-ha-da-ee Col-ta-ee-en’

Hapapay Baertahady Coltaeen

That didn’t make any sense; maybe I should practice a bit more.

Leaning over the edge of the ship was a man, I couldn’t make out his face but he had hair as golden as the sun. He stood on the railing looking into the ocean; behind him a man brushed against his back, pushing him and effectively knocking him into the dark ocean lit by the moon.

Gasps and shouts followed merely seconds after his fall. The ship was too high for them to just jump into the water and they were sailing very fast, getting to far away from the blonde man. They wouldn’t get him; humans can’t swim as well as merman. Humans can’t live under the water, I’m sure of it. There was only one thing to do.

I had to save him.

Cries and shouts came from the onlookers, others running around rapidly looking for a way to save him.

I put all of that behind me and swam for the sinking man. He was thrashing in the water, trying to save himself all to no avail.

He sunk, and I got him. He had gone into unconsciousness so he hadn’t a clue it was I who had saved him.

I took him to the surface and waited for him to awaken.
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I just got into Three Days Grace thanks to my friend Annie. I cant believe what I was missing out on. Listen to 'Last to know' its so good.

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