Status: On a short break

Tragic Turns

Please Don't

Muse: Mother Love Bone

“Tell me everything” I growl.

She hesitated for a moment until I huffed again and took my drawing board.

“Well?” I was getting impatient and I wasn’t in the mood for her lies anymore.

“I like him, ok?” she says in a quiet voice.

“Well that much was obvious.” Did she honestly think I was a moron? I wasn’t, sure I had my moments but that’s beside the point.

“I don’t know it just sort of happened and I think I love him.” She looked so happy when she said those last few words, and I thought I should just let her be happy, because happiness is sort of a rarity in our lives. But when I thought of him and her together that thought disappeared faster than it came.

“You have got to kidding me. He’s dating your mother!” I exclaim, “Doesn’t anyone besides me see that? Don’t you think it’s just a bit weird and the fact that your only 15?” I swear I wanted to punch her right in the face, she could not, would not, do this to me. After all the things we’ve been through and she has to go and hook up with a loser! An older loser! An older loser who’s dating our mother! Why can’t she hook up with some nice 15 year old that isn’t dating any of our relatives?

I got out our laptop and logged onto instant messenger. Shannon, my cousin, was online.

LaMc96 says: You will never believe what just happened.

In the last few weeks Shannon and I had grown closer and while right she was the strongest relationship I had and we barely knew each other. Sure we were cousins but I rarely ever saw her considering her living outside the country.

SMM14 says: You’re right.

Now how would I phrase this?

LaMc96 says: You know Gerald… aka Dumbo

“You don’t love him” I tell Janelle grimly.

“Lain—“she began.

“Its Elain, only people I like call me Lain.” And I didn’t like her.

Just then Shannon replied.

SMM14 says: Yeah…

“Lain, this is—“

“Elain,” I snapped.

“Ok, fine, Elain, it’s really not as big a deal as you’re making it.” I had always thought Janelle was such a smart person but now I'm reconsidering that.

LaMc96 says: Janelle and him are together, like together, together.

“Janelle that has got to be the most retarded thing you have ever said.” I laugh with no humor.

SMM14 says: NO WAY! Wait did Amy and Ger break up?

“Elain I believe love can conquer everything.” I was about to upchuck all over her and her belief that ‘love can conquer everything’.

“What the hell? What ever happened to you being an anti-love person? You saw what love did to dad, you know what happens when teenagers act retarded.” I think the girl is on crack.

LaMc96 says: No! They are still together but I walked in on L and Dumbo kissing!

“You need to stop being jealous Elain! I mean it’s obvious you want me to be the big sister and you jut don’t want someone taking all my attention!” She is so shallow! Not everything is about her! I was actually thinking about mom and how this would hurt her, because it is so obvious she’s really into Gerald. I know she’s not the best mother but I’d rather her be happy instead of depressed. I wouldn’t wish my mother pain—ever.

LaMc96 says: I have to go. I’ll text you later.

“I don’t want mom to be hurt,” I admit.

“What?” she asks in a clipped tone.

“I don’t want him to dumb her for you,” I elaborate.

“You’d rather he be with her? Why? I'm your sister I'm always there for you. She doesn’t love him, I do!” She’s kidding me when she said that. I really don’t want to fight so I let that slip.

SMM12 says: Ok.

I close the laptop and begin sketching; I was really disappointed in Janelle. I really thought she was my best friend, the only person who has always there for me. Well I guess it’s nice that I know her true colors now.

“Janelle, I think we should just forget this ever happened.” I mutter.

“No! I’m sick of you telling me what to do, we will talk about this until you decide this is for the best” Me telling her what to do? When has that ever happened?

“Janelle I’m not talking about this with you,”

“And why not?” she snaps back.

“I won’t tell her just be careful okay?” I say looking only at my drawing.

She thought for a moment with no answer. She was really aggravating me and if she didn’t stop pressing my buttons my no-hitting strategy was futile. She looked at me and nodded her head. And so that effectively ended the conversation.


School was starting up tomorrow and I was a little nervous, I had really no clue what any of these people where like and the only people I knew in the school were Christopher and his friends.

Janelle and Gerald had no interaction from what I could see, but I was gone eight hours a day and when I was at home I pictures from my dreams. Yes, my dreams were back but they weren’t as gory as the old ones. It’s been basically the same dream repeated over and over but it still scares me to a cold sweat in the morning. In the dream I’m running around with Janelle, and on occasion Dumbo, and we’re looking for something and we never find it—right away, that is. Towards the end of the dream my mom and dad are there and they are together but then all of a sudden my dad disappears and my mother looks so sad, and then I wake up.

“I quit my job!” Janelle announces to my mother and I while we eat.

“Why?” Mom mutters.

“I applied for a waitress job so I chose to take it, minimum wage plus tip.” She shrugs.

“Cool,” my mom says. I remained silent, I hadn’t talked to Janelle since our fight a week ago, and I hope to keep it that way. Why should I talk to her when all she does is lie and call me selfish? At least my mom and sister were on better terms, their fighting is an inconvenience to everyone whereas my silent method only bothers Janelle—the way it should be.

“So, Elain are you excited about the new school?” Janelle sneers.

I shrug, and in response Janelle huffs. So immature.

“Gerald will be over in a few minutes, Lain will make up a plate for him?”

“Me? Why? He’s your boyfriend and I’m sick of him mooching off of us!” Why would she expect me to help out a guy that she knows I hate? I swear my mother and Janelle are the moronic lunatics of the family, me and my dad were the sane ones.

“Lain you need to stop being so emotional, okay? You can help out—your sister doesn’t have to do everything.” She says in a sickly sweet voice. Me, emotional? And since when are her and Janelle best buds? I knew they were on good speaking terms. And what is she talking about, “Your sister doesn’t have to do everything.” I do more than she does! She cleans up after herself, sure but I have to do most of the cooking.

“Fine.” I snap. “But why don’t you guys go to his house every once in awhile?”

“I don’t know it’s just easier.” Something about the way she said that put me off and also the fact that she got up and began to make the plate herself.

“No really…..” I trail off.

“Deborah doesn’t approve of our relationship.”

“Who’s Deborah?” Never have I once heard of this Deborah person.

“Gerry’s mom,” replies Janelle.

“Gerry? How do you know who his mom is Elle?!” My mother screams.

“Gosh! We had a conversation, sorry!” Ha, nice save Janelle.

“Lain,” she turns towards me, “is this true?”

“Yeah” I say looking down at the table. Why do I always have to be the middle man? I wish I was older so I could just leave, or maybe the Howell’s would adopt me, or better yet maybe somehow I could move to Canada with my family. I doubt that would ever happen, mom wants us to live here for some reason and I suppose I will never know.

“Hey!” Dumbo announced.

“Hi,” Janelle smiled her sickly sweet, dimply grin.

“Hello Elle,” he beams back. My mom looked between them and that familiar knit between her eyebrows appeared.

“Hi Amy!” He tried to feign his enthusiasm but it was blatantly obvious he didn’t want to see my mom.

“Elain” he nods at me.

“How’s mommy doing?” I smirk.

He narrowed his eyes.

“We’re out of beer so I guess I’ll go pick some up. Be back in 10 minutes.” My mother declares.


“You’re not going to say anything to her, right?” he asks me after the truck pulls out of the drive.

“No….” they both breathe out a sigh of relief, “you’re going to.”

“And if we don’t?” My demon sister sneers.

“Then I guess I will.” I shrug.

“Please! I’ll pay you, it’s just I don’t want to hurt her and I don’t want her mad at Elle or me.” He begs.

I gave that only a half second of thought, “No! I'm sick of this and all these lies and do you honestly think that I’m the type of person who would take you ten dollar bribe just to keep my mouth shut? Money isn’t everything you know.” I rant. This has gone on long enough and I am so ready to end it.

“Please just don’t tell Amy! Please!” He beseeches.

The front door was then roughly slammed, and my mother walked into the kitchen with the rest of us.

“Tell Amy what?” she says in a slightly annoyed voice.

“Nothing!” Dumbo and Barbie insist.

I glare holes through them.

“Lain?” Always the middle man I see.


“What in god’s name is going on?” she asks in a drained voice.

“Well you see,” I look around the room and see my sister glaring at me; “Janelle and Dumbo have something they need to tell you.”