Status: UPDATED!!!! Really long first chapter

My First Love

Chapter 1

Today is the big day my very first date, his name is Ben, and I'm so excited. I grab my new green mini dress out of my closet and my black leggings with gray and white polka-dots out of my dresser drawer. My dress is bright green with little fabric bows along the bottom trim and a big green ribbon that ties on the side. I run into the bathroom to change and curl my dark brunette hair.

As soon as I finish changing and curling my hair the doorbell rings. Ding dong!

Ben is here!

I quickly run down the stairs shouting, "Mom! I'm going out! I'll call when I'm coming home!"

"Okay!" Was all I heard her say.

As I pass through the foyer, I grab my strappy black pumps, phone, and purse.

I open the door, " Hi...Ben." I say between breaths.

"Hi, why are you so out of breath?"

"Long story, I'll tell you on the way to the movie." I grab his hand and pull him towards his truck.

"So, what movie are we going to see?" I ask as I climb into the passenger seat of his red Ford F150.

"You'll see when we get there," he kissed my hand as he started the truck.

We drive in silence until I realize that we aren't going towards the movie theater.

"Ben, where are we going?"

"Jenna, relax. You will understand."

It was then that I realized where we were headed.

"Oh, now I see it. Dinner and then the movie" I nodded and smiled at how dumb I was.

"Yup. We're going to the Country Kitchen first."

He turned into the parking lot, parked his truck, and we excited the car, walking towards the entrance. He was being a real gentlemen and opened the door for me.

"After you," he ushered me to the podium with the hostess standing there, "Reservation for Davies."

"Ah, Ben?" The hostess asked with a smile.

"Yes." Ben turned his head away from the hostess and smiled at me.

"Right this way Mr. Davies," She motioned with her hand for us to follow he as she grabbed two menus. Her eyes never left Ben's body.

She brought us to a corner booth in the back of the restaurant. We sat down as she gave us our menus and told us that our waitress would be there shortly to take our orders.

"Well this is romantic." I pointed out while looking at everything from the flowers and candles on the table to the empty corner of the restaurant.

"That's kinda' what I was going for." He says with a chuckle.

"You know that this is my very first date, and I'm sixteen." I giggled as I admitted this to him.

"Well then, let's make it special," he laughed, "This is my first official date, and I'm seventeen."

"Can I hold this over you for the rest of our lives?" I chuckled.

"Sure you have to kiss me on the cheek first," He smiles and taps his right cheek with his index finger of his right hand.

"Okay," I lean in and just as i was about to touch his cheek he turns his head and I kiss him...ON THE LIPS!!! As soon as i realize what just happened I pull away and thump his arm, playfully of course.

"Jerk!" I exclaim jokingly.

"Sorry...I couldn't...resist!" He manages to say between bouts of laughter.

Soon I join in on the laughter. We are still laughing when the waitress comes to take our orders.

"Hello, I'm Lissa. I will be your waitress for this evening. Is there anything I can get you, water-" She looks up from her pad of paper and pencil, "-or soda? What's so funny?"

"Nothing. I'll have the Chicken Parmesan." I order, "with a medium Sprite, please"

"And I'll have the same, but with Pepsi," Ben orders as he hands Lisa our menus.

"Okay. Comin' right up." Lissa says with a seemingly forced smile. She proceeds to take the menus and walks away.

As soon as Lissa is out of earshot I ask, "Ben? May I please borrow your jacket?" I was freezing because I was wearing a strapless dress in an air-conditioned restaurant.

"Sure. Here ya go." Ben puts his jacket over my shoulders giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Thanks." I smile and kiss his hand because I'm too scared to kiss his cheek.

When our food arrives, Ben and I dig in. We both chuckle because we are so hungry.

After we finish our Chicken Parmesan, Ben pays and we get into his truck. We drive towards the Baltimore Movie Theater.

We enter the theater and Ben walks up to the ticket booth and says, "Two tickets for Dark Knight, Please."

The lady behind the ticket counter says, "That'll be six dollars, please."

He gives the lady the money and walk to the concession counter.

"What would you like?" Ben asks me.

"Ben, I brought money. Let me pay for the popcorn and drinks. Please?" I practically get onto my knees to beg him. He was just paying for too much.

"Are you sure?" I could tell he didn't want me to pay for anything.

"Yes I am sure. I have never been so sure of anything in my life." I concluded, "So what would YOU like?" I put extra emphasis on the word you.

"A small popcorn and a small root beer." He answered, "We can always get refills. They're free." He tells me pointing to a sign on the menu.

"Sounds good We will share the popcorn. Okay?" I offered, "and I'll have a Mountain Dew, a small one."

I walk up to the counter and order a small popcorn, Mountain Dew, and root beer. After I pay and we get our drinks, Ben and I walk to theater number thirty.

During the movie Ben grabs my hand. I was going to pull it away, but I liked it.

Half an hour into the movie I say to Ben, "Be right back." I quickly unintwine my hand from his.

When I get out into the lobby and I start walking to the bathroom, I feel a hand on my shoulder. It was my best friend's ex-boyfriend, Tony. He was on a date with his new girlfriend, Stacy. He tells me all about Stacy. Like that she has, "wavy blond hair."

"Okay? Why would I care?" I start walking towards the bathroom when he stops me again.

"Wait. Reanne isn't with you?" He asks. Reanne is my best friend.

"No. Why would she be. And why do you care?" I turn towards him.

"Just wondering," He starts to walk away when he turns around and asks, "Wait, if she's not here, why are you?"

"I have a date." I put extra emphasis on the word "I" and spin around and continue walking towards the bathroom.

I finally make it to the bathroom and finish my business there. I wash my hands and while I am drying them I hear my name, "Jenna?"

I exit the bathroom. When Ben suddenly scoops me up into his arms.

"Okay. Now why did you do that?"

"I was worried that you left me." Ben stares into my eyes as he says this. It must be completely true.

"Why would I leave you?"

"I don't know. I were taking a long time and I thought you called your mom and told her to pick you up."

"Oh, sorry, Reanne's ex-boyfriend stopped me," I pause, "wait, how did you know I was in the bathroom?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I'M FINALLY DONE!!!!! Sorry it's long..... but here is some key info...the waitress's name was inspired by one of my cheerleading coaches, Tony's girlfriend is named after my cousin, as well as Ben, and Reanne is my best friend from Illinois. Jenna is just a name I came up with just like Tony. If you would like to be a character in my story just say it in a comment and I will try to work on it. Thanks for reading...(: Comment and subscribe please!!! :) I love you all!!! O_o...