Status: Worst ending ever. Oh well, it's done.

The Black Parade

Spinning A Web of Lies That Scissors Can't Cut


I had told my boss of the results the interview produced, as in zip, zilch, nada, it had to be rescheduled, I didn't tell her of Brian knowing the old me, of course. She scowled but got it rescheduled for next week, and gave me a new assignment to do in the meantime.

The new assignment was an informative piece on anorexia, I knew plenty about it and how it affected the human consciousness, so I finished it easily and worked on some non-fiction I had been trying to write, I didn't think that I was succeeding, though.

The dawn has its first curtain call over a gray sky, warmth is brought to the faces of survivors, survivors of Death itself. A plague had struck, one that spread through a contagious method: immorality, injustice, and hatred.

It is unlike any other epidemic, in its origin, it comes straight from an unlikely source, the human heart. My heart, plucked out and ruthlessly thrown on the filthy soil by worthless men, no more than fish out of water, dead already, but alive only for the pain as they are unable to receive oxygen through slowly drying gills.

I am drowning the human race, through my sorrow, I try to be rid of it, for the benefit of others, but it is too deep-seeded in my very essence to be rid of, and it is poisoning those around me.

I am a poison... I am the venom seeded in this very earth...

"Wow, heavy."

Lisa was hovering over me, reading every word I put down on paper. I sighed and handed her the article on anorexia, she smiled and walked away to put the article in this weeks layout.

I sighed and went back to my writing, only to be interrupted again by a rough tap on my shoulder, apparently, no one wants to leave me alone today, I turned to face whoever was pestering me.


"Ok, then..." Brian commented on the retreating figure of Gerard, "So how do you know her?"

"We talked to a cousin of hers, she was really worried since she couldn't find Jane, even though they had never really talked as children." I lied surprisingly well.

"Oh, well she changed her name to Abigail Clarice Walters, so I would let her cousin know."

I nodded, but Brian obviously wasn't through with me, "Why did Gee react so badly to you mentioning her?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "Maybe he had some sort of history with either of them, I wouldn't confront him, though, after Eliza he's been keeping relationship related stuff really close to the vest."

"But Mary- Abbey, is only in her early twenties, Gerard doesn't usually go for that young, unless it was back when he was still using substances..."

I interrupted him, "It must have been the cousin then, just don't bother him, okay?"

"Yeah, but I'm going to talk to Abigail later, I was rude, and I should apologize."

"Okay." Brian left for his own apartment, and I realized that I had lied smoothly for the first time in... Well... ever. I shouldn't make a habit of lying though, it only gets harder to keep them straight, and then someone will get hurt, inevitably.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to Plauge Rat for your great comment on my story :)


I am magickal, so I can do that!

Dentist appointment tomorrow, maybe no update. :-(

A bientot!!! (accent circonflex on the "o")