Let My Heart Rest In Pieces

As I looked at him, and I mean really looked, I could see that it just couldn't be. Not now, and maybe not ever. I had spent so much time chasing after him, ignoring the heartache and pain that I went through. I thought, 'If I could just have him, everything would be better'. But that's something only naive children can believe. Over this past year, I'd grown a lot, I'd loved, and I'd been broken. Frank Iero was the reason I went through all these changes.

Even if there wasn't a possibility of there being an 'us', I'd still love him. But I'd have to let go. We both would.

"Let My Heart Rest In Pieces."
  1. The Move
  2. Introduction
  3. You Talk To Much
  4. Physics Is Always Evil
  5. Juliana Maria Moore
  6. Mikey's Revenge
  7. Mr. Awesomepants
  8. Seven Hour Wait
  9. Don't Kiss And Tell
  10. Turn For The Worst
  11. I'm Gay
  12. Keeper
  13. Exhaustion
  14. Total Filler
  15. The Voice
  16. Welcome Home Envy!
  17. Drake
  18. I Can Sing!
  19. Made Up And Connected
  20. Crush And Catch
  21. At Least It's Not Zeel
  22. Somebody To Love
  23. Burning Fire
  24. Invitation
  25. Gobble Gobble
  26. Date Night
  27. Corny
    Steamy, beware!
  28. I Miss Him Too
  29. Something Off
  30. Unlimited Sound
  31. Party Time And Forgiving Words
  32. Oncology
  33. I Ain't No Sissy
  34. Physical Interactions
  35. Fill In Boyfriend
  36. Broken Bond
  37. Three Tales Of Chemical Romance
    Read Author's Note
  38. Perfecto
  39. Making The Twenty
  40. Split
  41. Fifteen Percent
  42. Tango
  43. Round Two
  44. Happy Birthday Pansy
  45. Mother And Daughter
  46. Little Envy
  47. Dressing Up
  48. You're Gonna Love Me
    Video of song in Author's Note
  49. Friendly Advice
  50. Marked By My Lips
  51. Trick-or-Death
    Read Author's Note Please
  52. Engraved With Lillies
  53. Palpitating To Flat Line
  54. Final Goodbye
  55. No Clue
  56. Opa
  57. Thanksgiving With The Family
  58. Them There Bellies
  59. Snow Fall
  60. You Needed It
    Dedicated to kelly yells love
  61. Preparation
  62. Secret Santa
  63. Perfect
  64. Merry Christmas
  65. Chapstick
  66. Winter Party Begins
  67. A Wonderful Trail
  68. Envy, I Think...
  69. But I Wasn't
  70. Wall
  71. Well... Shit
  72. I Know
  73. Not With Me Around
  74. My Lips
  75. Bonding With Mikey
  76. Alex Saavedra
  77. Ice Cream Kiss
  78. Until I Turned Around
  79. If He Was Smart; If He Cared
  80. Star Of The Show
  81. My Life
  82. Swans
  83. Our Last Dance
  84. Make The Best Of It
  85. Destroy Them
  86. Leave It All Behind
  87. Love Kills Slowly
  88. Flawz
  89. This Is For You
  90. Let My Heart Rest In Pieces
  91. I Didn't See A Thing
  92. Graduation
  93. Timeline