Let My Heart Rest In Pieces

I Miss Him Too

Let My Heart Rest In Pieces 028

I Miss Him Too

"I love half days!" Dan sighed at the lunch table, all smiles. It was lunch time, although it wasn't the usual time of day.

Half days work like this: We come to school at the usual times, but all the classes are shorter in length, then we get out two hours earlier than usual. It's wicked awesome.

So now the group sat at the usual spot outside, but instead of it being 12, it was 9:00. Life was sweet at this moment in time.

"If only every day was like this," Jepha exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. We all ignored his statement and continued our conversation.

"This makes this Monday a whole lot more bearable," Roxy said, resting her head on Taylor's shoulder.

"Just think, in two more hours we'll be out of here and back home."

"You guys want to hang out somewhere today? We have a bunch of time left in the day, why not waste it being teenagers?"

"Sorry, I can't go," Quinn spoke up, "I have to go to my doctor's and make sure everything is okay with this." He then motioned to his arm, which was now just in a sling.

"I'm glad you're okay. I still can't believe those jerks did that to you."

"Yeah, but Envy showed them who was boss!"

I rolled my eyes at Bert, but gave him a smile. "Ya don't mess with me, or my friends."

"So everyone else but Quinny here is in?"

"Actually, I have a job interview right after school," I said, giving my friend's an apologetic smile.

"Who else is bailing then?!"



Hearing my name being shouted from a few yards away by a familiar voice, I turned my body around to see a trio walking my way. All of them were quite familiar to me, and none of them looked happy. The one that looked the most pissed was the one who was leading the group.

"Frank," someone mumbled.

It did seem like we had been sprung upon by a ghost. It had been weeks since anyone, besides Mikey, had been in contact with the boy. I stood up as they continued their walk, placing my hands on my hips as they stopped only a few feet or so from me.

"How can I help you?" I asked, smirking when I saw that Todd was inconspicuously hiding behind Frankie, who was maybe a foot and a half shorter than him. His nose looked a lot better than when Roxy had seen it on Friday, but it was still pretty nasty.

"What the hell is your problem?" the short boy asked, narrowing his hazel eyes at me. I gave him a questioning glance.

"I don't think I follow you."

"Say it slower Frankie, maybe then she'll understand," Alice sneered, smiling at me as if she had won some unspoken battle between us.

"Shut your trap Alice, before I shut it for you." That kept her quite.

Frank didn't defend his friend, just continued on with what he was saying before. "What is your problem, just going up to Todd and doing that to his face? My friend would not do that to another one of my buddies."

My mouth fell open in shock at what the boy had just said to me. I glared over at Todd, who did the same back to me. I turned my attention back to their so called leader.

"There are so many things wrong with what you just said there Frank. For one, I'm pretty sure we're not friends anymore. You left us Iero, without an explanation as to why, just got up and left. You turned your back on people who have been here for your entire high school life and even longer. They may be able to forgive you for abandoning them, they may still call you a friend, but I don't."

He opened his mouth to say something else, but I cut him off. "I'm not finished. Yes, I admit I did that to him, and I'm proud of it. I'd do it again if I had the chance." That's when Todd stepped back a foot or two.

"But I did it out of defense for Quinn. You know, one of your real friends? Look what happened to Quinn's arm because of him!"

Frank's eyes darted over to Quinn, who was trying to hide during all of this, but his sling was quite obvious. Something passed through the smaller male, as if he actually realized the mistakes he had done. It all went away once Alice touched his arm.

"We don't have to take this from her Frank, let's get out of here."

He slowly nodded, turning on his heels and walking away from the group. I crossed my arms over my chest and took a deep breath, trying to pull in all of my emotions. I felt a hand on my shoulder and instantly knew it was Taylor. She knew the pain of being betrayed by her so called friend.


"I miss that idiotic jerk so much," I whispered, wiping away the tears on my face so hopefully no one else but Taylor could see them.

"I miss him too V. I think we all do."
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is short, I know. But look who's in it! I really have missed the little midget D:

This and a couple other chapters should be the arc of getting him back!

