Let My Heart Rest In Pieces


Let My Heart Rest In Pieces 038


“Here you are sir, the sacred scheduling logs!” I announced to Bob the next day at work. His icy blue eyes looked to meet my brown ones, and the man smiled.

“Weren’t I supposed to get these yesterday?”

“Well, you were, until a certain afro headed boy stole me away,” I voiced, throwing my glance over to the open door where Ray’s loud voice could be heard.

“Understandable, I guess.”

My boss stood up from his desk, picking up a small amount of white envelopes and I smiled. I ran out the office door, calling for everyone’s attention. “Pay day!”

“Finally, spending money!” German sighed, a happy grin on his face.

“Maybe if you didn’t spend all your money at once, you wouldn’t be living off each check,” Joey countered, giving his friend a push.

“I don’t spend it all, I put some in the bank.”

“What, like, a dollar?”

“Psh, more like a dollar fifty.”

I shook my head at the man, taking my check with a ‘thank you’ when it was handed to me. I smirked at the numbers looking up at me then placed the paper safely into my backpack, which I hiked over my shoulder.

“I shall see you all tomorrow bright and early!”

“What, she gets paid for coming in for three seconds?” Lisa asked with a pout. I turned towards her and spit my tongue out at her.

“I have some shopping to do, and as punishment for asking for this day off, I have to open tomorrow.”

“Ugh, I don’t envy you then.”

In the background of our conversation, I heard one of the boys say, “Ha, she doesn’t envy Envy!”

Bob rolled his eyes. “I open all the time.”

“Which is why you get paid the most.”

“It doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that I am the manager and do the most work?”

“No, not at all.”

“I will see you all bright and early tomorrow,” I said, ending the conversation and waving everyone goodbye. I walked out to my van, which was on and blasting some music. The two girls that were in the car were “dancing” to the pumping beat.

“You could have come inside you know,” I yelled over the tunes, turning them down a bit when I sat in. Roxy, who was sitting in the passenger seat, grinned over at me.

“Well, we were going to, but then my favorite song came on and I had to stay and listen, and I made Tay stay with me.”

“Enough with the talking, let’s go to the mall!” Taylor shouted, poking me repeatedly to prompt me to move.

“Fine, fine!”

The three of us chatted on the quick drive to the mall, most of it about how awesome the dance was going to be, and who was going with who. We parked in front of the Macy’s, running like stampeding animals into the store. Of course, shopping on this Friday wasn’t only our idea, seeing as a lot of girls from school were in the dress section, checking out things that they could wear.

“How much you wanna bet that most of the girls at the dance are just going to wear short dresses that look nothing like Spanish ones?” Taylor asked, motioning around to the majority who were, in fact, looking at dresses short enough to only be shirts.

“Whatever,” Roxy said, running her fingers on the bright pink dress in front of her and scrunching her nose at the unpleasant material, “It’s their bodies, let them do what they want.”

“What color do you want your dress to be?” I asked them both, looking through the plethora of multicolored dresses.

“I don’t really care, though I would like it to be black,” Roxy disclosed.

“I want mine to be kind of bright, so I can be seen on the dance floor,” Taylor said, holding up a long yellow dress, which most certainly was bright.

“What about you?”

“I don’t really mind much, but I do want something that goes along to the thing. Too bad I’m not in touch with my dancing teacher any more; she had the most breath taking dresses.”

“Envy?” I heard someone ask from behind me, turning around, I saw a familiar girl.

“Hi Tamara,” I said pleasantly, giving the girl a smile.

Tamara was a small and petite girl, only a couple of inches above five feet and barely in the hundreds when it came to weight. She had medium length auburn hair that she always kept up in a pony tail. Her brown eyes sparkled with innocence, and the many freckles on her cheeks and nose made her look even more like a child. She gave a smile over to Taylor when she saw her.

“Who’s this?” Roxy asked, not knowing her.

“Oh, sorry, this is Tamara from my chorus class. Tamara, Roxy.”

“It’s nice to meet you. I am guessing you three are here looking for homecoming dresses too?”

“That we are, although we just got here.”

“I already found mine,” she said, holding up a white bag that was covering up the garment.

“Hopefully there are still some good ones here,” Taylor said, looking around at all the females that seemed to have found their perfect dress.

“I’m sure you guys will find yours. Oh, Envy, are you ready for the auditions on Wednesday?”

At first I was confused on what she was talking about, but then the contest came to mind and I smiled. “I so am, I am really excited and I hope I at least get the runner up part.”

“I hope we get some time to hang out while we’re there, talking with friends always makes me a little less nervous.”

“Tamara, dear, it’s time we left now!”

“Coming mom!” she yelled before turning back to us, “I’ll see you around. And good luck finding your dresses!”

“She’s a nice girl,” Roxy said, once again looking through all the dresses.

“Just a little too nice,” Taylor added.

“Since when is there such a thing as being too nice?”

“Since she was born.”

“Oh guys, look at this one!”

“That’s perfect Rox!”


Two hours later, the three of us headed towards my van, white bags protecting the dresses in our hand. The first hour was spent with Roxy helping Taylor and I find our dresses, since she had so quickly picked hers. When we came up with nothing, we decided to grab a little something to eat, then went back. I found mine a couple minutes after we came back, and soon after me, Taylor picked hers.

“Oh, I can’t wait for this dance! Latin music, dancing. It’s going to be so much fun,” Taylor squealed, which was very rare for the girl.

“Maybe you’ll even meet a nice Latin boy,” Roxy said in a Spanish accent.

“I think I would have noticed one around school by now.”

“I just can’t wait to see the guys drop their jaws at how damn good we’re going to look,” I said with a smirk, slowly making my way to drop off the girls.

“They’ve done it every year. They see us at the dance and it’s like they don’t expect us to be so girly. I swear, I think Dan almost asked me out one time.”

“Dan an Taylor sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-“

“Whatever Envy,” She scoffed, flicking my arm.

“Hey! Never hit the driver while she’s driving! You could have caused an accident.”

“Not my fault you’re a sissy.”

I glared at her through the rearview mirror, just to see her smiling face reflected back. Tay was the first one I dropped off, next being Roxy. By the time that I got home, the sun was on its slow decent of leaving the sky.

“How did the shopping go?” Dad asked me when I walked into the laundry room where he was and gave him his debt card back. Psh, like I was actually going to spend my hard earned money on something I could get my daddy to buy. I’m evil.

Perfecto, we all got our dresses,” I said, motioning to the thing in my hand.

“Can I see it?”

“What? No way! You don’t get to see it until Homecoming night, just like everyone else.”

“Roxy and Taylor got to see it,” the older man said with a pout, throwing his clothes into the washer.

I rolled my eyes. “Fine, no one will get to see it on me until Homecoming night.”
♠ ♠ ♠
TEN STARS! Oh my good Lord up in Heaven! :D That makes me happy. Thank You~!
