Let My Heart Rest In Pieces

Mr. Awesomepants

Let My Heart Rest In Pieces 007

Mr. Awesomepants

Since my free block was a complete waste of time unless you wanted to sleep or catch up on some homework, I went to the library to find some books to read. As with every library, it was deathly quiet and I saw one of the librarians glare at me as I walked by, causing me to hurriedly go to the back of the building. I scanned the shelves, looking for something interesting and not full of cheesy romance like most books seemed to be about these days.

Finding one that caught my attention, I pulled it out and there was an empty space from where it used to be. Something on the other side of the bookshelf caught my attention, and again being the curious person I am, I looked through the hole. What met my eye was another eye, this one hazel in color. Just seeing an eye itself almost made me scream.

“What the hell?!”


Looking over at the sound of my name, I turned and saw Frank standing there with a book in his hand.

“Was that your eye I saw?” He asked with a laugh.

“Maybe… did I see your eye?”

“I believe so,” he chuckled.

I motioned over to one of the tables and we both sat down. “What are you doing here? I never pegged you as the type of person who reads.”

“Why yes my dear, I do read. I was just getting myself a new book when that incident happened.”

I looked at the book he had picked out and smiled.

“Lord of The Flies? That was a really good read.”

“So was Jaws,” he said, referring to my book.

“Yeah, I’ve seen the movie and I know for damn sure it’s not some stupid little girl’s book about loving some perfect guy.”

“I’m guessing you’re not a romance kind of girl.”

“Oh, I am. My man just has to have flaws. But anyway, what class are you supposed to be in right now?”

“The class I have right now is Guitar 2, but I’ve had that teacher since last year and she knows that I can play damn well, so she lets me slack off.”

“I never knew you played the guitar, that’s cool.”

“I’m a pro,” he replied with a smirk.

“If you’re so good Mr. Awesomepants, then why are you even in that class?”

“To show off and get an easy A.”

“That explains it.”

Frank and I talked throughout the whole period, and we got ‘shushed’ by all the librarians at least once. I’m really surprised they just didn’t kick us out and ban us forever. Once the bell rang, we both walked to the lunch table together.

“You’re absolutely insane Frank Iero. How were you ever able to do that to a teacher?”

“With a lot of planning and practicing.”

“I don’t even want to know who you practiced on.”

“Well aren’t you two getting along swimmingly,” Roxy said with a wink.

I scoffed while Frank glared.

“Although this might not last, Frank has some competition. Envy saw Mr. Smith for the first time today and she fell in love!”

“I did not fall in love! I just said that he was very handsome,” I explained as I sat down next to Roxy.

“Anyway, since you guys didn’t tell me about what’s supposed to go on after school until this morning, what the hell are we supposed to do at my house when we get there?” I asked as the rest of the group came towards us.

“Trash it,” Dan suggested.

“Um, how about no?” I replied with a glare.

“We’ll think of something when we get there.”

As we talked, Jepha sat down next to Quinn and picked up the slice of pizza that was on his plastic plate. He then started to make plane noises and started “flying” the piece of pizza towards Quinn’s mouth. This, of course, caught everyone else’s attention.

“Open up or the plane can’t land safely in your stomach!”

“Dude, get that away from me! It’s really creepy for you to be trying to feed me.”

“Just eat the damn pizza!”

For the next five minutes, the rest of us just watched as the two boys wrestled against each other. The end result was that Quinn ended up with pizza grease and sauce all over his face while Jepha lost his lunch.

“Ew, all that stuff just got into your pours and you’re going to have the most disgusting zits.”

“Why do I hang out with you guys again?” Roxy asked, shaking at her head at what just happened.

“Hanging out with us is just like having sex with a black guy, if you know what I mean,” Bert explained to her.

Roxy snorted while the rest of us just laughed. “Yes, that’s exactly it Bert.”


“Now that you all are familiar with all 88 keys, I want you to play the song that you have been given. All of them are the basic songs, and if you can’t play them, I will know that you will be the failures of this class. These songs vary from ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ to ‘Ring Around The Rosy’.”

I looked down at the song that my group seemed to be having problems with and scoffed. Really, they were having problems on ‘Mary Had A Little Lamb’? Please, this is child’s play.

I smiled as I remembered when my mom started to teach me how to play the piano, and this song was one of the first that I mastered. After the fifteen minutes that we had to practice were up, Mr. Cell called us out individually to play the songs assigned. Some were good, decent, or just horrible pounding on the keys.

“Envy Moore?”

I walked up to the piano and started to play the song. I was tempted to sing along as I played, but then I’d be worse than Frank when he shows off in guitar.

Mr. Cell nodded his head and marked something off on his clipboard before calling the next person. I wonder if I got an A…


“Dude, what the hell?! We said no spiking!”

“I didn’t spike it.”

“Then what do you call what you just did?!”

“The Bert Spike!”

“Will you two just shut up and hit the damn ball?!” Mikey yelled, getting aggravated at Bert and Dan as they squabbled.

“I did hit the ball, then Dan started yelling at me saying it was a ‘spike’.”

“It was a-“

Seeing as they were both close enough to me, I walked up to both of them and smacked them in the back of the head, causing the two to wince in pain.

“Can we just get back to the game before I spike the ball in a very bad place?”


“Damn Envy, I didn’t know you could be so forceful,” Taylor said with a grin, still laughing about the incident in the gym. After I had said that, they both pretty much started crying at the thought of my threat.

“I’m usually not, but they got on my nerves, so they got the wrath of Envy.”

“We’re right here you know,” Dan voiced.


As we started to walk up my driveway, I took the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door easily and opened it for them all to come in. We all dumped our backpacks by the door and I watched with a smirk as Quinn jumped over the couch instead of walking around and lay there with his eyes closed.

“This is a really comfy couch.”

“Do we get to see your room?” Bert questioned with a wink.

“Um, no. Definitely not since it’s you.”

“Ha ha, no way! You have a Nintendo? We have to play it!”

“That’s my dad’s. I don’t even know how to turn the thing on.”

So, while the boys played Sonic The Hedgehog, Roxy, Taylor and I cheered them on. They all agreed that whoever got the most rings at the end of their game was the winner, and that person happened to be Jepha Howard.

“Woot, what now bitches? I am the King of Nintendo!”

“That just makes you a total nerd,” Frank joked.

“A proud nerd!”

“It’s getting kind of late, and I have things to do when I get home, so I think we should split,” Dan said as he stood from the chair, stretching his arms over his head.

“Yeah, I agree. We’ll see you at school tomorrow Envy!”

“Okay, bye guys.”

I bid them goodbye as they picked up their stuff and walked out the door. Once they were all gone, I closed the door and walked upstairs into my room, carrying my own book bag up with me. I pulled my CD player out from it and put in a Red Hot Chili Peppers CD, turning up the volume to maximum as I laid on my bed. I closed my eyes and just listened to the music for twenty minutes. Seeing as my body was just laying there for so long, I started to get tired and when sleep was almost in my grasp, I was shaken into awareness. This was very unexpected and I bolted up, hitting something hard with my head.

“Son of a-“

“Ow Envy, that hurt.”

Looking up with my hand clutched to my head, I saw Frank in pretty much the exact same position I was in right now.

“What the hell are you doing here, and how did you get in?” I asked, moving over so that Frankie could sit down.

“I forgot one of my binders here, so I came to pick it up. Luckily your dad just came home so he let me in.”

“That doesn’t explain why you’re in my room…”

“I remembered that I wanted to invite you to my band’s concert this Friday, so I came up to tell you about that.”

“I guess that makes sense… that couldn’t have waited until tomorrow?”


I rolled my eyes and massaged my head before putting my hand down. “You have a really hard head, you know that?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard that from a lot of people before. Hey, who’s that?”

Looking over to where the boy was pointing, I saw he was talking about the picture of my mother and I. I couldn’t help but grin.

“That’s my mom and me. That picture was taken eleven years ago.”

“Where exactly is your mom? I haven’t seen her around at all. Did your parents get divorced?”

Taking the frame off of the table, I held it so that both of us could see it.

“My mom died in a car accident eleven years ago, a couple months after this picture was taken. You don’t have to say you’re sorry, I got a lot of that at her funeral.”

Since he had nothing to say, he just pulled me into a hug.

Even though Frank was shorter than me, he pulled me towards his chest, where my head could rest against.

I was surprised for a second before wrapping my arms around his small waist. I really didn’t need comforting, I had spent eleven years healing as much as I could and I was pretty much out of the complete sadness stage, but it was the thought that counted and this action was really sweet.

When he finally let go of me, I looked over at him and gave him a smile. “Thanks Frank.”

“No problem. You know, your mother was very beautiful, and you look a lot like her.”

“A-anyway,” I said with a blush, “time and place of the concert?”

“Friday at nine at the mall’s performing space. You’ll be there, right?”

“Sure, I’ll go.”
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