I'm Gonna Learn How to Fly

(Basically, what happened was that I went to go see the new movie FAME, and totally fell in love with Kevin (played by Paul McGill) and decided to write a fic about his time at the New York City High School of Performing Arts (PA). Hope you enjoy it--comments loved!!!)

The Actual Story:
Kevin Barrett has always dreamed of being a professional dancer. But the question is . . . does he have what it takes to achieve . . . FAME?

[Disclaimer: The scenes may be a little out of order according to the movie, which I have only seen once. If you notice that something is amiss, please let me know so I can correct it. Thanks! :D]
  1. Prologue
    Audition day at PA.
  2. Freshman Year
    As the title suggests, scenes from Kevin's freshman year at PA.
  3. Sophomore Year
    Scenes from Keevin's sophomore summer/year at PA.
  4. Junior Year
    Scenes from Kevin's junior year at PA.
  5. Senior Year
    Scenes from Kevin's senior year at PA.