Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Do You Want The PrettyLie or The Ugly Truth?

Gerard's house was exactly how I pictured it, the walls were black and red in most rooms. He had a huge t.v, the couches were all black and the dinning room was huge with a nice long gleaming dinning table with roses in the middle. I went to the back rooms to explore them. I went first into what looked like just a guest room, except for the fact that there were boxes packed with comic book stuff, and horror things. I chuckled to myself.

Maybe this would be my room when I stayed here. I opened the closet door. other boxes with shiny red and green and blue and any other color paper wrapped around them. Score! Christmas presents. I got on my knees and shifted through the boxes looking at all the name tags. I found two that had my name on them written with Gerard's hand writing.

I picked one up and shook it. I could hear clothes shift in it.

"Hey!" I heard someone yell. I looked up. Gerard was standing at the doorway.

"Those are for this weekend when it's actually christmas." he said as he came over and stood by me.

"So?" I smiled up at him.

He smiled back and took the present out of my hands.

"So don't try to open them." he said as he tossed it back in. I stuck my tongue out at him and he stuck out his. He chuckled and helped me up.

"Why is all your stuff in here?" I asked looking around and dusting my damp pant legs off.

"Laura doesn't like them to much," he sighed and pulled out one of his sketch's from a box

"But I don't mind." he said as he put it back down and smiled at me.

"How can she not like them?" I asked. Gerard was a very talented artist, I only wish I could be as good as he is. I kneeled by a box and picked up a drawing of a vampire

" I don't know, I mean she likes them, just doesn't like eyes starring at her when she sleeps, I guess." he chuckled.

"She's never been on tour with you guys then." I laughed.

"Actually,'' he began. I looked up at him. I don't like the way he said "Actually"

"We're going on tour starting ummm," he made a face.

"I think, two months? Yah I think so.'' he said

"Laura's gonna be on that one." My throat tied itself up into a knot. Being on tour with them was what made me feel so attached to them. It was something that I just thought was, well just us. I know that they bring girlfriends and stuff with them for like a little bit of the tour, but, this was how I was tied to them.

I tried to swallow the knot. "Oh." I managed to say quietly.

"And when it starts, we're starting over at Santa Criuse. So you and a few friends can come to that one." he smiled over at me. I knew Sophie and George would want to come. I got up.

"Yah." I sighed.

"C'mon, let's go to the living room before everyone thinks I murdered you or something." he said finishing with an evil laugh.

"I think I'm gonna just look around your place for a little." I said. He turned around.

"Just don't open your presents or anything. Kay Angel?" he asked with a sweet smile.

"Take all the fun away." I smiled back at him. He walked back down the hall to where I could hear everyone laughing. I heard Laura's laugh most distinctively.

I walked down the hallway even farther until I found stairs. Gerard's room must be up their. Since Laura made him move all his "scary" stuff downstairs I have no idea what to expect. What if it's like in one of those home decorator magazines? Oh god, it better not, then again if she can get him to take down all of his stuff, who knows what else she could get him to do.

I went up the stairs as quietly as I could, as if I expected some kind of alarm to go off or something. I approached a door to my left. Gently I pushed it open. It had a huge bed, and it looked kind of plain, save for the magazines on the bed stand, and the closet stuffed with clothes. I went straight to the closet.

I think Gerard has more clothes than Laura does. I gently went through his wardrobe, laughing at some of the stuff because he had worn it on the tour. Like one white shirt that he had worn for a concert. All the fake blood mixed with sweat and ran down his face, onto the shirt which made him look like he went swimming in punch.

Laura's clothes were plain and simple, except for a few designer coats, and sweaters. I bet she thought those clothes were a sweet deal with her relationship with him. After going through the closet I sat down on the bed and looked around. It smelt like him but with a hint of Laura's sickly sweet perfume. I was still pretty damn tired, but I didn't want to go to sleep just yet, and the fact that I was in Gerard's room.

I looked up as I heard footsteps come up the stairs. Laura came in and kicked off her shoes, a glass of wine in her hands.

"Omigosh! she gasped as she looked at me.

"I didn't see you Roxy." she laughed at herself. I pulled my feet up onto the bed.

"I thought you were looking at Gee's comics." she said. I just starred at her.

"I was." I corrected.

"But now I'm here." I said as if it was my room.

"I see. Well, are you thirsty or anything?" she asked me.

"No." I said simply and looked over at a picture of the guys and I. The only picture that we were all paying attention to the camera in. I guess she saw I was looking at the picture, because she came over and sat next to me and put an arm around me.

I wanted to throw it off me and yell at her to never touch me again, but I had to be nice.

"He talks about you a lot." she said.

I moved her arm off of me and smirked. "What's so funny?" she said as if she had made me laugh.

"I'm not his girlfriend but he talks about me more than he does you." I said.

"Roxy," she began I looked over at her.

"Are you always this way?" she asked me.

"Just to the people I don't like." I said as I got up and went to go down stairs with everyone else