Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

The Past Aint Through With You

For the rest of our visit over at Gerard's house I sat on the couch next to Ray telling everyone about school and Sophie and George. I didn't tell them about any of the bad stuff though.

"Georgie's a real fan." I said as I took a sip of soda. From the bottom off the glass I could see Laura watching me with curious eyes.

"So do they know about us?" Ray asked. I shook my head and put my glass back down.

"I never told them, and they never heard abut us." I said I stole a quick glance at Gerard, he had his arm wrapped around Laura and she was leaning against him. It made me remember how he would pull my hair when it was in a ponytail to get me to lean against him or have my head lay in his lap.

I looked up at Mikey so no one would know I was staring at Gerard.

"Well," he sighed and looked over at Alicia who finished off the last few sips in her wine glass.

"We're gonna head home before Alicia here falls asleep on the floor." he said as he began to rub her shoulders, she looked up at him from her spot on the floor.

"I don't think Laura and Gerard would mind." she giggled.

"Sure it could be a girl's night." Laura giggled with Alicia.

"You could have one when Roxy stays here." Gerard pointed out.

"That would be fun, wouldn't it Roxy?" she asked as she looked over at me.

"Bite me." I wanted to say. But I bit my tongue before the words could come out and smiled over at her. Gerard smiled over at Laura, and she looked up and they quickly gave each other a kiss.

"Well we should get going too Rox." Frank said as he began to get up. I slowly got up and followed him to the door.

"See you guys on Saturday." Frank yawned and gave Bob a hug,

"Merry Christmas dude." he said.

"You too." Bob said. I gave Bob a hug and said Merry Christmas too.

----------------------------------------------------TIME ELAPSE---------------------------------------------------

I laid in the bed starring at the ceiling. He did seem happy with her, so shouldn't I be happy? If I really did love him then I would want him to be happy, no matter what the cost. I pulled the sheet up closer to me trying to see if the sheets could some how then come to life and whisper in my ear what to do.

I wonder if Laura told Gerard what I said to her. I really don't care what she thinks about me, it's what Gerard thinks is what bugs me. I don't want him to know how I feel about him or how much I don't like his girlfriend. I don’t know if I can do anything about them, if I can, I just hope I don’t accidentaly break his heart. For me to look in his sad, broken hazel eyes if I did, would be the worst thing I could ever do.

“They are happy together, you saw it yourself.” the little voice said.

“Could you just leave me alone?” I asked.

“Can’t. “

Before she could start pointing out the obvious that I’ve been trying so hard to avoid, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the smell of coffee tickling my nose. I twitched my nose and sat up. For a second I forgot I was at Frank's place and didn't know where I was. I went out into the kitchen where Frank was sipping coffee and eating waffels.

"Morning." he said with a mouthful.

"Morning." I yawned back, and smoothed my messy bangs. I went looking into the cabinets and round a bowl, then looked in another cabinet and found fruit loops. I made myself cereal then sat next to Frank.

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked him.

"Mmmm," he began as he chewed waffels.

"Well first we need to go grocery shopping, and then we can just hang out and do what ever." he said. I took a spoonful of cereal and nodded.

After breakfast I got dressed and we got into the car to go grocery shopping. This was going to fun, Frank, shopping carts, those things you can ride in the front if you put a quarter in them, just do the math.

As we drove Frank turned down the radio,

"So what do you think of Laura?" he asked with a raised eye brow.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he laughed and looked over at me.

"She's the scum of the Earth." I wanted to say.

"She's okay, I don't know, I'm not the one dating her." I laughed back.

He didn't ask any more questions until we got into the grocery store. He grabbed a cart and began to push it fast down an isle. He put both feet on a bar under the cart and began to zoom down the isle. I ran after him laughing.

"I don't know why Mikey hates grocery shopping. It's fun." he laughed as he tossed a loaf of bread into the cart.

"Now for the oreo's!" he said with an evil laugh at the end.

"Are you always like this in the store?" I asked smiling

"Nah, only when I have someone to do this with." he said as he pushed the cart down another isle.

This is where Frank and Gerard had their differences. Gerard was now trying to be as healthy as he could be. Frank? As long as it's coated in sugar and yummy, you can bet he'll eat five packets of what ever it is.

"Let me try." I said as I grabbed the cart and got onto the steel bar on the bottom.

"Here." he said as he put his arms around me and onto the cart. He began to push, faster and faster down the isle.

"Ready?" he asked excitedly.

"Do it." I said smiling madly. People were giving us weird looks, like "Why is a grown man doing this?" kind of looks. I felt like yelling to them," It's a Frank thing, you wouldn't understand."

Frank picked up his feet and put them next to mine as we sped down a magazine isle. We were going pretty fast, and we only had two things in our cart. I felt the front wheels lift up and the back ones begin to slip.

"Wheely!" yelled Frank before he put his foot back down on the ground before the cart tilted back all the way and slammed us down onto the hard, cold, white, floor.