Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me


My four days with Frank were up. Four days of eating some of his "Cajun" when he did burn dinner and sometimes breakfast, and hanging out. He had given me guitar lessons at times even though I am pretty good, and we would sometimes make little riffs together. I had made up one that sounded a bit like the solo in "I'm Not Okay."

When we had nothing to do though I would sometimes ask if I could go to the park down by the apartments and Ray's house, Hudson Park. Frank would make a great dad someday, he never let me out unless I had one of his jackets or sweaters on, he would always tell me to stay close though, and come in if I see anyone "suspicious".

But I loved the park, especially because of how quiet and still it is with the blanket of crystal white snow over it, as if silencing the entire neighborhood. I usually sat on the swings and just thought. Ray had told me about how bodies have been found there in the park, but I just can't imagine the snow stained with blood.

I sat on the swing, a stick in my hand. With my other hand I reached into my jean pocket. I felt something crumple as my cold fingers searched for warmth, I pulled out a little slip of paper. It was Jack's number. I bit my lip and looked up into the sky. He did apologize to me, and what's the point of trying to wait for Gerard? He has Laura and doesn't care about me like that. I looked back over at a silver car that was riding up. It was Gerard's car. I sat up and watched as he came out and waved to me.

I smiled and waved back. " What are you doing out here?" he called

I shrugged my shoulders. "What are you doing out here?"

"Picking you up." he said. I walked over to him and gave him a hug, breathing in his familiar smell.

"C'mon, let' go to Frank's so we can get your stuff." he said. I got into the car. It looked almost like the inside of Frank's car, but a little cleaner. A half a pack of cigarettes was in the bottom of the cup holders that were stained with coffee spills. I noticed that the little light on the roof was out too. He climbed in, and started up the car, and made a sharp turn to the direction of where Frank's apartment was a few blocks away.

"Holy shit, where did you get your license, a cereal box?" I asked laughing.

"Nope, cracker jack box." he said as we pulled into the apartment paring lot.

I climbed out and waited for Gerard to get out. We walked over to Frank's apartment, but Gerard stopped me at a bush that was covered in snow. He grabbed and handful and smiled at me as he formed it into a snowball. I grabbed a some too and we walked cautiously up to Franks door. I quietly opened the door, I could hear him on the phone.

"Yah mom, I'll be there. Okay, okay, love you too. Okay, wait what? Oh, hah, okay mom, bye." I heard him click the phone as I turned back to Gerard who was grinning like the cheshire cat in "Alice In Wonder Land". He nodded and bumped his hip into mine, signaling me to go.

I wamed the door open and Frank spun around in surprise.

"Think fast!" I yelled as I tossed the snow ball at his chest. It hit him directly and splattered on impact.

"Roxy! What the hell?" he laughed as he tried to wipe the melting snow off of him.

"Franky!" Gerard laughed as he jumped into the place and threw his snowball, hitting Frank in the mouth.

"Ugh!" spat Frank as he wiped his shirt on his face.

"Was that necessary?" he asked as he looked up at Gerard who was leaning on the wall, hands in his pockets now.

"Hell yah it was." he said as he looked back over to me and winked at me. I tried so damn hard not to blush.

"I got to go, uh, get my stuff." I said quickly giving myself an excuse to leave before they could see my cheeks blush a violent rosy red.I went to my room and shoved all my clothes into my bag. I checked under the bed to make sure I didn't have anything there, and in the closet. After zipping up my bag I went bak to the living room where Gerard and Frank were talking. I laughed when I saw that Frank's shirt had a huge wet mark on his chest where I threw the snowball.

"Ready?" Gerard said as he looked over at me. I nodded and swung the bag over my shoulder.

"Alrighty then, see you at Christmas Frank." Gerard said as he headed for the door.

"Later guys." he said.

I put my hands in my pockets as we walked over to Gerard's car, the piece of paper with Jack's number on it tickling my fingers. I got in and took the paper out again. I could see Gerard walk over to the car door. What the hell? Maybe I should give him a call, maybe he does have a heart. I tucked the paper back into my pocket when Gerard got in.

"What's that?" he asked as he put in his keys and turned on the car.

"Nothing." I said and put on my seat belt.

"Kay then, let's go." he said as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"Damn." he sighed as we pulled up to a stop light. I looked up at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

" My head hurts, I need a smoke." he said as he eyed the pack at the bottom of the cup holder. I pulled out the pack and held it up to him.

He shook his head, "Nah, I'll be nice and not smoke until we get home." he said as he rubbed his head with one hand.

"I don't care if you do." I said.

"I'l bet you don't, you still smoke?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nah, never really do now." I said, and I was telling the truth. I never really smoked anymore, the first time I did was I guess, to just get back at Gerard.

"Good." he said and smiled at me. I smiled back and looked up at the road.