Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

You're In Front Of Me, But I Can't See You

“My mouth’s over here, not way over there.” he said as the piece of popcorn flew past his head. Once gettig home, and after promising to stay out of the Christmas presents I unpacked in the room where Gerard had all his comics and drawings. He had cleaned it up a little but there were still plenty of boxes. I realy don’t mind them, I hadn’t seen his comics or drawings in a long time so actually they were kind of nice having them there.

I made a face at him

"It's not my fault you suck at aiming." he laughed then grabbed a handful of popcorn from the big bowl that was sitting in my lap. I held open my mouth to see if I could catch a piece in my mouth. I felt it hit my lips and I quickly shut my mouth as it fell in.

"Well, at least I can catch." I said munching on the popcorn. He mimicked my voice and stuck his tongue out at me. I laughed and leaned my head back on the couch's arm. This is what I missed. This is what I wanted to happen on my stressful days, to just sit back, and unwind with Gerard.

"God I missed doing this." I sighed.

"I know, Laura would never let me throw popcorn at her." he said. I put my head back up and saw his teasing smile and eyes.

I chuckled to myself and put my head back down. How can Laura not let him throw popcorn around and have pillow fights? How can she not like his comics and drawings. How can she be his girlfriend and not like this stuff about him? I don't know why Gerard likes her, she seems so plain to me. And she reminds me of someone, but I just can't put my finger on who though. Maybe it’s just someone who I saw at school or something.

I heard the door open and me and Gerard looked up at the same time.

Or maybe I know exactly who she reminds me of, and maybe I hate that person. Luara walked in with bags full of clothes.

“Sorry I’m late Gee.” Laura said as she put her car keyes on the nearbye table that held our drinks. The person behind her stared at me, I stared back. I thought I had seen the last of her, and her magic reappearing books a long time ago. But I’m almost always wrong.

“Oh hey Roxy.” Laura said as she stood in front of me, an American Eagle bag in front of my face. I looked up at her.

“Hi.” I said quickly rembering that Gerard was here.

“Hey Anne, what’s up.” Gerard said looking over to Anne who quickly shot her gaze to him.

“Oh hey Gee.” she said.

“Hi, Roxy” she said meekly.

“Hi.”I said coldly. I looked at Gerard with a “Why the hell is she here?!?” look.

“Um, Anne is Laura’s sister, Rox.” he said looking over at me with one of his smiles. This is the only time one of his smiles can’t get him out of trouble.

“Oh, um will you excuse me?” I asked mainly Gerard, and without waiting for a response from any of them I headed back to my room, slamming the door. I was not happy, and I don’t care what they say. I sat down on my bed and looked at a box that had a comic character with his hands on his hips starring at me.

“What are you looking at?” I asked. Why hadn’t Gerard told me that Anne was Laura’s sister? He knew I hated Anne. He knew that she bugged the hell out of me. I groaned with frustrasion and slammed my head down on my pillow.

“Maybe this is a bad time.” I heard Anne’s voice say.

“No, I’m sure she’ll warm up to you Anne.” Laura said trying her best to sound like she had authority over me.

“Babe, I know Roxy, don’t push her to hard though, she’ll just be even colder to the both of you” I hearad Gerard say.

I laughed cold heartedly. I’ll never warm up to either of them. I looked up from my pillow. Gerard’s notebook sat covered in dust in a big boz with a bunch of other junk. I pulled my hair away from my face and sat up and grabbed the book. I remembered the little song he had written for another one of his girlfriends.

I tried to flip the pages to look for it, but it wasn’t there any more. The page where it was supposed to be was torn out, I could see part of the torn page still attached. I looked through the rest of it. Everything and anything that had to do with me was torn out. Even the picture of me where I was dreaming of my dad was gone. What have you done to him Laura?

I gently put the book back and looked around the room. I bet you his music will even to sound different with her. I can see it now, ther new hit single, “Fairies in Pony Land” If she does affect his music like that, I might have to do somethin drastic, but only if it gets that bad.

For the rest of the night I stayed in my room reading Gerard’s comics. Some were pretty good, and some, well I think he was drunk when he made them. Anne hadn’t left and they were all laughing and I could here Gerard both giggle with each other like a pre teen age couple.

I didn’t want to be here. I missed the old Gerard who would be with me on getting rid of Anne. I wanted the Gerard who wouldn’t let anyone try to tell him what to do about any of his artwork, drawings, comis, or songs. What happened when I was away? Where did the old Gerard go?

I leaned against the door remembering how he apologized to me in the hotel this way, both of against the door listening to each other. I wonder if he still remembers.

“I know!” laughed Anne.

“Maybe I should go check on her.” Gerard said.

“No, I’ll go.” Laura said softly to him. I heard her get up and come to the room. I got up and layed down on the bed.

“Roxy?” She asked as she opened the door.

“Are you hungry or anything?” she asked.

“You missed dinner you know.” she said coming over to the bed. I looked over at her.

“I’m not hungry.” I said muffled by the pillow.

“Do you want to come say hi to Anne?” she asked.

“I have an extreme dislike for her, Gee knows that.” I said.

“Well that’s in the past.” she said. I shook my head.

“So?” I asked.

“So you can start again.” she said.

“I don’t want to start again, what’s done is done. I hate her and no one can change that.” I said putting my head back on the pillow. She sighed, got up, and left.

She might be abe to change Gerard, but she won’t be able to do anything about me. I looked back over at Gerard's sketch book. Gerard, what's happened to you?