Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me


I woke up early and looked around. I could see the dust floating around in the air as I breathed. The sun was just barely coming up and it was still dark in the room. "Aw, what the hell?" I thought as I got up. I tripped over bunch of boxes which made a huge crashing noise. I slammed myself onto the door after nearly killing myself trying not to do just what I did. I quietly opened the door, even though it was pointless by now.

I quietly went out into the living room. From the window I could see the snow twinkle in the street lights. I grabbed Gerard's sweater that was on the couch and quietly opened the front door. I know this wasn't the best neighborhood so I just sat on Gerard's car after wiping off the fresh white snow. I gasped as the cold winter air went up my pajama leggings and made me shiver.

I hope I don't have to put up with Anne now too. I could barely handle Laura. But why hadn't he told me about Anne being Laura's sister in the first place. I know he knew I didn't like Anne, but still.



I shot my eyes open when I heard the sound of something crashing downstairs.

"The fuck?" I asked sleepily as I sat up and listened. Was someone trying to break in? I looked quickly at my closet where I kept a samurai sword, I kept it because it looked cool, but I could use it. Our neighbors were robbed not to long ago. My mind quickly raced to the fact that Roxy was down stairs. I listened intently.

I didn't hear anything after that so it must have just been Roxy getting up. I looked over to the glowing red lights on the clock. It was a little after six. Why was she up? She was usually the one who was up last. I pursed my lips. Once I woke up, it was pretty hard for me to go back to sleep.

I sighed and threw off the blankets. I heard Laura turn around.

"Mmmmm, where are you going?" she asked cracking open her eyes.

"Downstairs." I said as I opened the closet doors to throw on a shirt so I wouldn't just be walking around in only my boxers. She put her head back down on the pillow and closed her eyes. I headed down stairs when I heard the front door click shut. Was she going outside? She knew she shouldn't, but hell, when has that ever stopped her?

I saw her sitting on my car looking over at the sun rise. She always did this. She would sneak off to be by herself for a little while, I guess just to think. She wouldn't go to far and not to long but she always did go. Like that one time when she first snuck off to see that Ryan guy. We spent for ever looking for her. After about an hour though I knew she had gone off with him, but I didn't tell anyone.

I chuckled to myself as I saw her body shiver with cold. She must only have her pajamas on with my sweater.

I had a hard time getting to sleep last night, but I don't think Laura noticed. I had peeked at Roxy before going to bed. She was flipping through my sketchbook. I immediately felt bad about ripping out those drawings about her.

Laura seemed jealous of Roxy. And I could kinda see why. I talked about her a lot, and we were really close. But there's another thing.

I really liked Laura, and I was tired of being single, and this was one relationship I didn't want to fuck up.But as soon as Laura moved in, I was constantly reminded of Roxy. Every and any little small thing reminded me of her. And one thing that bugged me was how Laura and Anne did look alike, and how Roxy hated Anne. For a little while I felt like I was betraying Roxy. But I didn't want to hurt Laura.

I went to my sketch book and ripped out anything that had to do with Roxy. Even the song I had written and finished about her I tore out, I guess it's because they just remind me of so much, even the fights we had. I still have them though, I put them up in my closet and I sometimes take them out and look at them.

But there was one more I had drawn before I ripped them out. I drew her just starring out at me. She had a sad look in her eyes and her lips were slightly open. That's how she always looked at us. She always had a look of pain in her eyes, she was scarred with the pain that the accident,and many things before that I'm sure, had put her through. Her hair was down and a little wavy and kind of covering one eye but you could still see it.

A little while after finishing it I put it up and didn't take it back down until she had heard Laura's voice in the back of the phone. She seemed hurt when she hung up so suddenly. Was she afraid to lose me or something? That's when it came to me. I grabbed the picture and wrote,

"Please don't leave me." across the front. It seemed to fit so perfectly. And now that I look at it, that's what her eyes always say when I look at them.

I was snapped back to the present when I heard the door click open. I looked up at Roxy and she seemed surprised to see me. I smiled over to her as she quietly shut the door.

"Did I wake you?" she asked quietly looking up into my eyes.

"Kinda." I said with a smile to show that I really didn't mind. She didn't take her eyes off of my face. She used to always just look up at you once just to see who you were then her eyes would study the floor. But this time she looked up at me. Her eyes had that same sad look in them. The title of the drawing came back to my mind.

"Ummm, Gee?" she asked quietly still looking up. I didn't want to let her look back down.

"Yeah angel?" I asked softly. She smiled up at me.

"Uhhhh, do you think you could put on some pants?" she asked. I looked down at my boxers. So that's why she didn't look down, damn.

"Oops." I said kind of embarrassed. I went back upstairs to put on some jeans.