Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Pictures Of Me, Pictures Of Her


I came back downstairs ans looked over at the coffee pot, Roxy must have put it on because I could here it gurgle and smell the coffee. She was leaning against the fridge and looking up at the ceiling.

She saw me come into the kitchen and quickly covered her eyes with her hands.

"Are you wearing pants yet?" she asked.

"Nope." I smiled and leaned over the counter. She slowly peeked through her fingers until she saw that I actually did have my pants on.

"Good." she said as she looked down at her feet and bit her lip. I sighed and began to get out two mugs, great, another awkward silence.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked finally breaking the silence between us.

"About what?" I asked as I set the two mugs down and looked over at her, she was still starring at her shoes.

"About Laura being Anne's sister." She said looking up at the wall in front of her. I suddenly felt my stomach twist into a large knot.

"Uhhhh, well," I began to say but she cut me off.

" You scared I wouldn't like Laura, weren't you?" he asked as her eyes looked me up and down as if trying to read the truth off of me.

"Well, yeah." I said as I stuffed one hand down my pocket. Her searching eyes met up with mine. Those could see right through me, and I suddenly felt like a guilty five year old boy who got caught doing something he shouldn't be doing.

"You know I don't like Anne, but I'm willing to try to like Laura." She said as she looked over to the now beeping coffee pot. I grabbed the mugs and filled them, mine almost all the way and hers half, I know she likes a lot of milk and sugar in hers.



I told him that lie because I knew he was feeling guilty. I didn't like Laura, but I hadn't lied all the way, I did try to like her, but I just don't. I grabbed the milk from the fridge and some in my coffee then let it out so Gerard could put a little in his. As I dipped the spoon into the sugar that reminded me of the snow that smothered the outside Gerard came next to me and stirred his coffee and sighed deeply.

"So what were you doing up so early?" he asked me.

" I don't know." I lied again. I know exactly why I was up. I was in Gerard's house, but it's not his, it's Laura's. All his stuff and style is stuffed in boxes, like our memories of how close we used to be, of how it was just the six of us and my uncle.

"I guess I'm not used to the bed." I said and took a sip of the warm coffee.

He took his mug and went upstairs, probably to check up on Laura. I took my mug back to my room and put in on one of the boxes and sat down on the bed. I sighed and crossed my arms. The sun was up and it was bright in the room. I could hear Gerard and Laura talk from upstairs, I focused on Gerard's voice as it seemed to hum up and down, strong but soft.

I sighed and opened up a box. A stash of letters from fans came up. All of the guys loved their fans, they tried their best to keep as many letters, cards, what ever their fans gave them. I closed up the box and opened up another. More comics and drawings.

Most of the boxes held fan mail, Gerard's horror things, comics, drawings and some old lyrics. But one caught my eye. I opened it and found a bunch of pictures. I opened up one little paper bag from Walgreen's camera section that held a bunch. They were with him and Laura. I debated with myself whether to look at them or spare myself any further heartbreak. But let's face it, I'm a curious person. I flipped through the pictures trying not to let the smile and happiness in their eyes faze me. It was with them and all the other guys. It was at some sushi place and Alicia was also there.

It was like they had all forgotten about me. Was I just another fan now that I had left? Had Laura taken my place with them? I threw the pictures back into the box and tried to fall back on the bed but I hit my head on one of the posts.

"Fuck!" I said as I sat up and rubbed my head. I could hear footsteps come down the stairs.

"You think Roxy will want some pancakes too?" I could hear Laura ask.

"I don't know." Gerard said.

"Yo, Rox!" Gerard Yelled. I smiled at his attempt to sound gangster

"Want some pancakes?" he yelled.

" I guess." I yelled back.

"She guesses!" Gerard yelled to Laura.

"I'm right here idiot." she laughed.

"Just making sure you can here me!" he yelled. I began to walk out to the kitchen when I heard Laura scream and giggle.

"Gee put me down unless you don't want breakfast." she laughed. I came out to see Gerard spinning Laura around while she held a whisk in her right hand.

I remember how Gerard used to spin me around like that. I remember how he would lift me onto his shoulders. I hid behind the wall that separates the kitchen from the hallway, watching.

"Aw, c'mon, you can cook like this." he laughed as he put her down.

"If you want pancake mix all over the kitchen." she smiled and pecked his lips. She tried to turn to the stove put he pulled her in fro a more passionate kiss. I felt a knot of jealousy form in my throat that made me hold my breath. I pulled myself away from looking at the love scene and starred blankly at the wall.