Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me



Christmas had finally come and it was time for us to head over to Gerard and Mikey's parents house. I had been wanting to meet Mr. and Mrs. Way. I had heard so much of them from from everyone, how nice they were, and how almost every special occasion was held at their house.

Gerard brought all the presents out from the closet and packed them into the trunk. I wore jeans, and a black longsleeve shirt that had a skull on it. He had managed to keep me away from the one other present he had given me but I would soon find out what it was.

I leaned against his car and watched my breath come out in white puffs while he loaded them in. Laura cme out and flashed asmile to me and sat in the front seat.

"Let's go kiddo." he said.

"Kay old man." I said and flashed him a smile before sliding into the back seat behind him.

The night before Gerard and I were up using the art set I had given him and a few others he had. Playing pranks on eachother was one of the things we love to do. I chuckled to myself when I told Gerard I wanted to try to draw him. I had him lean against the wall hands folded and one foot against the wall.

He sighed impatiently but stayed perfectly still. I tried my hardest not to laugh when I made him stay like that for about two hours as I slowly drew a stick figure with a bored expression.
After telling him I was done he got up and stretched his arms and cracked his back.

"So let's see it." he said as he came over to the sketch pad I held in my lap. I began to crack up as I tore out the sheet of paper that had the pencil drawn stick figure on it.

"What the hell?" he said and looked up on me. I exploded with laughter and burried my face into the arm of the couch.

"Now you can pose in an uncomfortable position while I make little stick figures." he said and pointed to the spot where he was posing. I looked up and smiled.

"Yah, but I'm smarter than that." I said. He smiled back and ruffled my hair that was up in a ponytail with my bangs swept to the side.

"More like a smart ass." he said.

"Did your mother ask us to stop at the store for anything?" Laura asked as we got onto a freeway.

"Babe, it's Christmas, I doubt any stores are open." he chuckled.

"I'm sure a few are." she argued and turned up the radio.

I shook my head and watched the cars passing us. These were the only roads that hadn't had any snow on them, it was all piled up on the sides. Over at Gerard's house it was everywhere.

Within ten ninutes we arrived. A waft of warm air that smelt like peppermint and turkey enolfed me as we walked in. An older man that looked a little more like Mikey than Gerard sat in a Laz-boy chair reading the news paper. He tilted it to the left a little when he heard me walk in.

"Well, well," he began as he put the paper to the side of the chair's arm.

"I assume it's safe to say that this is the infamous, Roxanne Olivander I've heard so much about." he said as he stuck his hand out. I smiled.

"Yah, but you can call me Roxy." I said as I shook his hand, he maybe a little old but he had quiet a grip.

"Well it's nice to meet you Ms. Roxy." he said as he went to go say hi to Laura.

"Laura, still as pretty as ever I see." he said as he hugged her.

"Hi Richard." She said wrapping an arm around him and almost dropped a few presents she was holding.

"Careful Laurs." Gerard said as he pushed the present into her hand more. I felt really awkward standing there. I could hear Alicia in the kitchen talking to Mrs. Way I guess. I folded my arms and shifted my wait to my left foot.

"Hey Dad." Gerard said as he hugged his father.

"Let me help you there." Mr. Way said as he took a few presents from Laura and Gerard's hands. They all carefully put the presents around and under a tree that looked like it was out of a Christmas story book. It was so beautiful with all of it's bright and colorful lights and ornaments. Even teh angle on top of the tree looked like it was sent from heaven.

I noticed one arnament was a picture of Gerard and Mikey when they were young. Gerard looked to be about seven, and Mikey four. Gerard was holding up a red fire truck and smiling while Mikey held up a spider man toy but was eyeing Gerard's truck with a bit of jealousy in his eyes. I chuckled to myself.

"Oh you guys are here." I heard Alicia's voice say. I turned around and Alicia was covered in flour and her hair was up in a messy bun. She blew a lock of her bangs out of her face and went over to hug Laura. She held up her flour and egg covered arms as she hugged her so she wouldn't get it all over her.

"Hey Roxy." she sighed as she put her head on my shoulder so she could hug me without using her arms.

"Alicia, did you put the corn on?" I heard another lady's voice call from the kitchen.

"Not yet Donna." Alicia called to Mr.s Way.

She came out of the kitchen and hugged Gerard. "I didn't even hear you guys come in." She said as her eyes darted to me. I smiled sheepishly.

"No need to be shy girl." she said as she smiled back at me and mentioned for me to go and giver her a hug. I walked over to her and gave her a quick hug.

"So this is Roxy, the girl that managed to save my son?" she asked.

I nodded and looked to the floor in shyness. "Yeah." I said

"You should have left him." she said. I looked up at her with a confused look. Did she just say what I think she just said?

"I'm only joking." she laughed and went to hug Laura. A smile of realief spread over to my lips.

After saying hi to everyone I sat on the couch as daintily as I could, just as I had seen Laura do. I felt like I had to be just as good or better than her to be noticed by anyone, I felt like an intruder here.