Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

I don't love you like I did yesterday

We all headed for the tree after dinner. Frank sat over by his pile of presents.

"Let me get the camera." Donna called.

"Aw mom, we're not five." Gerard wined. I chuckled when I heard his tone. I grabbed all the boxes that had my name on it and sat down over on the floor by Richard's chair. I waited for Donna while Frank was eying the presents, probably deciding which one to open first. He sighed and looked up over at the hallway where Donna had gone into to get her camera.

"O.k I've waited long enough!" he announced and tore at the birthday theme wrapping paper. I watched as he pulled out a leather jacket that Mikey had given him. He gasped and quickly put it on.

"Thanks Mikey!" he said as he went to go look in a mirror hanging above the fire place. Mikey laughed as Donna came back out and quickly snapped a picture of Frank in his new leather jacket. Everyone else began to open their presents. I looked down at my own. A square box wrapped in golden paper with a green lace bow shined up at me. It was almost to pretty that I didn't want to open it.

''Did you lose your memory again and forget how to open presents?" Ray asked from the couch. I smiled and undid the bow then tore at the paper. Inside the was a black button up shirt that had safety pins and stitches coming out of them in a cool design and a book called "Twilight" that had a picture of hands holding an apple.

"Hey who gave me this one?" I asked holding the book up. They all looked up and Gerard smiled.

"Oh that's mine." he said.

"Thanks Gerard!" I said and put the box to the side.


After opening presents and thanking everyone Alicia and Donna cut up a pumpkin pie for desert. I sat on the sofa next to Gerard and ate my slice of pie. Pumpkin pie was one of my favorites. As we ate Donna continued to snap pictures. Frank grabbed an empty beer bottle, tipped his Santa hat side ways on his head and laid across Alicia's lap like he was drunk. I laughed and grabbed one from the table and raised it to my lips like I was drunk and passing out on Gerard.

We all then took empty and some not empty beer bottles and pretended we were drunk and passed out on each other, except Laura who sat next to Donna and helped snap pictures. I laid on Gerard's arm which he had around waist. He was warm and smelt like pepper, cigarette smoke, and cinnamon. I breathed in and closed my eyes, I could fall asleep like this, I felt so safe with him.

"Ready?" Donna asked as she stood up and backed up over to the t.v in order to take the picture. She began to count down from three and I wished those three seconds would last the whole night. After she had snapped the shot we all started to crack up and get up.

"My arm's asleep." Gerard said as he smiled over to me.

"Oh, sorry." I said getting up quickly.

"It's ok." he said

The rest of the night was us going over memories and the coming up tour. I sat quietly as they made plans for it. I missed traveling together, being cramped into the bus and playing pranks, talking, and the shows. They were bringing Laura and Alicia on this tour. I wouldn't mind being on it with Alicia, actually it would be pretty fun with her. She was like one of the guys, only with boobs.

Laura though was like Donna. She never really played pranks or even laughed at them. She would usually ignore them or just give Gerard an annoyed look. I don't understand why he likes her so much, but then again, I wasn't the one dating her.

When it was around ten Gerard decided we should go. I didn't argue, I was falling asleep on the floor, leaning against the chair that Richard was sitting in. I sleepily walked outside, the cold air stung my face and was like a slap in the face. Gerard quickly unlocked his car and I went quickly got in and put on my seat belt. As soon as the car drove away I closed my eyes and drifted in and out of sleep and Gerard and Laura talked to each other of how well it went. I focused on Gerard's voice as they talked.

The car was rocking me to sleep and there was no music playing, but Gerard and Laura were oblivious to me. I leaned against the widow only waking when we went over bumps. By the time we got home I had finally drifted off to sleep, but I woke up when the car stopped. I heard them unbuckle their seat belts and open their car doors, but it was so warm and I was so tired.

"Roxy?" Gerard softly called. I didn't answer, pretending to be asleep. I felt his hands go under me and tenderly lift me up. He brought me close to his chest as my legs dangled. He shut the car door with his foot then carried me up the steps to the front door.

"Isn't she heavy?" I heard Laura ask.

"Shhh!" he said quickly. I wanted to smile, but I kept a straight face.

"Nah, she's actually pretty light." he whispered and waited for Laura to unlock the door. I turned my head and buried it in his jacket, breathing in his familiar smell and warming up my face. He carried me inside and into my room.

"O.k," he sighed . I could feel his warm breath on me.

"How am I going to do this?" he asked himself. I wanted to laugh. With one arm still carrying me he managed to pull back the blankets to my bed. He gently laid me on my bed and managed to pull my sweat shirt off.

"Night, Angel." he whispered as he pulled the covers up to my throat. I rolled over and put my hand under my pillow.

"Night Gee." I whispered. He began to walk over to the door, trying not to step over the boxes.

"Gerard?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"-----Do you----Do you still love me?" I asked timidly, my eyes still shut.

"I never stopped." he said then left, closing the door behind him. I smiled and opened my eyes as I heard him click off the lights and head up stairs. I rolled over on my back and looked up at the ceiling. He never stopped loving me, but he doesn't love me like I wish he did. But I've lost people who love me before, so why does it hurt this bad?