Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me


That night we went out to one of our favorite restaurants then out for ice cream. We never go out like this to often or we would be broke.

"So can I spend the night here?" George asked, even though he already knew the answer

"Of course." I said on the way home. We almost always walked home no matter what the weather was like. The best weather to walk together in was rain, we would jump and splash each other in the puddles, like little five year olds. To bad it didn't rain then, that would have topped off one of the best nights I had besides Christmas night with the guys and Donna and Richard.

When we got back home I told them that I needed to change, but instead I grabbed the phone and locked the bathroom door. I lifted the slip of paper out of my pocket. I sighed and went for it and punched the seven numbers in. I might as well start dating again.It rang and my stomach started to tie itself up.

"Yeah?" the voice on the other end said.

"Um hello?" I asked.

"Hi, who's this?" he asked. I put the phone on my shoulder and played with my fingers nervously.

"It's Roxy." I said finally.

"Oh hey Roxy, you back yet?" he asked. I made a face.

"How did you kn-" I began but he cut me off.

"I asked Sophie." he admitted. He was asking about me? I smiled. Maybe this wouldn't be that bad after all. He did seem nice, I guess I could give him a chance.

"Well, yeah, I'm back." I sighed into the phone.

"What are you doing after school tomorrow?" he asked. We never did anything after school. But What would Sophie and George say if I went out with this guy? His friends beat us up, but if I did get with him that would mean he would have to tell his friends to stop. Hey was hot, but what is he was just using me.

"For what?" the little voice said.

"Just what if he uses me?" I asked.

"You don't have anything he wants, I doubt he even listens to MCR anyways." The voice was right. He didn't look like he liked the same kind of music, and he didn't even know I knew them.

"Uh, nothing." said. I heard him chuckle at my surprise.

"Wanna go see a movie or something?" he asked. I smiled and felt the knot begin to untie itself in my stomach.

"Yeah, sure." I said quickly.

"Alright I'll pick you up in front of the dorms." he said.

"You have a car?" I asked

"Yeah, haven't you seen me driving around with my friends?" My memory went back to his friends and the dirty looks they gave us when we would run into them outside of the school

"No, when ever we saw them we would look at the floor." I said coldly but remembered that he would say something to them.

"Oh, well, yeah I have a car. Listen I have a mid term to study for I'll call you later." he said.

"Oh, okay, bye." I said quickly. I pushed the talk button again and sighed. Thoughts were swimming around in my mind. Was I betraying my friends by going out with him? Or was I ending a war that waged secretly inside our cliques. I came out of the bathroom to find the pillows missing from both our beds. I looked around, but I couldn't see Sophie or George. They secretly planned a pillow fight while I was in the bathroom. There were no pillows left that I could use, damn, they had me.

With out warning something hit me in the back of the head. Sophie smiled at me and thrust the pillow at my face again. It slapped my face but I raised my hands and grabbed the pillow. I was a master at pillow fights with all the pillow fighting the guys did. While Sophie and I played tug-of-war with the pillow George came behind me and began to hit both of us with the pillow.

"George!" I shrieked and licked Sophie's hand.

"Ugh, gross!" she said and let go of her pillow. I snatched up the pillow and hit George who had lifted up his hands to protect himself. He ran around the room and jumped up on the bed. I jumped up on it after him and we began to smack each other trying to knock each other off.

"I got ten bucks on George!" She laughed and watched us beat the crap out of each other.

"I love you too Sophie!" I called back and laughed.

After running out of breath we sat down, hot tired, sweaty, and laughing hysterically. If it didn't work out with Jack and I, I would always have these two. We fell asleep right there on each other, Sophie's head on my stomach, and me under George's arm. We had school the next day and we had fallen asleep at around, something in the morning, but we knew we could get each other up. I slept peacefully, but I did miss all of the guys.

In the morning we were all almost late. We ran around the room trying to put our pants on, brush our teeth and hair at the same time. It's very hard and tooth paste had the tendency to fly everywhere. I quickly threw on my eye liner, a few bracelets and my studded belt. Sophie threw her shoes on and George ran out of the room, belt undone around his neck.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Sophie said in back of us as we raced down the stairs. I hated being late for something I hate. We quickly ran out over to the portables where we all had our first period classes, right outside the main building. My first class was History, Ms. Ginge and she hated me for being late. Actually no, I take that back, she hates me for being me. I pulled open the door and the bell rang. She looked up at me from her rectangle glasses, they reminded me of Mikey's old ones that Alicia still has.

"Late!" she said sharply and marked me on her clip board. I groaned and sat down in my seat next to Steven, the "cool'' kid. I honestly don't see what's so cool about him, just because he sells drugs. All period I worried about my date with Jack. He was a senior like I was but he seemed like he should be a sophomore in college. My leg bounced all on it's own and I watched as the clock slowly ticked away. I was already so far behind the class because of the visit with the guys, but I just couldn't force myself to study.

In third period, english. I couldn't concentrate either. George had this class with me and he looked at me with a confused look on him. The teacher was so weird, she had big circular glasses on and she smiled way to much, like she belonged in a straight jacket. I could honestly see her jump out of a van, in a straight jacket and guys chasing her with a huge needle, and or rope. George threw a paper ball at me. I turned around to look at him a few seats across and behind me.

"What's wrong?" he mouthed. I shook my head and looked back at my own desk, flipping the pages of the book we were reading, "Of Mice and Men." I had read it before which didn't do any help in distracting me in the thought that after school Jack would be picking me up. The other kids looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. A girl who was putting on some pink lip gloss looked over at my paper.

"What's the answer for number twelve?" she asked and put her lip gloss away. I looked down at my paper. Usually I had it all done by now, but today I hadn't even started any of my work.

"I don't know." I said quickly and looked back down at my answer less paper. She made a snooty whine and went to ask the guy behind her. She should know better than to ask me. I always gave her the wrong answers on purpose.



Finally school was over. I tried to fix myself up as I walked to the front of the dorms where he promised to pick me up. I combed my hair with my fingers and tried to wipe off any eye liner that had smeared or eye shadow. My skinny jeans and black and blue corset on top of a purple tang top seemed to pull themselves tighter, and I felt more self conscious. I had put my backpack back at the dorm and didn't have any time to check my makeup, I didn't want him to think I was standing him up if I wasn't there.
I came to the front and sat down at the steps and bit my lip in anticipation. Everyone else was leaving the campus to go hangout. I had told Sophie and George that I was going on a date with Jack, they looked at me and just said "Be careful Roxy." I knew they were worried that it would be a nasty trick or something.

A half hour had passed and still no sign of him. I looked down both sides of the street. Where could he be? What if this was a stand up? What if this was just another trick on the "emos." I frowned at that possibility, it was a little more than another half hour when out of no where came a shining blue mustang.

"Roxy!" Jack called from the drivers side. There was another girl in the front. I raised my eyebrow but still walked over. She had blond hair and green eyes with a brown and blue top on, I noticed there were two guys in the back, and it smelt like weed. I hated the smell of weed, it always made me gag. I wrinkled my nose at the smell and leaned over his side of the window.

"Hey, um -" I began to say.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I had a quick party in the car." he said and looked over at the girl next to him. She looked up at me and smirked.

"Oh, so, what about me." I asked quietly. He got out of the car and stood in front of me, arms around my waist.

" I didn't forget about you, just a little late." he said. The smell of weed tickled my nose. But why was that girl in the car? She looked over at us with disgust and rolled her eyes. When he said "party" he looked at her in a weird way. I shrugged it off.

"I know." I said and he let go of me and opened the back seat.

"Alright guys move your asses." he said. The tow guys in the back made room for me and I sat at the end. I thought this was supposed to be a date. I felt so uncomfortable in that car with the people who hated me and the people I hung out with. Where were we going? Who was that girl and he did forget about me for a little. All these thoughts were in my head as we drove off.