Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me


Jack drove fast, faster than Gerard drove. I clung to my seat while everyone else didn't seem to notice anything. We were driving into town. I felt really uncomfortable, rap was being blasted from the stereo, not the kind of punk, emo, and rock I was used to, and that other girl was in the front seat with Jack. We pulled up into a movie theater. It was already hard trying to tell myself the fact that I had a date with Jack, but now his friends were going to be there?

"Alright, everybody out." he said. I quickly undid my seat belt and got out of the car and waited for Jack to get out. The girl who was sitting in the front watched as Jack held my hand to the door. He was pretty straight forward. I wanted to ask why he had brought his friends, but I thought it would have been rude. As we went to the ticket both I looked at all the movies playing, looking for horror movies that Gerard might like. I looked over at Jack, imagine what Gerard would say if he knew I was dating this guy. But he wouldn't care, he's got Laura.

"You're still in denial aren't you?" The little voice said.s

"Oh great, can't you just leave me the fuck alone?" I asked in my mind.

"Gerard loves you, just not like that." she said sounding sad.

"Finally one thing we can agree on, we both love him." I muttered. A man walking into the theater gave me a strange look. I need to control talking to myself in public. Jack came back over with our two tickets, his possie lagging behind us. We headed inside and he skipped the snack stand and headed straight for the movie section. His friends did the same thing. Didn't these people have a mind of their own? The lady took our tickets, ripped them then gave them back. I put mine into my jean pocket and walked with Jack to our movie. He opened the door for me and lead us to a section in the middle. His friends went two rows in front of us, at least I wouldn't have them giving me weird looks at me the whole time.

It was just like in the movies, only Jack wasn't a little shy fifteen year old. He put his arm over me and I leaned my head over his shoulder. I was nervous, and my mind wasn't on the movie, as a matter of fact, it wasn't even on Jack. I began to wonder if maybe Gerard and Laura did this at a movie. I smiled to myself, nah, Gerard would probably be to wrapped up in the movie to pull a move on Laura. Now that I was this close to him he smelt a bit like Gerard, except he had the smell of alcohol on him to. He smelt like, weed, plain cigarettes, tag, and alcohol. I didn't even notice him put his hand over on my shoulder until I felt it slide up my neck. I looked up into his eyes. I wished they would suddenly turn into Gerard's beautiful hazel eyes. But they stayed his icy blue eyes. I could see them in this light, the movie reflecting off of it. This was our first date, and he was already trying to kiss me.

My mind raced. I felt like I was betraying Gerard, but didn't he feel like he was betraying me when he first went out with Laura? Probably not, I was probably the furthest thing from his mind. I felt his lips begin to brush mine. Do I close my eyes and go with it? Or do I try to stay true to myself and remind myself of how much pain his friends put my friends through? Gerard's lips came to my own mid. And in my mind they mouthed the word, 'Angel.' Right as he pecked my lips I looked up at him and pulled back.

"What's wrong?" he asked not smiling.

"It's to fast." I whispered, and it was. He licked his lips and nodded. I quickly looked back to the movie screen. Gerard, you need to get out of my mind, for the better of both of us. I leaned my head on my hand and looked down at the arm of the chair. Damn it Gerard! I got up and quickly mumbled,

"I need to go to the bathroom." I got up and headed for the hallway and down it to the bathroom. I opened the door and leaned over the sink, starring back at my reflection. Was I always going to be hung over Gerard? I groaned and turned on the water, washing my hands so I had an excuse to be here. I looked up as I heard the door swing open, the girl from Jack's car came in. I flashed a quick smile at her then went to go dry my hands. She came next to me and pulled out a gold expensive looking purse and pulled out a tube of lip gloss and mascara. These girls here were so fake if there was a fire they would be the first to melt.

"That was pathetic." she said putting on her pink lip plumping lip gloss.

"What?" I asked looking over to her.

"Don't play dumb, when Jack tried to kiss you." she said and looked over at me. I threw the brown paper towel in the waste basket.

"It's just a little to fast for me." I said sincerely.

"Look, a lot of girls like Jack, he's the quarter back for crying out loud. He's hot, has a nice car, and cash. Either take him or," she looked at me up and down and gave me a snooty smirk.

"Someone else will." she said slowly. She liked Jack, and she was trying to scare me.

"But some of those, girls," I said girls like it was the dirtiest word ever.

"Like him for the wrong reason." I said and crossed my arms. She laughed and looked back into the mirror and began to apply her mascara.

"As long as there's a reason." she said. I hoped she poked her eye out on mistake. I walked out and headed back to our movie. Jack didn't even look at me as sat down.

"What took you so long?" he asked.

"There was a huge rat." I whispered and tried to direct my attention to the screen. The other girl came back and ignored me and sat between the other two guys. How do I always manage to get myself in this kind of shit. I felt Jack's arm go over my shoulders and pull me closer to him. Don't tell me he was going to try to kiss me again. But he didn't he only held me and I laid my head on his shoulder.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus on anything but the fact that he was not Gerard.


When the movie was over we got up and left. The other girl acted like she had never spoken to me. I gave her a dirty look as I headed outside. It was cold, and it threatened to rain. I hoped it wouldn't for once, Jack might be compelled to walk me into the dorms.

I walked to the car as I shivered, but Jack didn't notice, though I kind of wished he would put his arm around me just so I could be warm. He talked and laughed with the other to guys but that other girl and I were dead silent. I know now that I wouldn't be able to trust Jack with her. I have noticed that Jack had a bit of tendency to flirt with almost any girl, and I know she wasn't about to stop him.

When we got to the car I made sure I sat in the front with Jack. The other girl smirked as she realized I wasn't about to let her get anywhere near Jack. I didn't like him right now to much, but I will soon, I know it. And when I do like him, I don't want him to have gone with this girl and for me to have missed my chance to finally be happy again.

"Alright I'll drop you guys off first." Jack said and turned up the rap. He looked over at me and smiled as he put on his seat belt. I smiled back. We drove to the other dorms on the other side of school and as we left that parking lot he turned down the music.

"What do you want to listen to?" he asked looking over at me. I smiled,

"What's the use my dorm's only about ten minutes away." I pointed out. Jack chuckled and turned out of the parking lot.

"So why wouldn't you let me kiss you?" he asked raising his eyebrow. My face glowed a bright red, good thing it was dark.

"I told you. it's just to fast." I said shyly. He glanced over at me then back at the road as we turned a corner.

"Is there someone else?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Not any more." I sighed. He must have picked up on my sadness.

"Just broke up?" he asked. Wow he wasn't afraid to ask any questions.

"No it's not like that, I don't know, it's complicated." I said and fidgeted in my seat. He nodded his head slowly as if analyzing what I said to see if he could find out what I meant.

"Well, were hear." he said and looked over at the building which held my room. I nodded and slowly reached for the handle of the door.

"I had a great time." I said quietly and finally found the door handle.

"I'll walk you." he said and got out of his car. A knot was beginning to form in my stomach, great. As I walked up the stairs he grabbed my hand. I blushed but continued to walk.

When we got to the blue and Gray stairs he suddenly stopped and I was forced to turn back at him. He pulled me closer and I tensed up. He chuckled and got close to my face.

"Relax, it's only a kiss on the cheek." he whispered and pecked my cheek. I looked back up at him.

''Well I should go, homework and all that good stuff." I said beginning to go up the stairs.

"I'll call you." he said as he went out the doors. I bit my lip, I hope he's not a player, because he's really good at this.