Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me


George didn't spend the night that night and Sophie was knocked out on her bed. So I sat on my own bed thinking. How do I always manage to get myself in ruts like this? I do like Jack, but then again, no I don't. I was restless but tired as fuck. I knew sleep was not an option tonight. Laura had made Gerard into this person I didn't know. The only time I saw the old Gerard was when we hung out, just the two of us. He was this whole new person when Laura was around, which was the main reason why I hated her. My mind shot to the last time I saw Gerard, at the air port. He didn't hug me, but he did seem sad that I was leaving, he was always quiet when anything was bothering him. And he was very quiet when they took me to the airport. Another thing I noticed is that when I leaved, his hands were in his pockets, not all over Laura.

I sighed and laid down on my bed looking at the moving shapes on the wall that were the tree's shadows. I didn't feel like crying, not tonight. I was confused, I had a pretty good time with Jack, but I missed Gerard like crazy. There were no words for how I felt, except one, torn. I was torn between them, and I don't know which one to chose. I hope I don't make a mistake.


The next few days were normal escape that Jack and I were hanging out more. I went to a few of his practices but I don't see the point of football. The guys on the team don't like gays, but they wear tights, slap each other asses and jump on top of each other, can you cay hypocrites? Other girls who were there to watch their boyfriends stayed away from me and gossiped about me, though they never tried to keep their gossiping quiet.

"Can you believe he's dating her?" one asked.

"I hear it's to make that one girl Jessica jealous." Another said.

"It doesn't matter, I can get him to cheat on her with me." one said deviously. They burst into fits of giggles after that. Sitting in the burning sun in dark and colors really bothered me so when I went to go watch Jack practice I would wear black and light colors together so I wouldn't be as hot. After practice he would shower and I would wait for him on the bleachers. When he came back me and him would either sit there and talk or drive around for a little. By now I was used to him kissing me and making out, and the thought of going out didn't bother me to much. That is until one day when I got a call.

Jack and I were making out in the bleachers when my phone began to go off. I quickly checked to see who it was. The letters read "Jarred", Gerard's name for when I needed to call him or email him, which I did on a regular basis.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Rox! What're you doing?" Gerard asked excitedly. I smiled at his voice, but tried to wipe it off remembering that Jack was right next to me.

"Um, nothing why?" I asked.

"Loser, what you have no friends?" he teased.I chuckled.

"Anyways, guess what!" he said quickly

I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off. "In a week we're gonna be doing a show down there!" he said. I wanted to do a little happy dance but Jack was here with me.

"No way! Get me and my roomies some tickets!" I said. He began to laugh.

"Nah, just thought I should tell you and not let you go." he said. I gasped.

"Fine I won't come!" I said as if I sounded offended.

"Fine don't!" he said

"Fine!" I laughed.

"Kay I gotta go, love you." he said quickly. He hung up before I could say it back. The words just made me want to do flips. I knew he didn't mean it how I wished he would, but I just love to hear him say it. I turned back to Jack and put my arms around his shoulders and standing on my tipi toes I was up to his height.

"You look happy." he laughed.

"Who was that?" he asked as he pecked my lips and dropped his hands down to my lower back.

"Just some old friends." I said making sure his hands didn't go any further down my backside.

"Like who?" he asked.

"One of their names is Jarred , he just called their gonna be in town for a little." I said. He suddenly stopped kissing me pulled me back so he could look at me in the eyes.

"So what are you going to do with them?" he asked carefully.

"Nothing, we're just friends." I said sounding offended.

"Yeah, well let's keep it that way." he said and pulled my hair back so he kiss me more passionately.

That night he said he would pick me up from work. I was cleaning up and fixing myself up at the same time, which is very hard, I got mixed up with the spray's and accidental put disinfectant in my hair and hairspray on the table. My phone rang and I answered.

"Hey Roxy, coach is having us practice late tonight so can we put our date off for tomorrow?" he asked. I heard someone elses voice in the background, a girl's voice.

"Uh, yeah no problem I have a lot-" I began to say but he cut me off.

"Okay great, talk to you later." he said and then hung up on me. No 'I love you" or 'sorry babe', like he used to say. I raised an eyebrow in thought. He probably was running late and needed to go.

"And that girl's voice?" the little voice inside me asked

"Just a cheerleader, they usually practice at the same time." I said.

"Then why was there only one girl's voice?" she asked.

"I don't know, you're not making me feel any better you know." I snapped back to her. I didn't sweat it at first, but when I got back to the dorm George was sitting with Sophie doing homework.

"Hey guys." I mumbled.

"Oh, do you guys want to go to a concert?" I asked. Sophie ignored my question.

"Why aren't you with Jack? I thought you two had a date?" She asked putting her pencil to her lip.

"He has practice." I said sitting down next to them. George and Sophie exchanged confused looks to each other then looked back at me.

"They're working on the field, practice has been canceled for about two days now." George said. I looked up at them with a concerned look. Maybe he was just busy and needed to make up an excuse, I'm sure he's just hanging out with some friends and didn't want to offend me.

"Oh, but do you guys want to go to a concert?" I asked trying to change the subject so I wouldn't have to think about it anymore.

"Roxy, doesn't the fact that Jack lied to you bug you?" George asked.

"Yeah, but maybe he's just hanging out with some friends and didn't want to hurt me." I said trying to make the poor excuse believable to them and myself.

"Yeah, how many of those friends are girls?" Sophie asked. She was right he did flirt with other girls a little. Screw it, he flirted with other girls all the time.

"Can we just drop it?" I asked getting irritated.

"Sorry." Sophie said quietly and began to write on her paper.

"So do you want to go to a concert?" I asked again. George looked up at me.

"With what money?" he asked. I smiled

"I took care of everything, just tell me, do you want to go to a My Chemical Romance concert?" I asked saying the bands name slowly. Sophie threw her head up and looked at me with white eyes, her face looked as if she had seen a ghost.

"Yes!" The both yelled simultaneously. I giggled.

"Okay then it's next week, so make sure you got all your shit done adn I think they're gonna pick us up." I said.

"Who's they?" Sophie asked.

"My friends, remember? They're gonna be here the same Time My Chemical Romance is and they're gonna go to the concert too, so you'll be able to meet them."

"Sweet!" George said